
Chapter 12 - Erin

My brain has imploded. I always thought of myself as being open-minded. I believe that all things are possible in a universe of infinite possibilities. I’ve always considered myself a Pagan and have always enjoyed books and programming about the supernatural. But even with that mindset, I still didn’t believe any of it was real.

So to be sitting in my living room and having the guy I’m interested in, my boss, telling me he’s a werewolf, I’m flabbergasted. He must be messing with me. But he says he’s serious, and he looks serious. Yet still, my brain can’t wrap my head around this.

Hale is a werewolf, or he was. I was stumped on how it’s possible to stop being a werewolf until he explained. If my heart didn’t already break for him losing his wife before, it was shattered now. She wasn’t just a wife to him; she was his soulmate.

The softness to his voice and the pain I could see in those blue eyes as he talked about losing her and his wolf. No wonder this man hasn’t dated since her death. How the fuck could anyone compare to that? What woman could measure up to a soulmate? I don’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell.

I didn’t even know what to say or how to react. But my inability to find a proper response to all this didn’t matter. My kids didn’t have the same reservations as I did that this was true or the same concern about having to measure up to not just a deceased wife but to his soulmate.

They launched themselves at poor unsuspecting Hale, hugging the air out of him. My kids have always been the aggressive hugger types. They will hug you like Elmyra from Tiny Toon Adventures if they hug you. I winced on Hale’s behalf as he and the armchair he was sitting in nearly toppled backward at the force of two hundred-ish combined pounds landing on him.

They didn’t even say anything, just latched onto him, hugging him so tight he gasped for breath. “Ow…um… thanks. But think… you could let me… go? I… need air.”

“Stop trying to hug the life out of him.” I scolded, trying to pry my children off Hale.

“But mom…” River pouted. Their grip holding firm on Hale. This is not what I need today. I doubt having my kids hugging the life out of him fits into keeping things professional. Granted, Hale being here isn’t in line with being professional.

“He lost his wolf and soulmate.” Sage sniffled, squeezing Hale tighter. Why, thank you, Sage. The man I’m attracted to, who happens to be my boss, isn’t just any widower but lost a soulmate. That’s just what I needed to be reminded of.

“I know, Sage. I know you both want to show you care and comfort him. But remember, people need to breathe. So let him go and return to the sofa.” I tried to reason with them. Begrudgingly they let him go and returned to the sofa.

“Are you alright?” I arched my brow as Hale leaned forward, rubbing his neck where Sage had been squeezing him, taking deep breaths.

“I’ll be fine. I haven’t been hugged that hard since Edith nearly crushed the life out of me at the memorial service for Jen.” Hale nodded, still catching his breath.

I’m not sure who Edith is, but I’m going to assume his wife’s name was Jen.

“Right. Um, so I’m still confused about all this. Especially how any of this has to do with what’s happening with my ex.” I shook my head, wanting to focus on anything that isn’t Hale being a wolfless werewolf and supernatural being real.

“Right. Well, it has everything to do with it. Because I don’t have my wolf, I could scent it myself. But David…” Hale started to explain.

“Stripper cop is a werewolf!?” River exclaimed.

“He isn’t a stripper, River. David is an Oregon State trooper and an essential member of my pack. He’s our Luna’s bodyguard.” Hale explained. “But as I was saying. David was able to pick up the distinct scent of your ex. Given your reaction to what I said, you didn’t know, which makes sense as all supernatural safeguards the secret of our existence. But Dane is a werewolf.”

I practically fell back into my chair. “Dane is a werewolf? No…that. That doesn’t make any sense. I mean, I can’t say I know many werewolves. But Dane is very different from you or even that brief encounter I had with David. If you are an example of what a werewolf is, Dane couldn’t be one.” I shook my head in disbelief.

“Wait, if sperm donor fuckhead is a werewolf, does that mean we are too?” River sat up, excitement dancing in their amber eyes.

“That would be so cool. I want to be a werewolf. Are there non-binary werewolves? What about trans? Lesbian? Gay?” Sage was bouncing in place again as they started peppering Hale with questions.

“Slow down.” Hale held a hand up. “It would make you hybrids, yes. This is not a guarantee of having a wolf spirit. It will take a skilled person like our Beta female to identify if a wolf spirit is within you before your sixteenth full moon.” He explained.

“So, there is a chance? What are the chances we will have wolves?” River questioned.

“April needs to get here like yesterday! I want to turn sixteen and see if I have a wolf!” Sage’s smile widened. “I want to know what my wolf will look like. Will they be non-binary like me? So many options.”

“I think we all need to take a moment and not get ahead of ourselves. We are still basing this on Hale saying he’s a werewolf. No offense, but there isn’t any proof werewolves exist. And I’d rather the kids not get excited about something that might just be nothing.” I rationalized.

“I understand your apprehension, Erin. That’s why I texted my son to come. I may not have my wolf anymore, but he has his. So, he can provide proof.” Hale assured. At least he wasn’t expecting me to buy into this so quickly.

“Now, to answer your questions. I’m unsure if trans, non-binary, or gender fluid members are in the werewolf community. I know there aren’t any within my pack. As for the sexuality of werewolves, many fall under the LGBQ umbrella.” Hale began calmly answering Sage and River’s questions.

“So, the werewolf community is accepting of all that?” River questioned as Sage blinked in awe at the idea of not only a supernatural community but a community accepting of others.

“We do. Werewolves mate for life. It doesn’t matter what the gender or our mate is. A mate is your soulmate. They are your other half, the piece that completes you. So, everything else doesn’t matter. One of my pack members learned that the hard way a few years ago when he found himself mated to an Alpha of a pack in Sicily.” Hale nodded.

The way he talks about mates is just driving the knife deeper into my heart. There is no way I could measure up to his mate. She was his perfect match, the one that completed him. I need to put it out of my mind. Hale is not going to be the guy for me.

“That is so cool! So there is an Alpha who’s gay? What’s he like? How many packs are there in the world? How many are in your pack? Are there other supernatural creatures beyond werewolves? Where are they? What are they?” River and Sage started to bombard Hale.

Most people would get annoyed with their constant and loud questions. Yet Hale smiled calmly, letting them get their questions out before answering them. Does this guy ever get agitated?

“Yes, Alpha André is gay. From my understanding, he’s been out since younger than you. I’ve never met him myself, but my son and his fiancée describe him as over the top, always smiling, always looking to improve the lives of others.” Hale described this foreign Alpha.

“I don’t know how many packs are out there, but I’m sure it’s in the thousands. In Bloodmoon, we are over two thousand and growing with each new pup born and mate brought to live here. There are many supernatural creatures, but the dominant groups are werewolves, vampires, demons, angels, and witches. There is a vampire clan here in Portland. My pack is friendly with them, having a pact with them.” Hale answered all of their questions, not once sounding exasperated.

“THAT IS SO COOL!” Sage exclaimed.

“Can we meet the vampires? Are there any angels and demons we can meet? What about witches? Are there witches around?” River continued with their questions.

“I don’t know the clan personally, but possibly. The pack to our north, Silverclaw, has a vampire as their Delta female. I don’t know any angels or demons personally. As for witches, I think the closet coven is Seattle.” Hale shrugged.

This was getting to be way too much. All of the supernatural creatures are real? My kids readily accepted this, hanging on Hale’s every word while I was still trying to process this. I sighed in relief when someone rang the doorbell.

“That’s probably all the food my kids ordered.” I assumed, heading for the door. Maybe some food will help get me through this. I blinked, opening the door to see a good-looking blonde that reminded me of Hale. He wasn’t holding delivery bags, so he was not the delivery guy.

“Let me guess, EMomma?” The blonde smirked. Well, that confirmed who I was looking at.

“Let me guess, Austin?” I arched my brow.

“The one and only. Where’s my dad? Is he alright? He said he was, but your door looks like something big and dangerous tried to break it down.” Austin questioned, looking past me.

“Oh, never mind, I hear him.” Austin nodded and walked past me. Rude little shit, I don’t care whose son he is, I’m gonna smack him. He just waltzed into my home without being invited in.

“Hey, I didn’t say you could come in!” I yelled, following him. He didn’t even seem bothered by me as he looked at my kids on the sofa, still grilling Hale for answers about werewolves and everything supernatural.

“We signed you up for a dating app, and you find the one with hybrid kids from thousands of women. Well, I guess the Goddess has her reasons. So, what did you call me here for? And if it’s to babysit so you and their mom can go screw, you are shit out of luck. I have a date with Suzanne tonight.” Austin chuckled, no filter whatsoever.

Hale groaned, running a hand over his face. “Austin, do not make me use your full given name. You are acting rudely. First, apologize to Erin for barging into her home and drawing inappropriate conclusions.”

“Oh, come on, dad.” Austin groaned.

“Apologize, now, Cl….” Hale started to speak, but Austin’s growl cut him off.

“Fine. Just do not say that name.” Austin grumbled, turning to me. “My apologies, Miss Erin. It was rude to walk into your home when you hadn’t invited me in. A request to come here from my dad doesn’t give me access to roam freely around your home. As for the comment about you and my dad screwing, I’m sorry if it offended you. I was just trying to tease him. But he does need to get laid.”

I blinked, not sure how to reply to his apologies. “If mom and Hale Daddy want to fuck, they can go to mom’s room. We’ll just watch a loud movie. But answers first!” River shouted as Sage giggled. I covered my face with both hands. I wish they could learn to censor themselves.

“Answers?” Austin raised an eyebrow. “What did you call me here for, dad?”

Hale cleared his throat, giving a stern look to my kids before answering his son. “You already said they are hybrids. I’ve explained as much as I could about werewolves being real. However, I cannot prove it.”

“Prove it?” Austin furrowed his brow. “You called me here to strip for your girlfriend and her kids? That’s messed up.” Austin chuckled.

“Strip? Whoa, he’s going to strip?” River and Sage shared a curious look as they sized Austin up.

“No one is stripping!” I shouted. “Why would your son need to, as he calls it, strip?” I questioned, looking at Hale.

“When a werewolf shifts to their wolf, their human clothes are torn. Austin is being crass about it, but he would need to undress to avoid ripping his clothes.” Hale explained.

“Let’s get this done then. Give me some room. If you would, Miss Erin, take a seat. I wouldn’t want you to get hurt when I shift to my wolf accidentally.” Austin gestured me to a chair.

“Um… okay.” I frowned, still skeptical, as I moved to the chair. My kids even sat quietly, all their focus on Austin as he started to disrobe.

I’m officially going to hell. I’m sitting in my living room with my kids, the man I’m attracted to, watching his twenty-something son strip down to his boxers.


Well, David may not have been a stripper-gram, but it looks like Austin gets to be a play stripper in this awkward situation.

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Comments (19)
goodnovel comment avatar
Samantha White Riley
I was hoping beyond hope that Hale was going to be blessed by the goddess with a new wolf spirit
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
Wish I could see Austin strip but by your description he is hot as the other males lol
goodnovel comment avatar
Karina Vazquez
They are perfectly match as brothers indeed

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