
Chapter 9 - Hale

Who would have thought avoiding a woman would be so complicated? Especially a woman you’ve only talked to a couple of times before realizing it was an HR violation to pursue her. I’ve had to take a new path through the office to avoid her desk. Yes, I know it’s childish. But better safe than sorry. So if I don’t see her, I’m not tempted to get closer to her.

I’ve kept communication to business emails only. And while I haven’t blocked Erin on Kindred Spirits, I’ve not reached out to her, nor has she reached out to me. It’s for the best. Even if I want to apologize for my delivery of the information, I’m MountHD, and we can’t have any non-business contact. I was rude to drop that on her. To make the decision and walk away without giving her a say.

It doesn’t sit well that I possibly hurt her feelings. I tell myself it was all for the best. I’ve even tried to reassure myself she’s probably talking to several men on that app. Losing me as a match is no significant loss. There may be some creeps out there, but there must be others looking for a connection that would find Erin to be the beautiful and unique woman she is.

I’ve tried to connect with some of the women who have messaged me or whom I matched with. But the conversations, if you can call them that, always turn sexual quickly, and I’m not looking for a hookup. I was never that sort of man. And when I tried to steer the conversation back to normal, getting to know each other, they would stop talking to me.

I suppose this modern dating and the women who use this app are simply looking for a quick fuck. Well, not Erin. She didn’t seem interested in jumping directly to sex. The closest our conversations got to that subject was discussing past relationships. I’m not sure if her children’s father was the last man she was with, but she did know Jennifer was the only woman I’d been with.

This is another thing when conversations with other women go to marital status. apparently, there are married people on this app, and at least a couple of the ladies learned the hard way. I was honest and said I’m a widower; some were about it, and others stopped talking to me.

I rolled my eyes, putting my phone aside as another conversation quickly turned to the woman trying to sext me. I blame Austin for even knowing what a sext is. I’d have been fine going the rest of my life not knowing about it. I’m all for dirty talk and role play, but only in person and private.

“Why so glum, dad?” Austin questioned, taking a seat on the sofa and taking the remote from the coffee table. Of course, he’s going to change the channel. I don’t mind. I was staring through the episode of whatever cooking show I had on. I don’t know what the name of the show was. That’s how much I was paying attention.

“Who says I’m glum?” I countered, arching my eyebrow. Austin flipped through the various offerings our collective streaming services offered before putting on an old favorite of his, Monty Python and The Holy Grail. Not sure where his interest in it came from as I didn’t watch them, and I know my father wouldn’t find them funny.

“I do. I’m not blind, dad. You’ve been moping all week. What happened? And issue with a woman on the app or multiple women on there?” Austin arched a brow, turning to look at me.

“I want to uninstall that damned app.” I huffed, glaring at my phone to the amusement of my son.

“What’s the problem? Too many women looking to get with you? And think they haven’t even seen your face. Say what you want about grandfather, but we Shelton men are a handsome bunch.” He winked before swiping my phone before I could stop him.

“Austin! Will you knock that off? Give me my phone back.” I insisted, getting out of my recliner and holding my hand out.

“I want to see what kind of messages you are getting.” He chuckled while scrolling through my messages on the app. “Wow, these women are fucking bitches. So dismissive. How dare you want more than a one-night stand. You’d think that’s what they’d want too. The app was promoted as a place to find a real connection, not a quick fuck.”

“Oh wait, here’s someone you talked to more than once. EMomma. And it looks like you both had some serious conversations. But you haven’t talked to her since Monday. What happened?” Austin furrowed his brow, still keeping the phone out of my reach, pressing his foot into my chest to keep me at bay.

“Nothing happened. It’s not something to be concerned with.” I assured him. I didn’t want to discuss details with anyone, least of all my son.

“Oh really, because she’s typing, and that’s not from her. How can she or whoever is messaging under her account know your name, like your real name?” Austin questioned, letting his guard down enough I was able to snatch my phone back. “I didn’t see you give it out, and stuff like that doesn’t start to be revealed automatically until the third day of interactions.”

“What are you talking about? Erin would not be messaging me in the app. We haven’t spoken since Monday for a reason.” I frowned, turning the phone to read the screen. Well, there were messages alright from EMomma, but nothing about their verbiage sounded like Erin.

“Erin? Do you know her name? The plot thickens.” Austin mused. I wasn’t paying attention while reading the rapid-fire hate texts her children were sending me.

EMomma: Hey, Mount Hale Dickhead! Fuck yourself with a rusty fork!

EMomma: What kind of turdblossom are you to not realize our mom is the best!?

EMomma: You made our mom sad, fucktard!

EMomma: Only a total idiot would turn down an opportunity to be with a goddess like our mom for some HR bullshit!

EMomma: Take your HR rules and shove them up your ass!

I was going to send a stern reply advising these kids that they should leave such matters to their mother and me. While I appreciate them standing up for her, wanting to protect her, and wholeheartedly agreeing, I am a total idiot. That, yes, Erin is a goddess. I can’t in good conscience do something that would harm her career. But I didn’t get a chance to finish my first sentence before another message came through.

EMomma: We know we were rude, but Mom needs you! If you know where we live, get here NOW! Something terrible is happening!

EMomma: Someone is trying to force their way into our house! HURRY!

I felt my heart stop and the air in my lungs freeze. This had better not be some trick Erin’s kids are playing. I don’t take pranks like this lightly. But only one way I can find out is to go to Erin’s house.

MountHD: I’m coming, don’t do anything foolish. Just lock the doors and windows. And call 9-1-1.

With that message sent, I quickly got my boots on and grabbed my jacket. “Dad!? DAD! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!?” Austin shouted after me as I hurried to my truck.

“If I don’t text or call you in an hour, call David! Have him track my phone or something! I might need a cop!” I shouted out the window as I quickly backed out of the driveway.

Fuck I don’t know her address. So I did what you shouldn’t do. I was using my phone while driving since my phone has access to company information. I hope Alpha Logan and Beta John will forgive a breach of protocol as I used my position in their company to look up Erin’s address. I plugged the address into my onboard GPS and followed the voice’s directions.

Of course, she has to live closer to Portland than I do. They put her up in Southeast Portland, which feels fitting for the type of person she is, or at least the person I think she is from our conversations. But it’s still almost as far from my place as the office.

I know the speed limit on Interstate 26 is only sixty-five, and while I’m usually a cautious driver who always obeys the traffic laws, I was going eighty-five. And while breaking the speed limit, I turned an hour drive into around forty minutes, with traffic occasionally slowing me down. I can only hope that during the drive.

I pulled into the driveway of the one-story duplex, somewhat reassured, only to see one vehicle that I assumed was Erin’s with the Massachusetts plates. Though walking up to the door, any relief I had went out the window. There were visible cracks in the wood. These weren’t marks from a weapon. Someone powerful beat on that door.

Times like this, I wish I had Jason. Because I can’t imagine a human cracking a solid wood door like that without leaving blood without being on some drug, as I lack a wolf, I can’t scent anyone supernatural. But this is Bloodmoon territory, no one since Noya has been foolish enough to mess with our pack territory. There is the Portland vampire clan, but Ductus Caleb keeps his clan in line. They feed, following his law. So they wouldn’t try to force their way into a random civilian’s home.

I’ll have to get this looked into. Though I still can’t imagine Erin having a connection to anyone supernatural. For all I know, someone scented her as mate and got aggressive. I’m not too fond of that idea. It doesn’t sit well with me that she could be someone’s long-awaited mate or second chance. I took a breath and gently knocked on the door.

“I told you to go away. I will call the cops, you son of a bitch!” Erin shouted through the door. Well, whoever had tried to break in, she is expecting or fearing them returning.

“It’s Hale. You children messaged me on the app that you were in danger.” I explained, stepping back from the door so she could see me through her door’s peephole.

“What did you two do!?” Erin exclaimed before hesitantly opening the front door. To my relief, she was fine. That is to say, unharmed. Not that she isn’t fine in the other meaning of the word.

She had changed from the skirt and blouse she had worn to the office. Her face was clean of makeup; honestly, I liked this better, with her hair in a messy bun. Trading in business attire for black lounge pants and an oversized black tie dye hoodie, she was trying to hide a tee with some saying I can’t read because of the hoodie.

“Why are you here? You didn’t need to come.” Her brow furrowed as she tried to hide with the hoodie. “How did you even know where I live? I doubt my kids would have told you the address.”

“They sounded urgent in the messages. Said someone was trying to break in, and judging by your door, they weren’t exaggerating. So, I may have a bent company policy to get your address from the company server.” I explained. “Are your kids okay? Are you okay?” I questioned, concerned for their safety.

“Oh… I’m fine. So are the kids. I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing. You can go home. I wouldn’t want to violate an HR policy.” She huffed, folding her arms as she half hid behind the door.

“I deserve that.” I sighed, gritting my teeth. I can’t fault her for being cold. I was the one who clearly and albeit rudely told her we could only have a professional relationship. Yet I’m at her door because her kids said she was in danger.

“Fuck yes, you do!” A teenager with spring green hair scoffed, amber eyes narrowing at me behind black square-framed glasses.

“Seriously, how far do you live? We messaged you an hour ago. Big help you turned out to be, Mount Hale Dickweed.” A second teenager, practically a mirror copy of the other except this one had amethyst hair.

“Um, hello to you too. And I live near Mount Hood, thus my screen name. That’s an hour away.” I answered.

“I’m sorry they are incorrigible. It is my fault that I left my phone unattended. They shouldn’t have messaged you.” Erin sighed. “But I suppose you would meet them since we work for the same company. Mr. Shelton, meet my kids, River and Sage. Kids, can you politely greet my boss?”

Mental note, River has the green hair, and Sage has the purple. They didn’t look thrilled despite being the ones that wanted me here. “Hello, Mr. Shithead.” they greeted me with a roll of their eyes, still getting a dig in.

“Since you came all this way, maybe you should talk some shit out with our mom. If you hauled that pretty ass an hour from home cause mom was in trouble, you already violated your precious HR policy in your heart.” River adjusted their glasses, giving me a once over before grabbing their twin and heading out of view further into the house.

“Delightful children you have. Remind me of mine.” I smiled, seeing a bit of Austin in her twins. “I don’t wish to impose. If you want me to leave, I will. I’m just glad you are all okay.”


Looks like a double chapter kind of day. Enjoy!

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Comments (8)
goodnovel comment avatar
Trinity Sanders
Ohhhhh wouldn’t that be AMAZING
goodnovel comment avatar
Trinity Sanders
Yep they are hybrids!!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
LaLa Adz
I wonder if the twins dad is a shifter?!

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