
Chapter 6 - Erin

I was ready not to like him. I was prepared to find out he’s just another inconsiderate asshole. Most men are, especially the handsome ones. So, you can imagine my surprise when he wasn’t. Are there nice guys out there? Or is this just him acting professionally?

That must be it. When I’ve seen Mr. Shelton around the office, he’s being polite and friendly. Okay, all is right in the world. He’s just one of those chameleon guys who can be charming in specific settings but shows his true colors in others.

And at least he wasn’t dismissive of me for no reason. I can’t believe production would do this to me…er us. I may have been responsible for preparing the campaign options, but Mr. Andrews and Mr. Shelton also have a hand in the final campaign.

That’s my excuse for yelling at my director. I’m not usually so unprofessional, but I’d worked hard on this campaign and had three presentations to show Mr. Shelton. I’d walked into this meeting expecting him to pick through the ideas I had, maybe offer constructive criticism, and ultimately select one he wanted to go forward with.

Now I have to start all FUCKING over! Ugh! This is not a good way to start my workday. I feel like going to the ladies’ room and screaming out my frustration. Despite how pissed I was, my brain fizzled when he welcomed me to the company with a smile and handshake. I probably made a fool of myself, blushing over a handshake as I hurried out of his office.

I slumped into my chair, putting my head on my desk. “I am so pathetic. It really has been too long since I was with a man if I’m blushing over a damn handshake with a hot guy. No wonder my kids signed me up for a dating app.” I grumbled to myself.

Speaking of Kindred Spirits, I haven’t checked it this morning. I know my phone vibrated a few times. Maybe MountHD sent me a message. I could use someone to vent to, and possibly he can be that person. And if he hasn’t, perhaps I should send him one.

I quickly glanced around the office to ensure no one would notice me on my phone. Everyone was busy, so I quickly took my phone out and opened the app. I wrinkled my nose as I glanced at the inbox of flirty messages.

I must hand it to some of these guys. Taking away their ability to send dick pics has made them more creative. For example, XxDarkestDaysxX had my attention, at least at first glance, to his message. It quickly went downhill when I reread it.

XxDarkestDaysxX: Good morning, lovely EMomma. A woman like you should be waking up to breakfast in bed. I’m an excellent chef, and I bet you’d really enjoy my sausage in your mouth. ;)

Ugh. Did this guy seriously just say that? It’s too early for this shit. And if his ‘sausage’ is the size of a breakfast sausage link, I don’t want it. You know what? I’m going to tell him that. Men need to learn sex innuendos and dick references aren’t what women want.

EMomma: If your sausage is that small, no woman will want it. And FYI, women don’t want pick-up lines and dick references, least of all first thing in the morning. So, move along. We’re done here.

XxDarkestDaysxX: Frigid bitch! Bet you’re a fugly porker who couldn’t get a man to touch her if they saw her face. No wonder you’re on an app like this.

Did his words hurt? Sure. I know I’m on the heavy side and that the media has pushed this idea that beautiful women are skinny, so men are conditioned to look for women like that. I don’t want or need men like that in my life. Been there, done that, didn’t even get a t-shirt.

So, I didn’t bother interacting further with him, just blocked him and moved on. If only you could block people in real life. I decided to stop checking the new messages and find my ongoing chat with MountHD. There was nothing new from him, but that’s not a bad thing. He said he’s a marketing director for a company. He’s a responsible adult and is at work. So, of course, he wouldn’t send me a message.

What does that make me, then? I’m sitting at work about to message him. Will he judge me for it? I could sit here stressing and overthinking how he’ll react to a message sent during business hours, or I can send it, maybe vent my frustrations, and then focus on my new task.

EMomma: Morning. I’m sure, like me, you’re busy at work. But I was hoping you’d be willing to let me vent.

I set my phone aside and pulled up the email Mr. Shelton forwarded with the new product details. I wasn’t going to hold my breath for a fast response. If I don’t hear in a few minutes, I’ll just move on with my day and vent after work when he probably has more time to chat.

Fuck, they really did change it. I had thought it was just a few modifications, but this is an entirely different product. I hope to use some of my ideas, so I’m not starting completely from scratch. But it’s going to be a stretch. As I started reading the details, I nearly jumped out of my skin as my phone buzzed.

I thought it was a call or message about one or both of my kids. I haven’t had any since I got them enrolled at school here and into a special program geared to individuals on the Autism spectrum. But it’s only a matter of time.

People need to listen to the context before concluding anything about my kids or anyone’s meaning. I got calls often back in Massachusetts because my kids would say or do something that they couldn’t handle or that their method of handling only made things worse. Like Sage getting put on suicide watch at a hospital because they expressed frustration over constantly being intentionally misgendered.

I exhaled in relief when it wasn’t the school but a notification from Kindred Spirits. I glanced around the office again to confirm no one was paying attention to me before quickly opening the app to see if it was MountHD. I smiled when I saw the notification was for a new message from him. Work could wait a little bit longer. It’ll still be there for me to stress over in a few minutes.

MountHD: Good Morning, EMomma. And well, you are right, I am at work. I’m taking an early coffee break. Today is one of those days I will need plenty of them. And sure, feel free to vent.

EMomma: I hear that. I’m about a second from taking a break to scream in the ladies’ room. My morning hasn’t gone the way I wanted. An assignment I was working on just sank like the Titanic.

MountHD: Oh wow. What went wrong?

EMomma: I got in to be told by my boss’s boss that everything was changed, and I have to start over but still meet the same deadline. *eye roll emoji*

MountHD: Ouch. That’s the worst. My inbox blew up with messages early this morning for something similar.

MountHD: And, of course, I had to be the bad guy delivering the news. I don’t like giving bad news.

EMomma: Aw, I’m sure if you told them empathetically, they wouldn’t be too upset.

MountHD: I hope I came off as empathetic. Though my employee was upset and a bit frazzled when leaving my office. Did your boss come off as some asshole?

EMomma: A little? I don’t know. His words could be dismissive, but he had a polite smile. Hard to read what’s real and what’s fake. *shrug*

MountHD: Oh, I know that type. The ones that will smile to your face, but with their choice of words, sometimes you can’t help but wonder how fake that smile is and what they think and feel about you.

EMomma: Exactly! And since I’m new to the company, I want to prove myself, which makes this setback on my first actual project harder to swallow.

MountHD: I’m sure you’ll do well. You’re a woman that can handle anything life throws at her. If you can manage your twins solo, you can handle this. Remember, in an office setting, you have others you can lean on and collaborate with to reach the goal.

I smiled because I started this chat to vent and probably still feel frustrated about the situation, yet MountHD had turned that all around. He’s right. I can handle this. It’s nothing compared to all the things I handle from moment to moment with my kids. And I do have resources here. I know I can ask my colleagues; I can approach Mr. Andrews, and if I’m feeling brave, I could approach Mr. Shelton.

EMomma: Awe <3 Thank you! You knew just what to say to make me feel better. You must be magic or something. I think I can tackle this project now. :)

MountHD: Glad to be of help. Good luck. I should get back to work. So have a good workday. Maybe we can chat more this evening.

Yeah, I know I’m grinning like a fool. What of it? He’s so sweet. Plus, he wants to keep chatting! I want to keep talking to him too. Even if it never goes anywhere, he’s already proving to be a supportive friend.

EMomma: Sounds like a good plan. Have a good day too! TTYL.

With my worries lightened, I put my phone away and put all my focus on the new campaign. And when I started to feel the pressure mounting again, I remembered what MountHD told me. So, by my lunch break, I was still feeling good and had even sent some initial concepts to Mr. Andrews and Mr. Shelton to keep them in the loop of my progress.

My stomach dropped as I sat in the company cafeteria, only for Mr. Shelton to stop at my table with his lunch. “May I sit, Miss Carlisle? I know this is your lunch hour, but I had something I wanted to discuss.” Mr. Shelton’s deep voice sent a shiver down my spine.

“Um… of course, Mr. Shelton.” I conceded, gesturing to a chair across from me.

My mind was sorting through all the possible reasons he would want to talk to me. I knew I’d sent an email before signing out for lunch. Did he not like my idea?


They are just adorable in chat. What does Hale need to talk to her about on her lunch?

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
He has to have figured it out... right?
goodnovel comment avatar
Artemas J. R. Broyles
I love that they are cluelessly chatting to each other about each other. Makes me wonder what will happen at the big reveal :)

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