
Epilogue -Suzanne Part 2

“Suzanne, I didn’t need someone to complete me. I needed someone to accept me completely, and you are that someone.” Austin had a sincere expression on his face as he spoke his vows.

I sniffled back tears because I’d be damned if I ruined my make-up. I took a calming breath, passing my bouquet to Diann as his father handed him the dark cherry wood rings with rose and coffee gold-tone edges and a thin strip through the middle.

“With this ring, I Clement Austin Shelton, take you, Suzanne Bernice Walterson, to be my wife. I vow to value our differences just as much as our common ground. I’ll love you forever on good or bad days, rain or shine. I’m so lucky you’re mine.” He smiled as he slid the ring onto my finger.

Now it was my turn. I worked hard on my vows, hoping they come out right.

“Austin, I choose you to be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you and trusting what I do not yet know.  You make me feel happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible.” I recited.

I held my hand out to Hale as he put Austin’s ring in my hand. Looking into his eyes, I slipped the ring on Austin’s finger.

“With this ring, I, Suzanne Bernice Walterson, take you, Clement Austin Shelton, to be my husband. I promise to respect you as a person with your own interests, desires, and needs. And to realize that those are sometimes different but no less important than mine. With kindness, honesty, and trust, I will work by your side to create a wonderful life together.” I made my vow.

As the officiant pronounced us man and wife, permitting Austin to kiss me, he was already doing just that. All to the sound of whistles and cheers.

Thankfully the werewolves in attendance didn’t start howling. I think that would have confused our human guests.

While everyone headed to the outdoor reception area, the wedding party and our families went to take pictures. Grace looked adorable in her lavender party dress, and Asher was cute in his little suit.

I could tell Diann was antsy to find whoever the source of that scent was. I give her credit for staying around for the pictures. Especially as we were taking pictures in my favorite spot. There was a wooden circle swing covered in flowers hanging from one of the trees.

As Diann and I posed for a picture of just us, I felt her tense, looking beyond the photographer. I cocked my head to see who she was staring at.

I didn’t recognize him, but I knew he was a werewolf. A man with short brown hair, a matching manicured light beard, brown eyes, and an olive complexion, dressed in a blue suit, stood beyond my photographer with his eyes focused on Diann, nostrils flaring.

“What is Valter doing over here? I know André wanted to bring him to Bloodmoon and Silverclaw to look for a mate, but he didn’t need to bring him to the wedding.” Stephen groaned, starting to head over to Valter.

“Valter…” Diann whispered the name.

It finally clicked why they were staring like that. I nudged Diann.

“Go. He’s your mate, go. We have plenty of pictures together.” I whispered, nudging her again.

It was enough as she ran across the grass, passing my brother before throwing herself at Valter. I whistled loudly, laughing as he caught her and wordlessly kissed her.

Stephen shook his head and walked back over, no longer needing to send Valter away. I’m glad she found her mate. I still don’t know who Valter is, but I’ll find out eventually.

“Stephen, who is Valter that André would bring him all the way here?” I questioned.

“Oh, he’s the Gamma Heir of Incubi. Used to date Regina before they turned sixteen and realized they weren’t mates.” Stephen shrugged.

“Oh… I bet Ivan is his biggest fan.” I snickered.

“Let’s say there are reasons Ivan and Regina live in Madonie even though she’s the Beta Heir of Incubi. But maybe now that he won’t think Valter is a threat, he’d be willing to move.” Stephen shrugged before scooping Grace up into his arms.

“Come on, don’t you have to appear at your reception?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Maybe we thought to skip the reception and just duck out to our honeymoon.” Austin smirked as he wrapped his arms around me, leaning his head on my bare shoulder.

I chuckled, rolling my eyes, turning my head to give him a stern look.

“Oh hell no. I can smell that buffet calling my name, and I’m not skipping out on that four-tier wildflower honey sponge cake with caramel buttercream.” I shook my head.

“Fine… for the cake, I’ll forgo skipping the reception to start our honeymoon.” Austin winked.

What a shithead. I rolled my eyes, taking his hand and following our families as we made our way to the reception. Everyone, but Valter and Diann, was already mingling at their tables.

Given the way Stephen’s eyes glazed for a moment, I’m guessing André was asking about Valter’s whereabouts. Or that’s my guess because André busted out laughing when no one was talking to him.

The food was fantastic, with two choices of salad, four meat choices, three veggies, and four starch sides. I’m glad we went buffet style too. The buffet had something for everyone. No one would be leaving hungry with a spread like this.

After everyone had something to eat, it was time to dance before dessert. An acoustic version of In Your Eyes started as Austin led me to the dance floor. We’d taken some lessons not to make fools of ourselves as we aren’t precisely graceful dancers.

The party kicked off from there. I could tell how the human guests found it hard to keep up with the werewolves. We do tend to have more stamina than a human.

Looking around the dance floor, I smiled at everyone having fun. Some were dancing in groups, but there were plenty of couples. I cocked my head, seeing Lando dancing very close to a girl I didn’t recognize.

Lando recently turned sixteen, and while he’s no Austin, I’ll always be biased about my mate… er husband; Lando grew up hot. His hair isn’t as fluffy, but I think it’s because he straightened it.

I couldn’t figure out who the girl was. So I made my way around the dance floor till I spotted his fathers.

“Hey, André.” I pumped my hips with him as he danced.

“Behold the bride!” André grinned, lifting me by the waist as he spun me before sitting me down.

I laughed, shaking my head at him.

“That’s enough lifting my wife. I don’t care that you’re an Alpha and gay.” Austin grumbled, pulling me against him by the hip.

“Anyway. I have a question for you. Who’s the girl Lando’s dancing with? I don’t recognize her, and they seem a bit close.” I went right to my question.

“Oh, that’s Talia, Kurt’s little sister. We discovered they are mates the other night when we visited Silverclaw. They’ve been joined at the hip since.” André chuckled, obviously proud his son found his mate.

“We should count ourselves lucky they haven’t jumped and marked each other.” Darren sighed.

“Fair. I’m sure Diann and Valter are off doing that right now.” I shrugged, looking around, not seeing them.

“Oh, if only all initial mate meetings ended in sex. But some mates make us wait what feels like forever to fuck them.” André laughed, getting a dirty look from Darren.

“Would’ve been nice. But I’m not going to complain.” Austin snickered as I elbowed him.

“Suzie, Austin… oh, excuse me. But Hale said it was time for you to cut the cake. Then if you want, you can duck out of the party.” Hale’s girlfriend interrupted, nervously smiling as she glanced at André and Darren.

“CAKE! Yes, move along, little ones. I have been eyeing that cake since it was brought out.” André shouted, pointing to the cake.

It did look amazing. The bottom tier resembled a tree stump, while the upper three tiers were more black but still resembled bark with fondant cherry blossoms trailing up the side.

“Oh good, they are going to give us a knife. Just don’t stab me.” Austin warned, guiding me to the cake.

Following tradition, we fed each other the cake. Or tried. I shoved Austin’s piece into his face, getting frosting and cake all over him.

“Asher gets less messy eating!” Grace scolded while everyone else laughed.

“You’ll pay for that.” Austin narrowed his eyes.

I tried to get away but found myself being held still. Glancing to my left and right, I saw the twins, Hale’s girlfriend’s kids, holding my arms with big grins on their faces.

“Get her, bro!” They practically cackled.

“Oh, you three are so dead.” I warned through gritted teeth as Austin came closer with a piece of cake in his hand.

I cringed, preparing to get cake in my face. Instead, I screeched as Austin rubbed the cake, frosting side first, up my neck. Then the shithead licked it! He licked the frosting off my neck.

The twins let me go running away, laughing, knowing my revenge would come. I’ll get revenge on Austin tonight though he’s probably going to like that.

“Delicious as always.” Austin winked, taking my hands so I couldn’t hit him.

“Now, let’s get the hell out of here. We have a honeymoon to start.” He smirked, tugging me away as my parents took over cutting and serving cake to the hungry guests.

We barely took a moment to say goodbye to anyone passing a disheveled Diann and Valter, stumbling out of the space she and I had changed before the wedding. I think they mumbled excuses, but I didn’t pay attention as we hurried to our getaway car to catch our flight to Key West for some time at the beach.


Oh, those vows! Be still my heart. And all the new couples! Diann and Valter, the delta heir of Incubi! Lando and Talia (Kurt's half-sister)! And it looks like that dating app worked out if Hale has his girlfriend at the wedding.

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Comments (8)
goodnovel comment avatar
Amanda McCracken
Ohhhhhh More stories ............
goodnovel comment avatar
Annette Barber
u out did ur self again what a wonderful job
goodnovel comment avatar
Natasha Bridgman
Ohh I can't wait to read about all the other couples. Lando and talias book is gonna be great. I think Kurt will have a few problems with his sister finding her mate.

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