
Chapter 7 - Leo

That Amber Alert has me on edge. I keep reminding myself that I’m safe on the train. No one knows I got on the train. Well, the cab driver knew I had gone to the train station. But he wouldn’t know what train I took, plus I changed my hair and used the last of my scent-covering spray. So even if the pack found the cab driver and told them where he dropped me off, they wouldn’t know what train I got on. My scent might, at best, lead them to the store where and then the bathroom at the train station.

Oh, fuck! If they followed my scent to the store, they might discover I had bought the dye. Crap! This isn’t good. Dad won’t give up quickly, and Fucker seems to be set on me for some stupid ass reason. Why can’t he leave me alone and find his actual mate and let me find mine? Though I’d feel bad for whomever his mate is. Why would the Goddess pair any soul with that scumbag?

I felt like I was sweating so bad that the lady next to me could notice as my mind went through all these worst-case scenarios. I know inside me there is an optimist. A person that believes this will all work out. The optimist deep inside my head says I’ll get there, and I won’t see any cops or pack members waiting for me. My pessimist side, of course, is winning and calling the optimist a dumbass.

Getting off the train in Chicago, my pessimist side was smug when I noticed an odd number of cops at the station. And fuck my life, they are all walking around with that fucking picture from the Amber Alert. I ducked my head, keeping my hood up as an officer approached the lady I’d been sitting with on the train.

“Ma’am, we have reason to believe that this missing girl was traveling on this train. Did you see a girl that looks like this?” He questioned.

The woman peered closer at the image. “Oh, the Amber Alert girl. No, I didn’t see her on board. But it was a pretty full train.”

“They may have been forced to cut or change their hair to throw us off the trail. Did you see a girl get on with someone else and look like she was there against her will? Maybe someone who was on edge or cagey?” He continued to prod.

“Nothing like that. Sorry. I hope you find that girl.” She shrugged, and I let out the breath I’d been holding as she walked away. I blinked as she looked at me and winked. Holy fuck did she know? Did she just… oh damn, she just covered for me!

I hurried to the bathrooms to stay out of sight and count my cash. I don’t know how much I have left and if it would be enough to get me very far. I don’t know if that’s a good idea because there are so many cops here. I don’t want them to catch me or know where I’m going.

I frowned as I counted out what cash I had left after the bus fare that didn’t get me past Buffalo, the train here, not to mention the supplies to change my hair. I don’t know if that would get me to Portland. I’m down to my last three hundred.

Hesitantly I left the bathroom and went to the ticket counter, doing my best to avoid the cops. I looked at the train options and frowned when I spotted the train for Portland. I don’t have two hours to wait, but maybe I could hide that long if I can afford a ticket. So I took a deep breath and went to the counter.

“How much is a ticket to Portland?” I asked.

“The only seating we have left on the next train arriving in Portland is a cabin for two thousand three hundred twenty-eight dollars.” The teller answered, looking bored, probably knowing I didn’t have that kind of money.

“Oh… thank you.” I frowned, moving out of line.

I wanted to cry in frustration. I need to think of something. I can’t afford a train out of here and don’t know Chicago to try and make a run for it into the city. I don’t have my wolf yet, and my family and park are on my trail. I want River! I wish I had a way of… oh wow am I seeing things?

I was thinking about how I wanted to call River but couldn’t because I left all my electronics at home, and bam, my salvation is here in ancient technology! I was hiding in a bay of PAYPHONES! I didn’t think these things were real anymore. Yet when I picked one up, I heard a dial tone. HOLY FUCK, they still work!

I dug into my pockets, found some change, and dumped as much as it would let me in. Good thing I have River’s phone number memorized. My parents have taken my phone away enough that I had to remember to call them through other means. I hope that they pick up.

“Hello?” River’s deep voice greeted me, obviously unsure who was calling with that upward inflection. All I know is that my nerves had settled when I heard their voice. I felt at peace and safe just hearing their voices.

“WOLFIE!” I exclaimed in joy and relief. I’ve missed River so much. I know it wasn’t that long ago we talked, but it feels like forever. Maybe because of everything that’s happened since then.

“BUNNO!” They shouted back. I grinned like a fool at how excited they were. I know I have a lot to explain to them, but I also don’t have much time. Plus, I don’t want to explain most of what I need over the phone.

“I don’t have much time. And I’m sorry to be doing this to you. But I’m in major trouble. I’m stuck in Chicago and don’t have enough money to get anywhere, and there are cops after me. Dad has gone off the deep end.” I hurriedly explained, keeping my eyes out for cops, trying to keep my head down to avoid them taking notice of me.

“I know. I saw the Amber Alert. Me, dad, and a friend are coming to try and get you.” They’re coming to get me!? Their dad and a friend are with them? What friend? If it were Sage with them, they would’ve said so. Same with if it was their brother Austin. Oh Goddess, they are so sweet!

“Um… we have a lot to talk about, but….” River started to explain before the phone was taken from them.

“Leo, this is Hale. Here is what you are going to do. Go to the ticket counter, tell them you are Leo Shelton and that your dad Hale Shelton purchased you a ticket to Minneapolis with a card ending in 8679. The train leaves in fifteen minutes. Get on the train and keep your head down. We will meet you in Minneapolis.” Hale outlined.

I blinked as I heard a new voice. I’m not as familiar with Hale’s voice, well, not speaking directly to him. I’ve heard him in the background on calls with River and Sage. He always sounded like a nice guy. He had to be for Erin to have fallen in love with him. And it takes a special guy for River and Sage to call him dad.

I didn’t know how special Hale was until now. He doesn’t know me. Okay, Hale knows about me through River and their family. But Hale has never met me, yet here he is helping me. He’s hit the road with River to come to look for me, and now this? Oh wow, momma Carlisle hit the jackpot with this guy.

“Okay, I got it. Thank you, Mister Shelton.” I thanked him, feeling tears of relief pricking at my eyes. This guy is a damn saint.

“I’ll tell him you said thanks, Bunno. Now go. Don’t miss the train. I’ll see you soon.” River sighed. His voice tells me that he’s as impressed with his dad as me.

“Okay. Love you, Wolfie. See you soon.” I grinned while hanging up the phone. I have a way out of here, and when I reach my destination, I will see River! I returned to the ticket counter through the station, finding the one marked for pickups.

“Hi! I’m Leo Shelton. My dad, Hale, got me a ticket to Minneapolis. He said to say it was paid for with his card ending in… 8679.” I quickly greeted the teller, pausing to remember the card number.

“Just a moment….” The man behind the counter quickly started typing on his computer. “Ah, here we are. Leo Shelton. You have a private room. Here’s your ticket, and have a safe trip.” He smiled while passing the ticket to me.

Oh wow! Hale got me a private room!? “Thanks.” I nodded as I took my ticket and rushed across the station to find the train to Minneapolis.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck, and my arms stand on end. Someone’s watching me. I glanced around, and my heart filled with fear as I saw glowing eyes in the crowd. I don’t know if they are part of my pack or just a local werewolf, but I’m not going to hang around to find out. I ran onto the train, knocking into the guy checking tickets.

“Oh, sorry. Um, here’s my ticket.” I held it up, letting him punch before ducking around and hurrying to the private room.

The moment I was inside the room, I locked the door and pulled the curtains down on the window. A heavy weight settled in the pit of my stomach as I saw those same glowing eyes peering in just before the shade reached to cover the window.

For extra precaution, I hid in the private toilet until the train started to move. I still didn’t feel safe as I dared to venture out and pull the seat out into a bed. I don’t know if I’ll get any sleep, but I want to try at least. It’s a long trip to Minneapolis, and I want to be somewhat refreshed when I see River at long last.


Oh, shit, who's stalking around the train station? Did they get on the train to follow Leo? Will they make it to Minneapolis safe? So much is uncertain. I'll feel better when they are safe with River and the Bloodmoon pack.

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Comments (18)
goodnovel comment avatar
Hopefully it was Ryan.
goodnovel comment avatar
Selma Cole
I’m hoping that it’s David’s informant that was making sure that Leo safely got on the train
goodnovel comment avatar
Rene Miller-Ledford
I saw a phone booth yrs ago,but missing the phone. lol

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