
Chapter 11 - Leo

I had felt relaxed for the first time since River left for Oregon. Okay, so I haven’t been as on edge or mentally and physically drained as I have been since I left home, but after River moved away, I lost my safe space and have not fully relaxed since. So I should have known it was too good to be true.

I should have realized it wouldn’t be as easy as me rushing into River’s arms and having our happily ever after. Real life is never as simple as fairy tales. Cue the other shoe dropping. I looked back to see a truck following us as David’s phone delivered a message from Ryan that Tucker was behind us. I can only think of one Ryan that would be included in an assignment of retrieving a runaway pack member. Ryan Olmstead is known among the pack for his keen tracking abilities. He can find a scent that’s weeks old and follow it.

I never thought of him as a bad guy. And given that he’s been helping River get to me, I was at least right about him. Too bad others in our pack can’t be good like him. Why can’t they just let me go? Why are they all so set on keeping those they classify as a female in the pack? They want to treat them like servants that are either cooking, cleaning, or giving birth—the pinnacle of the ‘in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant’ neanderthal misogynistic mentality.

“Why won’t he leave me alone? Wasn’t me running away enough of a sign that I want nothing to do with Fucker Prickface or the Silvermane pack?” I grumbled. “And now I’ve put all of you in danger along with the Everclaw pack.”

“Bunno, you didn’t put anyone in danger.” River cupped my face, the bond’s sparks making my face tingle with warmth, and inside my mind, I could feel my wolf stirring again. “At least not a danger we weren’t aware of when we came for you. And no matter what, you are worth it. You have and always will be worth fighting for.”

They smiled and kissed my forehead. “Plus, Prescunt has no idea who he’s fucking with.” They added a wink before letting my cheek go to unbuckle.

“R..River, what are you doing?” I asked as they rolled the window down and started to lean out. Worried they’d fall out, and I quickly grabbed them by the waist. “Stay in the vehicle!”

“G****e, text Ryan,” David commanded.

“Texting Ryan. What’s the message?” The phone voice asked.

“Fall back and shield your eyes.” What in the name of the Moon Goddess are they planning? “It’s about to get bright and messy,” David shouted as I was still trying to keep River in the car.

“I got ‘Fall back and shield your eyes. It’s about to get bright and messy.’ Do you want to change or send?” The phone asked to confirm the message.

“Send,” David commanded.

“Light them up, River,” David instructed. “Leo, I suggest you close your eyes to avoid getting blinded.”

I barely had time to react as I noticed River start to glow as they had at the train station. I forced my eyes closed as tight as I could, pressing my face into River’s back. Even taking precautions, I could still see the blinding white light. I can only imagine how intense it must be without shielded eyes.

I winced as I heard screeching tires and the distinct clink thuds of metal slamming against the ground. As much as I dislike Fucker Prickface, I don’t know who else is in the truck with him. So while I hope he was severely hurt and maybe to some degree I hoped he was dead, I don’t want anyone else getting hurt.

River was back in the car, hugging me to them. “It’s okay, Leo. I wasn’t going to fall out the window. I just needed to lean out enough to blind Prescunt.” They assured me as I felt the jeep come to a stop.

“We’re stopping? Shouldn’t we be trying to get to Everclaw faster?” I asked, opening my eyes. We should probably check that people are okay, but I don’t want to stay here, and it becomes a fight. I prefer to run.

“Everclaw will handle things their way. I’m sure we are in range of their pack link for them to relay information without needing to lead these ass clowns any closer to their civilians.” David explained, climbing out of the driver’s seat.

“And no matter what, we should ensure this issue is resolved. Running has a time and a place, Leo. But so does fighting.” Hale added as he followed David.

“It’s going to be okay, Bunno. I’m not letting anyone take you from me. And dad is right. We need to make sure this is resolved. He might keep coming for you if we don’t stand against Prescunt now.” River smiled as they got out too.

Great, now I’m the only one sitting in the jeep. “Stop being a coward, Leo. Face your fears. River is your mate, even if Silvermane won’t want to recognize that every other pack in the world would. You need to stand up for your bond too. It can’t just be on River to protect you.” I tried to psyche myself up as I climbed out of the car.

I gasped as I looked at the wreckage of the truck. Another vehicle, a van, had stopped, and four Silvermane wolves climbed out, rushing to the totaled truck. I watched as they pulled out three more packmates, including Fucker Prickface. No one was dead or badly injured—benefits of being a werewolf. As soon as they all realized that we and wolves from Everclaw had surrounded them, they went on defense. All but one, Ryan.

“How dare any of you to get in my way.” Tucker snarled as he lumbered to his feet. “I am Beta Tucker Prescott of Silvermane! Everclaw wolves, you are aiding and abetting the kidnappers of my mate Marybeth Hanley!” He pointed his finger at me as he glared daggers at River.

“BULL FUCKING SHIT! LEO IS MY MATE, PRESCUNT!!” River roared, their eyes starting to glow bright green as their wolf came forward.

“You have no claim to Leo. As my child has expressed, they are Leo’s fated mate. No matter what deal you made with Leo’s parents, it was done without Leo’s consent and went against the will of the Goddess.” Hale stepped forward, putting himself between Tucker and us.

“Do not disrespect the ways of our pack. We have taken chosen mates for generations. And Marybeth has been promised to me as my chosen mate. A role she will fulfill no matter what you say. Do not interfere with Silvermane business.” Tucker sneered at Hale.

“I want to be clear here. You are saying that you struck an agreement with Theodore and Jane Hanley for them to their sixteen-year-old daughter to be your wife?” David shouted, stepping forward further.

“Stay out of this freakshow. This is how our people have done it since the beginning. Marybeth will be mine and learn to be an obedient mate.” Tucker’s glare shifted to David.

“I’ll take freakshow as a compliment. At least I’m interesting and hot, unlike your dull and fugly ass. No wonder you have to force someone to be your mate.” David laughed, taunting Tucker. “Let me guess, you found your real mate and rejected you the second she looked at you? Or was it less superficial? Did you give her a rundown of how your pack treats females, and then she rejected your ass?”

There was a shift in the air as Tucker was getting angry. I took a step closer to River, gripping their hand as a lifeline. Tucker is no weakling. He’s a Beta for a reason, and everyone in Silvermane knows that his ability to emit a poison gas gets out of control when he loses his temper.

“Wait… let me guess. You found your mate, and it was a dude. He saw you and rejected you because not only did he have standards but wouldn’t be caught dead with a misogynistic bigot.” David’s grin grew wider as Tucker’s rage tripled. “Oh fuck I’m right. You have a male mate and are ashamed that the Goddess knows you’re secretly so deep in the closet you can’t see daylight.”

I saw the others from Silvermane backing away and knew that Tucker was about to make his move. “EVERYONE GET BACK! HE’S ABLE TO RELEASE POISON GAS FROM HIS PORES!” I shouted, tugging River, wanting to get out of range.

“We know.” Hale nodded, clapping his hands together. The ground shook at his movement, precisely the soil around and under Tucker. I watched in awe as the earth rose to surround Tucker, sealing him in an airtight ball.

“But…” I was going to ask if the intention was to suffocate Tucker. Not that he wouldn’t deserve it but killing someone does seem a bit extreme.

My question became moot when a hole at the very top of the sphere expelled the poison into the air being carried about by the wind. River was right. Their dad is impressive. Realizing that Tucker was captured, the others from Silvermane started to try and make a run for it, only to find themselves stopped by Everclaw wolves.

“You’re going nowhere. Your party has crossed into our territory without the permission of Alpha Jackson. You have also caused the injury of four of our packmates. You will face Alpha Jackson’s justice.” One of the Everlcaw wolves spoke.

The sphere that had contained Tucker dropped, not gently either. It just dropped, letting heavy pieces of stone smack into him, leaving him on the ground under the rubble. “What will you do with him?” I nodded hesitantly at him.

“Well, he admitted to taking part in a sex trafficking ring. I think the Feds will be more than happy to take him off our hands and put him in a cell next to your dad.” David shrugged, twirling a pair of cuffs on a gloved hand. Why’s he wearing gloves?

“Silver cuffs.” River whispered, answering my unspoken question as David kicked rubble off Tucker.

“Tucker Prescott, you are under arrest for the attempted abduction and human sex trafficking of….” David started to say before looking up at me. “Sorry, I have to use the legal name. We’ll get it changed for you fast.” He apologized.

Tucker groaned and started to get up, pushing David away. “Get your hands off me. It will… take more than that to bring me down. I am a Beta.” He coughed up some dirt.

“And no one gives a shit.” River declared, having slipped their hands from mine and, before I could protest, shifted to their wolf.

I blinked in awe at their black wolf with green markings. The markings began to glow as he barreled directly into Tucker’s chest. As Tucker fell back, it was almost like making contact with River siphoned the life from Tucker. At least some of it.

It was like that scene in the Princess Bride when they sucked years off Wesley’s life. Tucker’s body seemed to shrink in mass for a moment, wrinkling and graying his hair. Is this what River can do? They aren’t just a light show.


Think Tucker has learned yet? Do not mess with Bloodmoon wolves.

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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kerry Paterson
some how I feel like prescunt hasn't learnt yet not to mess lol .........
goodnovel comment avatar
Haruko Humioka
So cool. Logan should rescue the rest of the pack.
goodnovel comment avatar
thats right River. I hope he gets locked up for a long time.

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