
Epilogue - River Part 1

The last six months have gone so fast. It feels like just yesterday that Leo and I marked each other. And while it feels like time has been on fast forward, it only feels that way because I’m so damn happy. Life is fucking good. It just keeps getting better. So let me catch you up.

First SEX! A LOT of sex! Call me a hornball all you want, but the best week of my life was at the Walterson cottage during Leo’s heat. We didn’t get dressed the whole time because it was pointless as we’d be fucking an hour or so later. I appreciate that the Walterson family let us use the cottage. Leo sent them a lovely gift basket in thanks.

Sex outside of the time we used the cottage was a bit complicated. Sage ended up moving their bed to the basement, saying they didn’t want to live on the same floor as three fucking, and they meant that in more than one way, couples. But it worked out for us because Leo and I had room to ourselves. The downside was still sharing not only a wall but a bathroom with Austin and Suzie.

I think they only moved into Austin’s old room after he and Suzie moved out because they wanted more access to a full bathroom, and dad was not going to turn the half bath in the basement into a full bath or at least three-fourths to add a shower.

Yes, thank Goddess Austin, and Suzie moved out after their wedding. No offense to my bro and sis, I love them, but this house was not going to be big enough for seven people.

Let’s see what else has happened. Oh, Leo went and got their name changed. They are officially Leo Carlisle. As soon as we are both legal, I’ll make that not just because I marked them but because legally, we’re married. I don’t know how the mate mark usually works—I thought it was based on your family. Yet the mark on Leo’s delectable neck is the same one dad has. So they have the eclipse symbol special to mom’s new moon wolf. I think it’s great cause the less connecting me to sperm donor, the better.

Leo’s been doing well here. They’ve found Bloodmoon is a super accepting and supportive pack making friends left and right. Everybody likes them because they are this little bubble gum ball of sunshine. And I’m glad they are making friends, and I don’t get too growly when males are friends with them because I know in Bloodmoon, the mate bond is sacred, and nobody would fuck around with someone else’s mate.

Beyond making friends, Leo has been getting their first real chance to learn to fight. They loved all the training. Even if the training on top of going to high school leaves them tired at the end of the night. I keep telling them not to push themselves too hard, but they figure they’re already behind others their age cause of Silvermane’s bullshit. So they are working double time to catch up.

I can’t say much. I remember what it was like when I first shifted and had to play catch up on all things werewolf, including training. Plus, I get to be part of Leo’s training - I’m all in for any excuse to touch them. Lunar and Storm have been getting along great and training in wolf form and their powers. Storm was so accurately named as she can generate and change the weather. It’s freaking wild.

We’ve had zilch contact with anyone in their family. The only time we hear anything about Silvermane, in general, is through David. He only brought it up once to say that the wolves turning on the February full moon, of all genders, were being allowed to attend gatherings to find their true mates. It’s good to know the fear of our grumpy-looking short stack Alpha makes others fall into line.

Don’t tell Alpha Logan I called him a grumpy-looking short stack. I like being alive and having sex with Leo.

So that has us all caught up to the present. What’s happening in the exciting present? Well, it’s pride month, and here in Portland, we do that shit up. I can’t wait to share it all with Leo. But there’s something extra special about tonight’s event. We are making a special trip to Club Enigma to see a band called Revolution of Death.

What’s so special about that? For starters Revolution of Death is an all-supernatural band that plays some eccentric shit ranging from jazz to punk. David turned Sage and me on to them a while back. Sage is into their sound and excited to see them live. Now for the part that makes visiting this band more exciting for me.

David tracked down Leo’s bio dad. He’s in Revolution of Death as the drummer! Leo wasn’t sure if they wanted to meet him, but they figured maybe he could fill in some gaps on what happened. Not like their cunt-bag mom was going to talk about the man. And he’s in a fantastic band, so he must be where Leo gets all their fabulous genes.

So the three of us are headed to Enigma. Not an easy task to make our way through the crowds of the pride festival. I’ve got my hand tightly in Leo’s so I don’t lose them in the crowd. Plus, I want them close. I know how hot they look in their bubble gum pink and black checkered cross-back dress with black leggings and combat boots that show off how perfect their body is. And while my mark is on their neck, it doesn’t mean a thing to the humans we are passing.

“Where’s Sage?” Leo questioned, pulling me to a stop.

I furrowed my brow looking around for my purple-haired twin. Usually, you’d think they’d be hard to miss in a crowd with their purple hair. But today, they are harder to spot in their black long sleeve crop top hoodie with a custom wolf design on the sleeves, black pleated skirt where the pleats are different colors of the rainbow, rainbow knee-high socks, with black and rainbow platform boots.

‘Sage, where did you go?’ I called out through the link, not wanting to waste time. David arranged for us to meet Leo’s dad before their set, and I didn’t want us to be late.

“TASTE THE RAINBOW, MUTHA FUCKA!!” A familiar voice shouted as I saw a protest sign launched into a crowd of close-minded fucks who can’t just leave people alone to have a good time and be themselves.

“I think they are in that direction antagonizing protestors.” I pointed across the sea of people.

“Shouldn’t we get them?” Leo frowned, casting a worried glance in the direction of my twin, who was now visible in the crowd. “Whoa, who’s that?” Leo blinked as we both noticed a dark-haired person in a suit that I would say is straight out of the 1920s come up behind Sage, running their hand over the back of my twin’s leg and stopping at the edge of their skirt.

“I’ll kill whoever it is,” I growled, feeling protective of my twin. Sage can handle themselves, but they are demisexual and don’t react well to crossed boundaries.

“I… I don’t think that’s necessary.” Leo blinked, as shocked as me, when Sage turned and smirked instead of hitting the person. They were too far away to hear what was being said, but I feel Sage isn’t in danger.

‘Go meet Leo’s dad. I… I just found my mate. So I might be a bit.’ Sage advised through our link.

‘Holy SHIT! Way to go!’ I shouted back, happy for them. No more being the seventh wheel in our family.

‘We can’t wait to meet them and get all the details later. Find us at Enigma.’ Leo instructed, tugging my arm and pulling me through the crowd. Knowing it was their mate made me feel more relaxed about leaving Sage behind.

“Doors don’t open for another hour and a half. So you want in, get in line.” A bouncer stepped in our way, folding their beefy arms.

“We’re here to meet the drummer of Revolution of Death. Um, Darby, that’s what David called him. Tell him Carlisle is here.” I explained.

The bouncer narrowed his eyes at me but pulled out his phone, turning slightly away from us to mumble some words to whoever answered. He was keeping the call real quiet. I guess they know we’re wolves. “Go inside. He’s waiting.” He snorted, pocketing the phone.


Welcome to Part 1 of River's epilogue! It looks like we are going to meet Leo's biological dad, and ooo, Sage found their mate!!!

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Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
A miss-type. I have updated it to Sage
goodnovel comment avatar
Who is Casper?

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