
Sicilian Holiday Chapter 3 - Single Holiday

Persephone POV

I CANNOT unsee what I just saw! I was NOT mentally prepared to see Delilah in Alexander’s arms KISSING! I’d gone inside to see if Delilah needed any help. We had plenty of helpers outside, and my drones handled most of the tasks. So I thought maybe they’d help with indoor decorations as some areas have rather high ceilings.

They both said it was innocent because of the mistletoe. I want to believe that. I know my sister, so I know she wouldn’t have initiated a kiss. And I could only hope Alexander likes living enough to know better than to mess with my sister. So, I could only take their word on it as I walked back outside.

“Was everything okay inside? Did Delilah need help?” Zoe asked when she noticed me.

“I…” I frowned, unsure what to tell her.

“What happened? You look… well, somewhere between sick and murderous.” Zoe furrowed her brow as she handed a drone controller off to someone else.

“That…that is pretty accurate.” I half-heartedly laughed.

“So, want to tell me what made you murderous and nauseous?” Zoe asked, putting her arm around my shoulder to lead me further from others to be less likely to be overheard.

“I… I went inside to check on Delilah. I walked in to find her in your brother’s arms.” I started to explain.

“Like in his arms, how? Bridal style? Fireman’s carry? Or fucking against the wall?” Zoe asked.

I shuddered at her previous description. I know she was asking if Alexander was holding her chest to chest, but she just had to phrase it dirty. I don’t need that imagery. It’s bad enough that I’ve seen Crista and Alec in a quasi-state of undress in that exact position. So gross.

“Can we never use words that evoke imagery of your brother fucking my baby sister? I am liable to throw up and then throw him off a cliff.” I pulled a disgusted face.

“Maybe when Delilah’s older.” Zoe laughed. “Now, back to my question. In what way was my brother holding her?”

I narrowed my eyes at the idea of my baby sister and her brother being together. “Not going to happen. Delilah won’t entertain being with anyone that’s not her mate.”

“Just answer the question.” Zoe rolled her eyes.

“Bridal style. Which I guess lines up with their story. Delilah said she fell from her step ladder, and Alexander caught her.” I sighed.

“Okay, so nothing to get worked up over. Alexander saved Delilah from falling. So why are you angry, let alone nauseous, about that?” Zoe furrowed her brow.

“They…they were…” I don’t even know if I can say it.

‘Oh, just say it. They were standing under the mistletoe. So what if your sister’s first kiss went to Alexander under the ruse of an innocent holiday kiss under the mistletoe? Who cares that he’s probably made out with half the single females in Incubi and Madonie and not just on the lips?’ Sara taunted.

‘Great, now I need to get my baby sister tested for STDS.’ I rolled my eyes.

“Out with it.” Zoe huffed, putting her hands on her hips.

“They were kissing,” I whispered.

While I was trying to be discreet and not have a bunch of Madonie wolves looking at us and knowing what was happening, Zoe laughed like I’d just said the funniest thing on the planet. Several workers paused to look over. I waved dismissively at them and tugged Zoe further away as she doubled over in laughter.

“This is not funny. My sister deserves a far better first kiss than your brother. I doubt his healing powers make him immune to STDs from the various skanks he’s hooked up with.” I hissed quietly.

“I…I’m sorry…I… I can’t…oh wow.” Zoe apologized through laughter.

“It’s not funny. How would you feel if it was Regina getting her first kiss from a guy who’s screwed half the single females in two packs?” I countered as I folded my arms.

That got her to stop laughing. The laughter became a growl.

“See.” I snorted with a nod in validation.

“Okay, fair. But I’m laughing because, come on, this is Alexander. My brother may enjoy the single life, which I won’t hold against him because I’m enjoying mine.” Zoe sighed.

“Alexander would never do anything to hurt Delilah. I’m sure there is a perfectly logical reason why that happened. Like it was an accident or something.” Zoe shook her head.

“Well, they said it was because of the mistletoe they were standing under. That it was an ‘innocent’ holiday kiss.” I sighed.

“See. It was just mistletoe. Kissing under it is what you’re supposed to do.” Zoe laughed softly.

“Still not funny,” I grumbled.

“It isn’t something to get all bent out of shape. Kissing under the mistletoe is a holiday tradition. Unless the kiss is unwanted, it’s always innocent. Or it’s innocent till someone makes it not.” Zoe shrugged.

“Were you looking for mistletoe?” Someone questioned, holding mistletoe over her head as if he was about to kiss her.

His lips stopped inches from her as he was turned to stone. Before the mistletoe he held also turned to stone, she snatched it away.

“Now see, that is what we call an unwanted kiss using this holiday tradition in a twisted manner,” Zoe smirked, waving the mistletoe.

“You should probably turn him back. It’s probably not good for André’s reputation if you go around making people statues.” I sighed and took the mistletoe from her.

“If I must.” Zoe rolled her eyes, and soon the guy reverted.

The look of horror in his eyes was kind of funny. He should have known better than to try and steal a kiss, least of all from Zoe Petridis. Though I suppose her reputation isn’t as well known in Madonie as in Incubi and now in Nebrodi. While I love my gift, the power Zoe and her mother share is truly something.

Zoe may not be saving herself for her mate, but she still always calls the shots. I hope the kiss between Delilah and Alexander wasn’t him stealing a kiss. Then again, I know Delilah has a crush on him. Either way, if he ever does something to hurt my sister, I will help kill him.


I told Persephone to chill about seeing Alexander kissing Delilah under the mistletoe. I’ve already made a mental note to yank him by the ear as I give him a lecture via our family link. Some lines can be crossed, some that can be blurred, and others that you do not fuck with. And messing with a Fayte sister is one of the do not fuck with lines. Silvano and Santi learned that shit the hard way.

“Wh…” The Madonie wolf blinked as he toppled forward and kissed my boot, as I’d not stepped far enough back.

“Mistletoe is not a toy, little boy,” I growled down at him with my hands on my hips.

“As I told Persephone, a kiss under the mistletoe is innocent unless unwanted. I didn’t ask anyone for mistletoe. I didn’t stand willingly under the mistletoe for a kiss.” I outlined as I crouched down and lifted his face by the chin with a claw.

‘We should have left him as a statue.’ Viatrix growled.

She has never liked that I play the field. She wants me to take finding our mate more seriously than I already do. It’s not like I haven’t tried. I’ve attended many gatherings, but I haven’t found him. That’s not my fault. So, I decided to have fun while I waited for the Goddess to put me on the correct path.

The Madonie wolf gulped as he looked at me. He’s not unattractive, but not my type. They say there are many fish in the sea. I want to catch a great white. This one is a sardine. I wouldn’t waste my time with someone so scrawny.

I know I’m probably coming off as a bitch. I have a standard when it comes to the appearance of a man. I also have standards for their intelligence too. Always know your worth and never settle for less.

“Never do that again, or I’ll explain to my cousin, your Alpha, why he has a new statue for his garden.” I smiled menacingly as I let Viatrix come forward a little.

“I… my apologies….” He scrambled to his feet with wide eyes.

“Zoe, stop scaring Claudio.” André laughed as he approached us, placing a hand on Claudio’s shoulder.

“I’m sorry if my cousin scared you. She has that effect on men.” He smiled brightly.

“I’m fine, Alpha. Thank you.” Claudio nodded.

“Excellent. Now you can apologize for whatever you did to piss her off and get back to work.” My cousin’s smile started to morph into that Cheshire smile Zio Alec does when Chesed is in control.

“Y…yes, Alpha.” Claudio stammered, scared of André as my cousin’s grip on his shoulder tightened.

“M…My…my apologies… Signorina…” He winced as André applied more pressure.

“That’s Beta Zoe Petridis. We should always respect those of rank even if that rank is not within our pack.” André stressed my title.

I saw Claudio turn white as fresh snow as it all clicked in his mind. I’m not only his Alpha’s cousin. I’m his Beta’s sister and a Beta in my own right. This has taken such an entertaining turn.

“I…I am truly sorry, Beta Zoe. It was offensive and uncalled for. My behavior was out of line and will never happen again.” He stammered a little as he apologized.

“Of course, it won’t.” I nodded. “Because if I hear you pull that mistletoe stunt again, you’ll spend the rest of your life in stone.”

“You may carry on with your tasks, Claudio.” André smiled, releasing him.

We held it together all four seconds as Claudio rushed to join the others in setting up. Four seconds before, the three of us broke into laughter. Oh Goddess, how I’ve missed André.

Don’t get me wrong, I love it in Nebrodi and getting to be Beta to Katrina. But Katrina is no André, and even as outrageous as Tie can get, he is no match for André.

“Do I want to know why you three are laughing, and Claudio looks like he needs to change his underwear?” Darren asked, looking sternly at us as he folded those muscular arms.

Seriously, why did my cousin have to get the hot American? I only got a hot American for a night during the war last year. And even then, it wasn’t anything super noteworthy.

The better-looking ones were either assholes, Clement, or taken like Kurt, Darren, Stephen, Collin, and even Tanner. My night with Scott wasn’t bad. It was just, eh. Cillian wasn’t biting. I can respect that because he wanted to save himself for his mate.

“He tried to steal a kiss from Zoe using this,” Persephone explained, holding up the mistletoe.

“Oh… mistletoe. Darren’s very familiar with that plant. Aren’t you, Tesoro Mio?” André winked.

Darren rolled his eyes, and I’m sure there’s a juicy story there. But I doubt André will tell me with Darren and Persephone standing here. Darren doesn’t like openly discussing their sex life.

And Persephone doesn’t want to hear about theirs or anyone’s sex life. Someday when she either finds her mate or someone she wants to fuck she’ll realize sex is fun. Until then, she can carry on enjoying her single bubble.

“It might be a good idea not to hang mistletoe around. We don’t want to cause issues with people kissing the wrong person simply because they are under it.” Darren suggested.

“Excellent idea!” Persephone agreed. “I’ll go inside and tell Delilah and Alexander not to hang any more mistletoe.”

“Why are you so eager about it?” André arched his brow.

“She caught my brother and her sister under the mistletoe.” I shrugged.

“Yea, take it all down.” Darren nodded.

“I would like to keep our Beta alive. I’d also like not to have to budget for the damages Crista could and would cause while killing him for touching her baby sister.” He shuddered, probably thinking about the carter that was Silvano in the Incubi hospital parking lot.

“You’re no fun.” André pouted.

“You can hang as much mistletoe at our villa as you want. But none should be in public spaces to avoid conflict.” Darren compromised.

“Fine. You do have a point. I don’t want anyone thinking they can steal a kiss from you because you’re under mistletoe.” André conceded.

“I’m off to take down some mistletoe.” Persephone grinned as she hurried back inside.

“And I’m off to talk to my little brother about whom he can and can’t kiss before Zia Crista does it more violently.” I smiled. “You can tell me what you did with mistletoe later,” I whispered to my cousin.

I laughed on my way inside as I heard Darren telling André he better not tell me details of their personal life. Poor Darren hasn’t realized he’s mated to someone who kisses and tells, but only a select few. I happen to be one of those few. And I’m good at keeping secrets. I’m already keeping one for Katrina.

I winked at one of the cuter Madonie wolves as I went inside. If he’s unmated and single, I may have just found my stocking stuffer for the holiday. Oh, the fun that comes with enjoying my single holiday life.


Oh Zoe, you are a trip. Can't wait till I write your book.

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Comments (9)
goodnovel comment avatar
Love it . She wants a great white and not a sardine!! Rofl .... Hilarious!
goodnovel comment avatar
Cyntavia E. Seney
I can't wait until you write Zoe’s story either.
goodnovel comment avatar
Jackie Huffman
Yeah, I remember him from there. But is he mated now, or have any other significance?

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