
Sicilian Holiday Chapter 5 - Surprise Holiday

Katrina POV

I don’t like keeping secrets from Tiberius. It’s draining. I must be on guard so he doesn’t pick up on my secret. And I don’t just mean through the bond. He’s a werewolf. He’d probably hear the baby’s heartbeat if I weren’t using magic, especially when he goes down on me. It’s not easy to enjoy foreplay and sex, let alone get off when I must focus on keeping him from finding out.

I know I could just tell him and save the surprise for my family. But I already had it all planned in my head, and I also don’t want the news to derail him from all the Alpha duties he has to handle during the holiday season, which we have in common. I have double the workload as I have Luna duties related to the holiday on top of my Crone duties.

“Is your stomach bothering you, Luna? Or are you hungry?” Ilario asked from the driver’s seat.

I hate being a passenger, but it is his truck, and I needed help hauling all this crap to the coven. My brother may have gone overboard helping me get decorations for the week-long celebration. Ilario owned a truck and had the availability to haul the trailer full of decorations for me. I was weary of having him do it because we were so close to the start of the Yule celebration. I don’t want coven members throwing themselves at the poor guy.

“Huh? Yes. I’m fine.” I furrowed my brow, knowing neither of my hands were on or near my stomach.

“Why do you ask?” I asked.

“I thought I heard something coming from your stomach. I wasn’t sure if it was because you were hungry or your stomach was upset. If you were hungry, I would say I have protein bars in the glove compartment. If it was because your stomach is upset, some antacids in there too.” He shrugged.

“Oh. Well, no, I’m fine. Thank you.” I assured him, now worried, that I had let my guard down too much and my magic wasn’t keeping my unborn pup’s heartbeat silent.

“Why do you have all that in your glove compartment? What else is in there?” I asked, opening it and blinking in awe at the mom-purse of glove compartments.

I have never seen a glove compartment used like this. In mine, I keep sunglasses and my insurance and registration information. Ilario has that but so much more and is so neatly organized. He had a mini flashlight, portable phone charger, travel wipes, tissues, hand sanitizer, snacks, pen, notepad, escape tool, and a mini first aid kit. I should take a page from his book for when this baby arrives. I’ll need stuff like this on hand.

“I… I like to be prepared.” He shrugged, blushing.

“I’m not trying to embarrass you. I just… I’m impressed. I like to think of myself as an organized person, but all I keep in mine is sunglasses, my registration, and insurance info.” I quickly assured him, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable.

“It’s okay. Not many people are impressed. Most think it’s weird that I like to keep things organized. But they’d understand better if they knew anything about my home life before I was old enough to move out.” He shrugged.

“Right. I still find it impressive.” I frowned, remembering something Tiberius had told me about our Delta and more so about his family.

Ilario’s mother was a hoarder. Because of the poor conditions, his mother developed respiratory problems. Their home had to be condemned due to how bad the mold became. She had been receiving care to try and help curb her hoarding tendencies when the attack happened. She and her mate were among those that passed away. It makes sense that Ilario is so organized.

“Thank you, Luna.” He said as he parked the truck in the heart of the pentagram that makes up the coven’s village.

“Now allow me to put those organizational skills to use to help decorate the coven.” He smiled, getting out of the truck.

I nodded and followed him to open the trailer, several coven members coming over to help or at least inspect Ilario. I sighed and shook my head at the horny bitches. We aren’t even at Yule yet.

“Back off. Ilario is not here for anyone’s pleasure. He is my Delta and is helping with decorations and nothing else. The first person to try and touch him without his consent deals with me,” I warned the crowd of witches.

“It’s fine, Luna Katrina. I can hand….” Ilario started to reassure me when he trailed off.

I turned my head quickly, thinking he had trailed off because someone had done something. No one was near him, and he was staring off into the distance. I walked around the trailer to see what he was staring at and saw Celestina walking in our direction carrying a crate of what I assume is potions to be handed out. I raised my eyebrow and looked at Ilario again, snapping my finger in his face.

“Ilario, why are you staring at Celestina like… oh sweet Goddess, are you being serious.” I gasped as it clicked.

Now I know human and werewolf mating is rare, but as the Crone of the coven, I also know that Celestina isn’t strictly a witch. Her mother is a hybrid. She never developed a wolf as her magical heritage was stronger. So, Celestina is a quarter werewolf, but like her mother never had a wolf spirit. I never imagined anyone in the coven would be mated to someone in my new pack.

“Hello, Katrina.” Celestina smiled in greeting.

As she got closer, the more intense Ilario’s aura was getting. And I think if he gripped the handle to the trailer door any tighter, he was going to… never mind. He just snapped the handle off. I’ll have to find a bungee cord or some rope to close the trailer now. I give him credit for staying put and not rushing to her growling mate.

“Hello, I don’t think we’ve met.” Celestina eye fucked Ilario as she set the crate down. “Are you one of the men Katrina and her brother rounded up for Yule?”

I took a half step back as I saw his nostrils flare. I know I could take him down if needed, but I saw his wolf coming forward at the reminder that his mate was supposed to be part of a week-long orgy to get pregnant tomorrow night. I don’t think any male werewolf would be okay with that idea.

“No…. I won’t be part of that.” He growled, struggling to keep his wolf in check.

It didn’t work. I give Ilario credit for keeping his wolf in line that long.

“And neither will you if I have anything to say about it,” Ermes growled as he stepped into Celestina’s personal space.

“Excuse me? Are you looking to go home with your balls in a jar? What gives you the right to say such a thing to me, wolf boy?” Celestina demanded, getting in his face.

“This,” Ermes answered her with a hard kiss.

While Ilario is the sweet, even-tempered man who’d never be forward with anyone, his wolf is another story. As Ermes just proved. He could have touched her hand to initiate the mate bond spark. But that would be too tame for him. He had to kiss her to make the sparks fly. And fly, they did as the kiss took on a new life and made out against the trailer.

“AHEM!” I cleared my throat loudly.

“Ermes, you will stand down and give Ilario control,” I commanded. “Do not make me swat your nose. Trust me, I know how to put an unruly wolf in his place, asked my papa’s wolf.”

“I…my apologies, Luna Katrina. And to you, mate. My wolf…he tends to be more…” Ilario apologized as he stepped back.

“Forward? I like it.” Celestina smiled, licking her lips with a dreamy look in her eyes.

“Ilario, meet Celestina Marchesi. Celestina meets Ilario Somma, Delta of Nebrodi.” I introduced them.

“Ilario and Ermes,” Celestina repeated their names.

“It’s a pleasure, and if you want to change my mind about being in the orgy. I suggest we go to my place.” Celestina grinned as she reached into the crate and took out a potion.

“I…it’s a pleasure to meet you too. I’m supposed to… I’m supposed to be helping Luna Katrina.” Ilario frowned, torn between going with his mate and fulfilling his duty to me.

“Just go. I’m the last person that should tell anyone not to go fuck their mate.” I waved a dismissive hand at them.

“Thank you, Luna.” Ilario sighed in relief as he took Celestina’s hand and let her lead him away.

I like Celestina. She’ll make a good Delta. If only Zoe would find her mate, I could have all my ranked members. I guess I won’t be the only one abstaining from the orgy or having a surprise dropped on them this holiday season.

Tiberius POV

While things have been great with Katrina these last few weeks, something feels off. Like she’s holding something back or hiding something from me. I’ve dismissed the concern assuming she’s just trying to keep me from discovering what she got me from Christmas. And that’s cool. We should still be able to surprise each other.

‘Except this feels less like she’s trying to keep a present from us and something bigger. She’s not just keeping something from us via the bond. There’s something off about her.’ August sighed as I glanced at Katrina as we drove to Madonie for the family Christmas bash.

‘She’s just been tired. She’s working so hard between her Luna and Crone duties. It’ll be fine after the holidays, and she can relax.’ I explained away his concerns.

‘That’s why we planned the trip to that resort in the Maldives as her gift. A week away from pack and coven responsibilities. Just the two of us with minimal to no clothes. It’ll be great.’ I assured him, confident all our mate needed was a vacation.

‘I hope you’re right.’ August sighed.

I want to be right, but I feel in my gut that maybe he’s right. And that worries me. If Katrina were unwell from more than just being overworked, she’d tell me. Right? She wouldn’t keep a health problem from me.

“I can’t wait for this party. I have the perfect gifts for everyone. I especially can’t wait for you to open yours. I hope you’re going to love it.” Katrina smiled and slipped her hand into mine.

“I would love anything from you, Kat. Well, as long as it’s not anything Alice in Wonderland related. It was so not cool of Darren’s brothers to send me that Queen of Hearts life-size cutout for my birthday.” I shuddered.

“While the initial freak out was bad, you had a wonderful time ripping it to shreds. Colby and Azriel may have sent it to be jokesters, but it was therapeutic.” Katrina squeezed my hand as she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

“Okay, that’s true.” I laughed as I pulled up to her brother’s villa.

The villa was on the verge of being an eyesore with how many lights and holiday displays were up. But what did I expect? This is André we are talking about. Judging by the cars parked in the driveway, we were the last to arrive. I don’t mind being the last to arrive, especially since we showed up late because we had shower sex.

“AT LAST!” André exclaimed as he flung open the doors. “My twin has arrived, and the party can begin!!”

Katrina chuckled and hugged her brother while Darren helped take gifts from my arms. “Thanks, bro.” I nodded to him as we headed through the villa.

The inside was just as over the top as the outside but slightly more tastefully, which tells me Darren may have had some say in the interior decor. The sounds of people talking and mostly cooing over Crista’s babies accompanied holiday music. And if the sounds of a happy family and holiday music weren’t enough to get you in the party mood, the aroma of delicious food was. That’s one thing a D’Amore party is never lacking, FOOD and super tasty food.

“We made it. Sorry, we took so long.” Katrina apologized as she hugged her father before going around the room to greet the Faytes and all the Petridis family in attendance.

“I even got here before you, and we live in the same pack.” Zoe rolled her eyes.

“True, but you don’t have someone to have shower sex with to delay you.” I countered with a wink before I took Gwen from her.

“Ouch. Low blow. It’s bad enough that I’m the only single ranked wolf in Nebrodi. Don’t go rubbing it.” Zoe pouted.

“How’s one of my favorite sisters-in-law?” I cooed, rubbing my nose with Gwen's.

“Don’t go playing favorites.” Katrina teased as she swapped with me so I could greet Christina too. “And don’t feel blue, Zoe. Alexander is the only single ranked wolf in Madonie.” Katrina threw in a taunt to her cousin.

“Never. Both are my favorites.” I smiled, rubbing my nose with Christina.

“What about us?” Persephone tapped her foot with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, you aren’t my sisters-in-law.” I laughed and handed Christina to Crista.

“You’re the little sisters I never had, and some days, mostly in your case, never wanted.” I taunted as I pulled Persephone into a headlock and gave her a noogie.

“Get off me!” Persephone squealed, putting up her armor to make me stop before getting out of my grip.

“Oh, look at you, you got a wolf, and now use her powers to avoid getting taunted. Not very fair.” I stuck my tongue out before I hugged and kissed Delilah and Crista on their cheeks.

“Careful, Tie. You wouldn’t want my brother to get jealous.” Zoe snickered when I kissed Delilah’s cheek.

“What are you talking about?” I asked as Delilah turned red, and even Alexander was fighting a blush.

“Excellent question.” Alec agreed, folding his arms.

“It’s nothing. Zoe’s making a big deal out of nothing.” Alexander protested.

“Delilah’s first kiss is a big deal.” Regina scolded.

If Delilah could sink further into the couch and disappear, she would.

“Wait…hold up.” Katrina looked from Delilah to Alexander. “Alexander Damon Petridis…” She growled, pointing a finger at him.

“Will everyone just relax?” Alexander held his hands up in surrender.

“She was hanging mistletoe and slipped off the step ladder. I caught her, and then, because we were under the mistletoe, Alissa taunted us about being under it. I kissed her.” Alexander explained. “It was an INNOCENT holiday kiss. Right, Delilah?” He looked to Delilah for a lifeline.

“Y…yes. That’s all it was. Please, everyone, stop embarrassing us and making it into something it wasn’t.” Delilah sighed.

“Yes, everyone, leave my Beta and my darling Zia Delilah alone. Now that Katrina and Tie are here, we can open presents!!!” André clapped his hands, changing the subject.

“PRESENTS!” Lando exclaimed, obviously eager to open gifts.

We all found our seats as Darren and André passed out gifts to everyone. When they reached one of ours, Katrina stopped them.

“I want our gifts to be opened last.” She insisted.

“Suit yourself.” André shrugged and grabbed a different gift.

Soon there was wrapping paper everywhere. Gwen and Christina were content chewing on the crinkle Christmas books while Lando was playing with a fire truck Darren’s parents had sent for him. I got the biggest kiss when Katrina opened my gift to her, and she saw the tickets for our flight to the Maldives in mid-January. All that was left were the gifts Katrina brought for everyone.

“Okay, it’s time to open my gifts,” Katrina announced as she handed out the gifts, including one to me. “Well, open them.” She encouraged us.

I didn’t need to be told twice. I quickly ripped the wrapping paper from the gift and furrowed my brow when I saw it was a bottle of wine. I like wine. What red-blooded Italian doesn’t? But this was the gift she wanted to wait to last to give? I tried not to frown as I turned the wine, wondering if it was at least some rare vintage.

My eyes went wide as I read the label and nearly dropped it. “Pairs well with…becoming a papa?” I blinked and looked up at her.

“Surprise.” Katrina smiled.

“Bellomo heir coming August 2023.” Alec and others who received a bottle of wine read the rest of the label.

“Oh, how cute she gave the girls Zia Gwen and Zia Christina shirts,” Crista exclaimed.

“I got a Cugino Lando shirt!” Lando grinned, holding his shirt up.

“Are you… how… I mean, I know how. But how didn’t I know yet?” I asked as I pulled her closer and pressed my ear to her abdomen.

She laughed and touched my hair. “I’m a very powerful witch, Tiberius. I wanted to surprise you, so I used magic to hide it. But now I don’t have to.”

And despite all the commotion of everyone celebrating the big news, I heard it. I listened to the rhythm of the fast thumps of a heartbeat. Our pup’s heartbeat. This is now the best sound I’ve ever heard. This is the best gift anyone could ever give me. I’m sure I had tears in my eyes, and I looked up at Katrina.

“This is the best Christmas present ever.” I proclaimed.

As I stood, I pulled her into my arms and kissed her. Her present has outshined all the others anyone has received. This is amazing news, and I know what I want to name our heir should they be a boy. There’s only one name worthy of our first son: Thales.


THE END! I hope you enjoyed this short holiday bonus story! Coming up next is The Quiet Giant's Mate (Ivan & Regina's short story).

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Comments (19)
goodnovel comment avatar
That was so sweet and how happy Tie was with the news.
goodnovel comment avatar
Kerry Paterson
loved it but seriously all books should come with health warning lol didn't last long into first chapter and coffee everywhere lol I so love André everyone should have an André in Thier life lol can't wait for next book/story
goodnovel comment avatar
Kim Homer Grimm Krupa
FANTABULOUS you never disappoint your writing is spot the frig on my lady thank you again

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