
Sicilian Holiday Chapter 4 - Family Holiday

Alec POV

Life after having Gwen and Christina is different. I’m not saying it’s bad, but it’s different. And it should be different, especially when I think back twenty-one years ago when I struggled to cope with Lilian’s death and raising Katrina and André without her. I would probably have drowned in it all if Izzy wasn’t there. 

Everything this time around is different. For starters, Crista is with me and my mate. So I’m not alone in raising them or coping with grief. And our circle of support is larger. We still have Izzy. To a lesser extent, we had my children to help, but they had packs to run. And then we have Persephone and Delilah living with us.

Having her sisters living with us is a catch-22. Delilah is a joy to have in my home and is always eager to help us with the girls. I know she will make an excellent mother when she becomes one. Persephone… well, I don’t doubt she loves her nieces. She is, however, more likely to hand them over if they start to fuss and especially need a diaper change. 

For example, my office doors opened while I was in my home office reviewing some last-minute details for holiday celebrations. I arched my eyebrow as I saw Persephone walking in with Gwen held at arm’s length. My seven-month-old daughter was red in the face as she wailed, kicking her legs the white of the candy cane striped leggings stained brown.

'Oh, that is foul. What did they feed this pup? Chickpeas? It's like Katrina all over again.'  Chesed wrinkled his nose.

“Your daughter needs an emergency bath, and I’m supposed to be at an IT meeting at the patrol office. Crista is overseeing things at the town square, and Delilah is getting Christina ready.” Persephone explained as she went to plop Gwen on my desk.

I quickly took my daughter before her leaking diaper could get shit on my papers and my antique desk, possibly where she was conceived. Though I’m certain the girls were conceived in the shower when Crista and I first had sex. But that’s not a thought I can let myself linger on as my ears are ringing. Gwen developed the strong lungs for screaming that her big brother had and still has.

“As always, you’re such a help.” I rolled my eyes as I got up.

“Silenzio, mia piccola principessa. Papà ti ha.” I gently cooed, not fearing my clothes, as I brought her to my chest.

“Glad you have this handled. See you later.” Persephone waved as she quickly about-faced and left me with a justifiably upset baby. 

“Your Zia Persephone will be in for such a wake-up call when or if she ever becomes a mama.” I sighed as I pressed a kiss to Gwen’s hair. 

At least her cries had grown softer in my arms. My paperwork will have to wait. Cleaning her up is more important. I hurried up the stairs to the nursery. Delilah was at one of the changing tables attempting to get Christina into her outfit. Despite how much Christina kicked and wiggled, Delilah kept speaking sweetly to her. She eeped when she noticed me and frowned when she saw I had Gwen.

“I told Persephone to bathe her. What happened?” Delilah sighed as she scooped Christina off the table, one candy cane legging on her chunky leg.

“She brought her to me and then left for a meeting at the patrol office,” I explained as I headed for the girls’ attached bathroom.

“I can do that, Alec. If you don’t mind getting Christina dressed.” Delilah offered.

“It’s fine, Delilah. I’m already covered in poop. No sense in you ruining your outfit too.” I assured her as I continued into the bathroom. 

“Okay. I’ll put Gwen’s backup outfit out for you and switch Christina to her backup so they can still match.” Delilah offered.

“You have her half-dressed. They don’t need to match. Being twins doesn’t mean being a matching set. It’s not like we are doing the family holiday picture today.” I called over the water as I filled the baby bathtub inside the actual bathtub. 

“Um… Alec. Today is the family picture. Or part of them. Crista wanted photos of the four of you in the town square amongst all the decorations.” I could hear Delilah wince as she reminded me.

“Thanks for that reminder. Okay, change Christina into the backup outfit, and is there a third and maybe fourth backup that we can put in their diaper bag?” I grimaced as I peeled the soiled outfit off my daughter to see the full extent of her diarrhea explosion. 

“Not that I knew of, but I’ll pack extra outfits. Do you think Gwen will have a blowout again?” She asked over the giggles of both girls.

I’m unsure why Christina is giggling, but I knew why Gwen was giggling. She found my wrinkled nose funny and is glad to be free of the dirty o and diaper, even with the hives on her arms and belly.

“It’s always a possibility. What did you give them for lunch?” I asked as I carefully cleaned off as much of the shit as I could from my daughter before putting her into the warm water.

“Today’s lunch was pureed chickpeas, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Christina seemed fine.” Delilah explained.

“Well, that explains that. Chickpeas, don’t give them to Gwen anymore.” I sighed. Chesed's nose was right. She's having the same reaction to chickpeas as Katrina at nearly the same age.

“How are you sure it’s the chickpeas?” Delilah asked as she entered the room, holding Christina on her hip.

Christina was now dressed in a long sleeve onesie that said ‘My 1st Christmas’ with a red and gold snowflake tutu with red and white striped leg warmers and a matching headband keeping her dark hair out of her face. I don’t remember that one, so my son bought it for the girls. He does love filling their closet with new clothes. 

“Well, I can see the hives on her arms. Add that to the diarrhea, and it’s Katrina all over again. Gwen and Katrina are allergic to chickpeas, and my Nonna was allergic too.” I explained as I carefully washed Gwen.

“Oh no. What should we do? Will she be okay?” Delilah started to worry.

“If we don’t have infant Benadryl here, I’ll stop by the pharmacy to get some. She’ll be fine. The Benadryl will help with the hives, and the diarrhea should have passed.” I assured her as I gently lifted Gwen out of the water and wrapped her in a towel.

“Yes, you’ll be fine, my little one. Like your big sister, you’ll avoid chickpeas the rest of your life.” I spoke sweetly to Gwen and kissed her nose.

“You’re a good papa.” Delilah smiled.

“I had plenty of practice before these two came along.” I shrugged as I got up.

“Let me put Christina in her crib, and I’ll get Gwen ready.” Delilah offered.

“I can handle it,” I assured her, but she had already hurried to put Christina down.

“Yes, but you need to change too.” Delilah nodded to my dress shirt, which was stained and wet.

“Fair point. Thank you, Delilah.” I conceded as I passed Gwen to Delilah. 

Once showered and changed, I helped Delilah get the girls into my car and drove to the town square to meet Crista. We went to the pharmacy to get Gwen some Benadryl, but she was in good spirits despite it all.

‘Is everything okay? I thought you’d be here by now?’ Crista questioned in our link.

‘Pulling into the parking lot now. Gwen reacted to chickpeas and needed a bath and Benadryl. But it’s all handled. See you shortly, Cara Mia.’ I assured Crista as I parked.

Crista POV

My heart was stuck in my throat when Alec said Gwen had a reaction to chickpeas and needed Benadryl. I didn’t acknowledge the people who tried to greet me as I hurried toward the parking lot at the pack house. I easily spotted Alec as he was putting Gwen into the double stroller.

Yes, I knew which daughter was which. I hurried over and took her before he could strap her in. They may be identical to the untrained eye, but I’m their mother, so I would know them blindfolded.

“Are you okay, Gwen?” I asked sweetly as I kissed her forehead. 

She felt warm, but I couldn’t see anything else wrong. She was smiling, happy as can be. And looked adorable in the green, white, and gold My First Christmas onesie, tutu, leg warmers, and headband outfit André and Darren gifted them on L’Immacolata Concezione. I included Darren as his name was on the gift bag tag, but I know André picked them out. 

“She’s fine, Cara Mia,” Alec assured me as he kissed my temple. 

“She’s like her sister Katrina and my Nonna, allergic to chickpeas. It was a minor reaction. I gave her a dose of Benadryl to help the hives, and Delilah used the rash cream to soothe them after her bath.” He explained as he took Christina from my sister.

“Alec handled it like a pro. Which I guess is expected since he went through it with Katrina.” Delilah smiled as she put the diaper bag under the stroller. 

“Are you sure she’ll be okay? Do we need to get her an EpiPen? Should I make an appointment with her pediatrician?” I asked, still worried as I pushed her sleeve and saw the little red bumps from the hives.

Alec assured me as he strapped Christina into the stroller. “She’ll be fine. I’ll have an appointment when the pediatrician is available next, so it’s on her medical history. I don’t think she’ll need an EpiPen. Katrina doesn’t.”

I sighed in relief. Of course, Alec has this handled. I kissed Gwen’s temple before putting her into the stroller beside her sister. These girls are my world. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to them.

“Come, Cara Mia. Let’s head over to the festivities. We are supposed to kick this event off after all.” He smiled, slipping one arm around my waist while taking the stroller handlebar with his other.

“If you two are set, I will meet up with Regina and Valter.” Delilah pointed to the square. 

“Of course. Go enjoy yourself.” I smiled, happy that my sister had made friends.

“Even if it’s as a third wheel on their date so her dad doesn’t rip his throat out.” Alec chuckled. 

“Enjoy your family time. I’ll see you later when it’s time to head home.” Delilah sighed and shook her head as she hurried to find her friends. 

I sighed and leaned against Alec as we walked over to the square. Now that I had him and our pups at my side, I felt calmer and took the time to greet everyone we passed. Everyone, of course, fawned over the girls. The twin heirs who changed Incubi law, and someday I am sure they will change Incubi even more when one or both take over. 

The event was a success, and we got some great pictures of the four of us as we enjoyed the festivities. And at sunset, Alec and I held one of our girls as we flipped the switch that lit the tall Christmas tree and all the holiday lights strung around the square. The smile on our girls’ faces and the wonder in their blue eyes, as they stared at all the lights was priceless. I hope the photograph captured that perfect moment to mark our first family holiday.

The photographer caught a picture when Alec and I were under the mistletoe. I think he missed the memo on what kind of kissing you do under the mistletoe because that kiss... wow. I felt that kiss in my core. I will say that having the girls hasn't slowed down our sex life, only modified it. As he pulled back from the kiss, he pressed his forehead to time, another click of a camera telling me the photographer had taken another picture of us. 

'You aren't going to be getting much sleep tonight, kitten.' Chesed taunted.

'Why because of Gwen's chickpea reaction?' I answered, knowing it was not what he meant but wanting to fuck with him anyway.

'Oh,  I can't wait to see what shades of red your ass will be when we're done with you.'  Chesed growled.

'Promises promises.' I smiled as I stepped out of Alec's arms.

We stayed at the event for maybe thirty minutes before using the girls as an excuse to leave. As soon as they were sleeping peacefully in their cribs, I had to cover my mouth to stifle my yelp as I was suddenly thrown over Alec's shoulder and carried to the darkroom for some 'punishment.' 


Alec is such a good papa! And of course having kids wouldn't stop these two from a spicy sex life.

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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Haruko Humioka
I can't wait
goodnovel comment avatar
Danielle Daniel
Comin next month! Yay!!!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Annette Barber
were the book of her baby sister and the beta

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