
The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 4 - Regina

If I didn’t have to chase after my mate, I would have turned Valter into a statue. How DARE he interfere in my first meeting with my mate! And to call me precious and pull me away from my mate, I will make him pay later. He will pay big time. Even more, if his stupidity made Ivan decide I wasn’t worth giving a chance.

Yes, I said Ivan. I don’t need him to remove the mask to know it’s him. I may have been following the scent of black orchid, jasmine, and rich vanilla when I ran into him, but I knew when I looked up and saw the giant towering over me.

I knew in an instant who it must be. Because under the tantalizing aroma of the mate smell was the scent of a Madonie wolf. And there is only one giant in all of Sicily, Ivan Furlan.

I haven’t seen him in years. The last time I saw him was when my cousin had his Alpha ceremony here. We danced. Or rather, he stood there like a statue while Delilah, Suzie, and I danced around him like a maypole.

I assumed that it was Amelia, or more likely my cousin, that chose Ivan’s suit for tonight. I can’t imagine stoic Ivan Furlan willingly selecting to wear a purple suit and stand out more than his height already makes him.

‘Forget dancing around and decorating his maypole. I say we climb it.’ Gioia licked her chops while I avoided turning red in embarrassment at her graphic innuendo.

I had more pressing matters to deal with than fantasizing about how my 5’5” self would manage to climb the Mount Everest of men. Like the fact that he doesn’t think I would want him. I know his past in detail. I know what he did, and I understand why. There is a reason my cousin spared him, and it wasn’t simply because Amelia is his Gamma.

André knew there wasn’t evil in Ivan’s heart, not like there was in Icky Iggy or Gastone’s. My cousin is an excellent judge of characters, after all. I trust my judgment of people’s character. And while I’ve not spent much time around Ivan since the war, no one who is supposed to be evil, cruel, and heartless would have put up with three tween girls laughing and dancing as he did.

No one undeserving of love and happiness would be so kind to Suzie the way she claims. I know how he’d put her on his shoulders to amuse her. I also know how deeply he cares for his sister and how gentle and loving he is with his niece. No, a man who would bend backward and do even the unthinkable to protect and care for those he loves is evil.

And while I know who he is, I feel he hasn’t placed who I am. That miffs a part of me, but I’ve told that part to shove it. I haven’t seen him in years, and I have changed since I was barely a teenager.

I hope he doesn’t break down when he discovers who I am. If he already thinks he’s not good enough for a mate, I’m not sure how he will feel knowing his mate is his Beta’s sister, his Alpha’s cousin, and a Beta heir herself.

I needed to get him somewhere that we could talk. Preferably somewhere away from snotty bitches that are lucky I didn’t turn them to stone. And definitely somewhere that Valter can’t intrude on. I’d say somewhere that my cousin and his ranked wolves wouldn’t spot us, but I don’t think there is such a place. Someone would notice if we attempted to leave the ballroom to go anywhere else in the packhouse. Ivan would be easily spotted, even if he had worn something less bold.

‘Delilah, I need a favor.’ I called out through the pack link, knowing she was probably somewhere wall flowering the evening or talking with one of the Madonie-ranked wolves.

‘You sound… agitated. What do you need me to do? What’s wrong?’ Delilah quickly responded as I led Ivan to an empty table.

‘Find Valter and lock him in a closet or something. He had the balls to interfere when I met my mate and give him the impression that I was with someone.’ I huffed in the link.

‘That jerk!’ Delilah exclaimed. ‘You just enjoy tonight with your mate. I’ll handle it. I doubt André will get upset if I mummify Valter in poison ivy and shove him in a closet for the night.’ She assured me.

Two years in Bloodmoon changed my best friend. Or maybe it was the bitterness of having her heart broken when my brother started dating Lia. Or perhaps it’s from getting her wolf, though her wolf Helia is about as sweet as Delilah typically is. I love her new attitude, especially if it means Valter will get what’s coming to him.

I finally reached a far-off table where we could get what little privacy is allotted in such an environment. A few tables away, couples spoke in hushed tones, feeding each other bites of the delicious food my cousin had prepared or just making out. At least over here, no one was looking at us. They were more focused on each other. I hope no one decides to forgo decorum and mate on one of the tables.

“There. Now we can speak without interruptions.” I sighed as I turned to look up at Ivan.

The corners of his lips had upturned very slightly, and maybe it’s the trick of the light or the height difference, but I think there’s amusement in his eyes behind that mask. Well, that’s a start. I hope to keep him in a good mood as the evening progresses, especially when he finds out who I am. I don’t want my status in Incubi or ties to ranked members of Madonie to deter him.

“Okay, so having to look up will hurt my neck.” I sighed, already feeling a crick in my neck.

“So sit down, and we can end your ridiculous rationale that I wouldn’t want you,” I said with a gesture to the chairs.

“Fine.” He grunted as he sat.

The chair made an unpleasant sound as it tried to support his weight. I grimaced as the metal legs bent, and my poor Ivan crashed to the floor. The thud of him hitting the floor alerted many people around us, whom all turned to gawk. Ivan let out an annoyed breath as he got to his feet and picked up the deformed chair.

A few chairs scraped across the floor as people thought he would explode angrily. That’s not at all what my gentle giant did. He frowned at the chair and proceeded to unbend the legs before placing it back. I smiled because his behavior wasn’t what anyone watching probably expected from a man of his stature. He moved to the far side of the table, closest to the wall, moved the chair out, and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall.

I pulled out the chair next to him and sat down. Even sitting on the floor, he was mostly visible above the table. Sitting down like this, we were at eye level. So, it worked out perfectly. He still looked upset about the chair, so I reached and placed my hand over his.

“It’s not your fault, Ivan,” I assured him. “And this worked out well as we are closer to eye level.”

His eyes widened when I said his name, and realized I’d slipped up. I sighed, knowing there was no sense hiding. I know my cousin had rules about not removing the masks, and I won’t violate them, but he never said we couldn’t while getting to know our mates tell them who we are.

“Yes, I know who you are.” I smiled. “There is only one giant in Sicily.”

“Do I know you?” He asked, on edge that I knew him.

“Yes, though it’s been years since we’ve seen each other. So don’t worry, I’m not offended you didn’t recognize me, plus there are probably many women my height with brown hair and blue eyes.” I began.

“I know we aren’t supposed to remove our masks, but nothing in the rules says we can’t reveal our names.” I took a deep breath and silently prayed that he wouldn’t freak out.

“It’s me, Regina Petridis,” I said, revealing who I am without removing the mask.

I could see the wheels turning in his head. The moment it clicked who I was and was related to, he started to get up. I glanced down at his legs, and from the knees down, they turned to stone, rooting him in place. I was not going to allow that. I’m not letting him run away from me because of who my family is or because of his past. I’ve been looking for him for two damn years. He’s not getting away that easily.

“You have walked away from me once tonight, Ivan Noé Furlan. That won’t be happening again. We are mates, and you don’t get to escape the fate the Goddess gave us.” I declared, sitting up straighter as I tried to emulate the confidence and air of my mother and my father’s authority.

“Regina…” He growled my name and a shiver went down my spine, and trust me, it wasn’t a shiver of fear.

‘Oh, just imagine him saying your name while naked, filling you with what undoubtedly is the biggest dick in Italy.’ Gioia practically purred.

She needs to stop with the horny wolf routine. I’m trying to exude confidence and authority. I can’t do that if I’m blushing and getting turned on trying to picture what Ivan would look like naked. I’m not from Madonie, so I’ve never seen him post-shift. I haven’t even seen his wolf as I was a minor during the Alpha ceremony and was driven by car to the pack house for the celebration while he would have run with his pack.

“Do not take that tone with me, Ivan.” I scolded.

“I will unpetrify your legs if you promise to stay put.” I offered. “Can you do that?”

I won’t release the paralysis on his legs until I am confident he won’t run off again. I also don’t want to resort to getting others like his sister or my cousin involved in keeping him put. That would be going too far. He is my mate, and the Goddess wouldn’t have made it if I couldn’t handle him myself.


Of she knew. How many giants could there be in Italy. Loving Delilah's plan for Valter. Now if Regina can get Ivan to talk to her.

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Comments (11)
goodnovel comment avatar
I love it when the wolf's get smutty
goodnovel comment avatar
Annette Barber
I love this story I hope it all turn out ok
goodnovel comment avatar
Amanda Dean7
Regina's wolf has me howling

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