
The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 8 - Regina

I knew what he was doing. I am not as naive as some people like to think. He changed the subject to his vineyard, so I’d not focus on how he’s been treated. I allowed the subject to change, but it doesn’t mean it is closed.

Ivan may have accepted his share of the responsibility for not believing my brother or his sister, but that doesn’t put the ranked wolves in the clear. My brother might be in another country, but he will get an earful about decorum and professionalism. He should know better how to deliver such news; smirking or coming off like he was joking is NOT it.

I won’t be as harsh on Amelia. I’m sure she has tried her best. But she is a young mama with responsibilities that keep her from visiting Ivan often. I’m sure she’d love to see more of him. I’m also sure of everyone she knows her brother the best, and I get the feeling that when he digs his heels in on something, you’re more likely to move an actual mountain.

However, my cousin does not get a pass. It’s been three years of Ivan not leaving his property unless expressly told to. It would be my cousin’s or at least Darren’s duty as the Alpha and Aleph to come to Ivan and stress that his house arrest was over. There should have been official documentation given to Ivan, so it wasn’t just him taking my dumbass brother’s word for it.

As for the residents of the town where Ivan lives, they’ll learn quickly how rude it is to stare and make people feel unwelcome. How they have treated my mate is unacceptable. And I will not stand idly by and let them get away with it. I intend to take Ivan for a stroll through that town. I’d like to see the coastal town he’s called home all these years and the vineyard and winery. It will be a perfect way to put them all in their places.

Now, as I knew the change in subject was to distract me, it was obvious, and so was the kiss. I’m a film major who has seen thousands of movies and written screenplays. Specifically, I’ve been working on a screenplay about my parents’ love story. So I know a cliche kiss someone to shut up and/or distract them moment when I see one. I’m just not calling him out on it because, duh, he’s kissing me with TONGUE!

I’ve kissed plenty with Valter in the years we dated. We never went past that. Not even touching the outside of clothes. I’d swat him away when he’d try, as I didn’t feel comfortable with him touching me like that.

I was always apprehensive about kissing as it felt like a betrayal of someone I hadn’t met yet and, worse, of myself. And now I’m wishing I’d never let Valter kiss me. Not that his kisses measure up to Ivan claiming my mouth and erasing any memory of Valter’s lips.

Maybe it was the mate bond or Gioia, but either way, I felt emboldened by how his tongue explored my mouth and his balance of soft and firm grip on my chin. So I took the chance, wrapped my arms around his neck, and let myself slide into his lap, wanting to be as close as possible. And then I did something I’ve NEVER done. I swirled my tongue around his and sucked on it.

This was a move I’d been told about. You don’t grow up with Zoe as a big sister or cousins like Katrina and André without learning a few tricks. I never used said tricks with Valter. I felt something like that shouldn’t be wasted on just anyone. And given his reaction, I’m glad I did.

Being in his arms, I felt that growl in every cell of my body. I wanted to make him growl like that again. I wanted to make him growl my name like he did earlier but in desire. I know we’re sitting on the floor; anyone passing us would easily notice us. I didn’t care. This is a mate ball. It should be expected that once mates find each other, they will get physical. It’s not like we are doing more than kissing.

‘I bet we could manage to slip out of this place and do more than kiss.’ Gioia suggested.

I ignored her because there was no way we could get out of the ballroom without someone seeing us. Ivan is too recognizable even in a crowd. We’ll have to bid our time till midnight, and then we can leave. Though that begged the question, at midnight, where do we go? I’m staying at my cousin’s villa in a room I’m sharing with Delilah. And I assume Ivan is staying at his sister’s home.

‘Okay, neither sounds like a good place to get our brains fucked out. After living with her mated sisters, Delilah doesn’t need that added trauma. And I doubt we want Amelia, Stephen, or their daughter to hear you screaming Ivan’s name.’ Gioia commented.

She was a distraction, and now I can’t stop thinking about what will happen after midnight. It made it difficult to enjoy being in Ivan’s arms and our kiss. My distraction timed out well, with us both pulling back to catch our breath.

His wolf must be coming forward. This close, I could see some gold in his brown eyes. I’m sure there is some silver in my eyes from Gioia being so far forward.

“Regina… w…what’s going on here?” Valter sounded out of breath as he ruined the mood.

The gold in Ivan’s eyes grew brighter, which could not be good. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head subtly.

I contemplated how I would handle Valter and his intrusion when I heard a yelp followed by a thud behind me. I turned my head to see what happened and saw Valter wrapped in vines with Delilah glaring at him with her hands on her hips.

“What did I tell you?” Delilah questioned.

As Valter opened his mouth, an apple stopped him from speaking like a ball gag as more vines wrapped higher up his face. She didn’t want to hear his answer.

“I said you could enjoy the party IF you didn’t bother Regina and her mate.” Delilah clicked her tongue in disappointment.

“I’m very sorry for even letting him free to use the restroom.” Delilah apologized.

“I’ll drag him back to the closet, where he’ll remain for the next couple of hours. Please enjoy the rest of your night with your mate.” She smiled before her eyes went wide as if she had finally noticed whose lap I was in.

“Ivan?” She asked.

“You look very dashing. I love that shade of purple for you. I’ll leave so you can return to getting acquainted.” Delilah smiled warmly.

As she waved goodbye, the vines that confined Valter grew legs and carried him off. The crowd parted like the red sea as they watched curiously at the male being carried off by a planet and the smiling she-wolf following behind. It was truly a sight to see.

“Was that Delilah Fayte?” Ivan asked.

I chuckled and turned back to look at him. His wolf’s anger when Valter intruded had faded. Now I saw amusement in those brown eyes rimmed with gold.

Good. I don’t want him to be angry. As annoyed as I am at Valter’s intrusion, I don’t want it to ruin our night. I also don’t want Ivan to do something that could cause trouble for anyone. Not that I thought he would, but his wolf might.

“I am so sorry about him. He’s behaving like a total idiot. And if he weren’t the Gamma heir, I’d have nothing to do with him.” I apologized with a heavy sigh. “And yes, dating a fellow heir was not a good idea.”

“It’s fine,” Ivan said.

I know it was like two words; some might say that shouldn’t be enough to be comforting. But it was because this was Ivan. I know he doesn’t say more than he needs. And maybe if his tone were different, I’d take his short answer as a concern. But his voice was soft, so I knew he wasn’t being sarcastic or placating.

“Okay. Then let’s not allow him to ruin our night.” I said.

“We have another couple of hours till the party ends.” I smiled, remembering what Delilah had said. “How ever will we use that time?” I teased him as I leaned closer and kissed him.

‘Good plan. We talked a lot already. I say we spend the rest of the party kissing and decide where to climb that maypole afterward.’ Gioia approved of my decision.

And for a while, I thought Ivan liked this idea too. We’d returned to kissing, and it was bliss while it lasted. I don’t say ‘while it lasted’ in a bad way. But the music stopped, and a voice I was all too familiar with filled the air and caught our attention as we pulled back from the kiss.

“As our evening is starting to wind down, we ask only those who have found their mates to come to the dance floor as a special song is played for those beauties that found their beasts.” André’s teasing voice filled the air, and I didn’t need to look to the stage to know my cousin probably winked at the end of his announcement.

There were a few grumbles as people dancing with people who weren’t their mates left the dance floor. My cousin may not have the infamous reputation of his papa, but the name is enough to strike fear in most. No one would outright defy an Alpha, especially when they are a D’Amore. I sighed and used Ivan’s shoulders for balance as I got up and fixed my dress.

“Shall we?” I asked, offering him my hand.

“Can’t dance.” Ivan shook his head.

“I don’t buy that for a second.” I shook my head.

“Unless Madonie had different heir lessons than Incubi or Nebrodi, I know as an heir, you would have been taught to dance. Even as a Gamma, you’d have to know this to dance at such events.” I pointed out.

“I didn’t say I wasn’t taught. I said I can’t.” Ivan shook his head.

“Everyone can dance, and if you’re worried that you’ll step on my feet or something, don’t. I’ll be fine.” I assured him.

“Regina… this is a bad idea,” Ivan warned, looking past me with concern at all the couples heading to the dance floor as the concert orchestra readied for the song.

“I promise it will be fine.” I smiled as I tried to reassure him. “If you forget a step or are unsure, I’ll lead you. You won’t step on my feet or hurt me in any way.”

“And them?” He nodded to the dance floor. “Even if I don’t fuck up. They will all stare.”

I sighed. Ivan is far too self-conscious for a man this good-looking and sweet. I need to work on his self-confidence. It’ll take time, I’m sure. But one of these days, Ivan Furlan will walk down a street or into a room with his head held high and no fucks to give for what other people say, think, or feel about him.

“Let them stare, Ivan. Though honestly, they should be more interested in looking at their mates than other couples. I know I will be.” I smiled when he sighed, knowing I’d won this battle.

While I could ignore the looks, I know it’s not easy for him. So, as we headed to the dance floor, I squeezed his hand in reassurance. I didn’t take him to the very center of the dance floor. That would be putting him on the spot too much. However, I didn’t stick to the edge either. Sure, with our height difference, I can’t put my hands on his shoulders, but I won’t protest a reason to touch his chest.


Valter is in so much trouble. And oh, I wonder what song André selected for this dance.

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Comments (14)
goodnovel comment avatar
Valter is a pest. Picture I’ve got in my head of Delilah and her vine with legs going to put him back in the broom closet ....... Sounds like Alexander, Darren and Andre are in trouble when Regina gets hold of them
goodnovel comment avatar
Annette Barber
I love this story but what is Alexander And Delilah story
goodnovel comment avatar
Annette Barber
she could tie him to a bed frame and do strip show then walk out teach him a lesson lol

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