
The Quiet Giant's Mate Chapter 1 - Ivan

“ZIO IVAN!” Grace’s small fairy-like voice called out.

She gleefully raced through the rows of grapevines, having quickly spotted me out in the field. I’m easily spotted unless standing amongst a thick grove of trees.

I was born and raised to be a Gamma. Too bad becoming Gamma, no matter how briefly I held the title, came at such a high price. If you’d told me five years ago that I would own my ex’s family winery rather than being the Madonie Gamma, I would say that you were out of your mind.

The blood that stains my hands will never wash away. I will always be haunted by the cries of those I’ve killed, their faces caught in terror as I took their lives. Innocent lives were taken by my hand—all in the name of Ignazio, or more so in protecting Amelia from him.

And given what he did to my sister, who could blame me for wanting to keep her from him? Even more so to have learned she was meant to be his fated mate. I may not have been thrilled at her taking a chosen mate, but Stephen is a far better man than Ignazio would have amounted to. He cares for my sister and loves her, not for a mate bond but for who she is.

“Got you!” Grace squealed in delight as she latched onto my leg, or at least to the best a four year old can latch onto a calf as thick as mine.

I sighed, smiling as I looked down at my niece, with her dark locks and purple streaks indicating her status as a hybrid. She may not be my niece by blood, but her arrival in my sister’s life saved her from a depression that Stephen and I couldn’t pull her back from. Grace is a bright light for our family. When she smiles at me, I feel the burden of my sins lifted. Almost.

“Do you?” I asked as I leaned down and lifted her. “Or do I have you?”

She giggled as I held her upside down by her ankle, bringing her so we could be eye to eye. My usual stone expression cracked, and I felt a smile tug at my lips as my niece laughed, her eyes sparkling with joy as she looked at me.

Few people in the pack look at me like my niece does. I’m tolerated, but only because my sister is the Gamma, and I was the first to pledge my loyalty to André D’Amore.

Tolerated. That’s all I can hope to be in this world. To many, I’m just a reminder of the war. I’m the reminder of the pain, suffering, and shame brought to all three packs of Sicily. And I have accepted this.

I know what I did, and this is the consequence. I’m fortunate to be alive—yet another thing I owe to my baby sister. Many wanted my head, but even without her voice, my sister was the loudest.

‘IVAN!’ My sister’s voice shouted in our family link. ‘Put my daughter down.’ Amelia commanded.

I adjusted my hold on Grace, turning her right side up and placing her on my shoulders. I arched my brow as I looked down at my sister. She’s taller than even some men, but I’m still two feet taller than her. She narrowed her brown eyes and held her arms out, silently demanding her daughter back.

“We were having fun, mama.” Grace pouted as I passed her to my sister.

‘The time for fun has stopped. It’s time for lunch and then a nap for a certain little girl.’ Amelia sighed in our link.

“Lunch time.” I short-handed my sister’s words.

“Ooo, LUNCH!” Grace exclaimed as she wiggled out Amelia’s arms, ready to return to my villa.

She didn’t get far as Amelia took her hand with a heavy sigh. Grace is a bundle of energy. She wanted to be a mama, but she had to realize it would come with moments like this. I know how much my sister loves her daughter, but even our mama would get exasperated despite her endless love for us.

If Amelia could speak to her daughter, things would be different. But I failed to protect my sister from Ignazio. And as a result, she lost her ability to speak outside the link.

Of everything I did five years ago, outside of my parents’ deaths, failing to protect Amelia is my greatest regret and shame. And it’s not like Grace will get the family link when she’s old enough. Adopted children can’t share in a family link. So, we will have to wait until she gets her wolf and can be in the pack link.

‘We will walk back together.’ Amelia signed one-handed to Grace.

“Yes, mama.” Grace conceded.

She’s very bright for a four year old. I doubt many her age would have picked up on LIS. But Grace is as fluent in LIS as in Italian and English. She’ll probably learn French, German, or Spanish when older.

Though if she puts her mind to it, I bet she could take on all three. I opted for Spanish in school, and I’m not what I’d call fluent. I can probably limp through a conversation if needed, but that’s it.

We walked in relative silence through the rows of grapes in the direction of what used to be the Pavesi family villa, but since Zelma sold the property to me, it has been my home. The massive, elegant renaissance-influenced Mediterranean home is far more home than I require. I don’t use the second floor unless my sister’s family visits me.

I opened the back gate, letting my sister and niece walk into the fenced yard first. Stephen was on the veranda setting out lunch on the table. His head raised when he either heard us or felt my sister nearby. He smiled as he set a pitcher of lemonade on the table and squatted with his arms open.

“There are my two favorite girls,” Stephen called out.

“Papa!” Grace shouted as she broke free of Amelia’s hand, running around the fence surrounding my pool and straight into Stephen’s arms.

‘What’s wrong?’ I asked, noticing the far-off look in my sister’s eyes.

‘We need to talk.’ She sighed as she continued to the veranda.

“How was hide and seek in the vineyard?” Stephen asked as he kissed Grace’s cheek and then kissed my sister.

“I caught Zio Ivan.” Grace proclaimed proudly.

‘It looked more like he caught her as I found them with her holding her upside down by the ankle.’ Amelia huffed in the family link to ensure I heard her.

‘She was fine. Our Papa did similar to you at her age.’ I pointed out.

“Sounds like you managed to catch the Madonie Giant. Excellent, Gracie.” Stephen praised their daughter as he put her into a chair.

“Let’s eat lunch. I’m sure you worked up an appetite chasing your Zio.” He ruffled her dark hair while Amelia put a helping of pasta alla Norma on Grace’s plate.

“Did you talk to him yet?” Stephen asked as we all settled in for lunch.

“No. What happened?” I asked as I arched my brow and waited for one of them to answer me.

I’d been wondering all day why they made this unannounced visit. I didn’t want to question or sound like I was complaining. I enjoy seeing my family, so who am I to complain?

However, if they are here for other reasons, I want to know. If it’s something that could cause them, especially Grace pain, I want to know. I don’t want my sister to keep secrets again. The last time she kept a secret, she almost died.

‘I was about to tell him.’ Amelia sighed in the shared link.

I set my fork down and gave her my full silent attention.

Amelia sighed, reached into her purse, and placed a purple envelope with my name written in gold, sealed with the Madonie pack symbol. I furrowed my brow as I took the envelope cautiously. Was I being summoned by André? I can’t think of anything I’d have done that would require a summons.

I’ve only left my property when given permission, and even then, it’s only to see my sister. All my supplies are delivered from a nearby grocer. So, I don’t even go into town.

I have people that operate the vineyard, make the wine, and handle the distribution. I don’t run any company meetings, at least not in person. On rare occasions, I join a video meeting with investors or distributors that want to see the face of the man behind Ebon Moon winery.

My brow furrowed as I broke the seal, and purple and gold glitter in the shape of masks fell onto the white linen tablecloth. I shouldn’t be surprised that glitter would be involved. This is André D’Amore I’m dealing with. But why masks? Why purple and gold? These aren’t Madonie colors. And if anything from André, I’d have expected rainbow flecks of glitter.

My expression didn’t change as I took the card out and read the contents.

“Alpha André & Aleph Darren of Madonie present their first Masquerade Mate Ball? Your presence is requested for an evening of mystery, company & a chance at true love?” I wrinkled my nose and tossed the invitation on the table.

“What s…nonsense is this?” I asked as I stopped myself from calling it shit.

‘Exactly what it is. Your invitation to the gathering Madonie is hosting this year.’ Amelia rolled her eyes.

“You’ve declined to attend any gathering hosted over the last five years.” Stephen pointed out.

“And?” I turned my hard gaze at him.

‘And I’m sick of it!’ Amelia snorted in the link.

‘I am over your woe-is-me act. I am over you, behaving like you aren’t worthy of a mate. Your mate is out there waiting for you to find her.’ Amelia scolded and gestured away.

‘Out there is a she-wolf yearning for her mate, probably attending gathering after gathering and losing hope because you’ve written off the chance of having love. You’ve decided for yourself that the Goddess would shun you.’ Amelia stood as she grew angry.

‘I haven’t. You, Ivan Noè Furlan, are going, and that is final.’ Her words held no room for argument.

‘I will not have my brother waste away his life, punishing himself for something he was forced to do. It hurts me to see you like this. So please… for me go.’ Amelia pleaded with tears pooling in her eyes.

“Fine. If it will make you happy.” I conceded.

I’m not a monster. I have a heart. And I cannot bear to see my sister in pain even more when that pain is felt on my behalf. I’ll go to this masquerade ball.

Then when I go home alone, perhaps she will give up. Even if I find her at this ball, she will reject me because I’m me. Because there’s no way someone like me deserves a mate. I kept that thought to myself.

‘Thank you!’ Amelia smiled as she moved around the table and hugged me.

I can do this. I can attend a ball if it makes my sister happy.


Ivan puts a lot of blame on those massive shoulders of his.

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Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
Cyntavia E. Seney
I wish he would put the blame where it actually belonged.
goodnovel comment avatar
Amanda R
I hope everyone changes their minds and gives him a chance
goodnovel comment avatar
Michelle Barrett
All he tried to do was protect his sister. He’s not a bad man. He deserves love.

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