
Sicilian Holiday Chapter 2 - Innocent Holiday

Delilah POV

Last year celebrating the holidays was hard. My sisters and I wanted to be happy and enjoy the season. Especially as Crista had been pregnant, but it was the first holiday without Papa and Mama. And even the pending additions of Crista and Alec’s twins could make us forget what was missing. Alec and his family had done their best to try and make the holiday special for us. And we were grateful for it, but it still couldn’t distract us from our loss.

This year, things are different. Or a little different, better, as Gwen and Christina have joined the family. While no one could replace our parents and the hole in our hearts their sudden deaths left behind, it is hard not to smile and feel joy when I look at my nieces. This will be their first holiday, and I want it to be perfect. I want them to experience all the Fayte traditions.

André wants the same thing as my sisters, to give Gwen and Christina the best first Christmas. As he and Darren will be hosting Christmas this year, Persephone and I have agreed to come to Madonie to help with decorations. Alec assured us that he and his ranked wolves had everything under control for getting Incubi ready for the holidays. So, they didn’t need us.

“Persephone…maybe you should slow down,” I suggested, gripping the door handle tighter.

“Oh please, don’t be such a baby. It’s not like I’m Katrina or Chesed.” Persephone rolled her eyes as she accelerated faster.

I don’t think she realizes how much like them she is when it comes to driving. I would argue further, but I know my sister. This is not the hill I want to die on. I would also not like to die in the used 2018 Maserati Ghibli that Alec and Crista gave her for her sixteenth birthday. I’d probably have felt safer if she hadn’t decided to modify it. I love my sister and am very proud of her intelligence and many inventions, but I wouldn’t say I like riding in one of her prototypes.

I was thankful when we reached the Madonie packhouse. It was organized chaos as we pulled up. Several Madonie pack members had already begun hanging decorations while others were bringing out more boxes of decorations. I recognized most of the decorations they were carrying out, but plenty were new. André is certainly going all in on this year’s decorations.

“Not even a little surprised André is going even bigger this year.” Persephone sighed as she parked.

“My cousin never does anything small.” Zoe chuckled as she climbed out of her car, parking behind us.

“He roped you into helping too?” Persephone chuckled. “Shouldn’t you ensure Nebrodi is ready for the holidays?”

“Of course, he did. And I’m not worried. Whereas André believes in going big or home, Katrina believes in ultra organization. She may be our Luna, but Tie lets her have her way regarding holiday celebrations.” Zoe laughed.

“So, no worries, your birth pack is already in full swing of decorating with many events planned for all ages. Katrina has some big surprises planned.” She smirked, and something about how she smiled and said ‘big surprises’ left me wondering what was happening.

“Is there something we should know?” I asked.

“Of course not. It is the holidays, and it’s a time for great cheer. Katrina will just be spreading that cheer across Sicily.” Zoe assured me with a wink.

“Yeah, that sounds super reassuring. But fine, keep your secrets with Katrina.” Persephone rolled her eyes.

“As long as it’s nothing to be worried about.” I nodded.

“So, did André give any set instructions? Where he wanted or needed us to help?” I asked as I looked around.

“Beta Zoe. Signora Persephone. Signora Delilah.” Nicolao greeted us with a bow.

“We have been expecting you. Alpha has asked that I give you these instructions and assist in any way you require.” He explained, offering us each a piece of paper.

I looked down at mine. It was a list of instructions for decorating the inside of the pack house. I almost wondered if Darren outlined it with how detailed it was, even including sketches of what things should look like and the instructions. But the verbiage and use of exclamation points told me André truly designed these.

“It looks like I shall be inside decorating.” I shrugged and looked at my sister and Zoe.

“I’m out here, which explains why he asked me to bring some of my stronger drones. He’s hoping I can use them to handle some outdoor decorations to prevent people from getting hurt.” Persephone said as she went to the trunk to get her drones.

“And I’m out here with Persephone,” Zoe answered as she went to help Persephone with the drones.

“Beta Alexander will be assisting you inside, Signora Delilah. Once he has finished with decorations at the Alpha villa, he will join you.” Nicolao explained.

“Ooo… careful not to get caught under the mistletoe.” Zoe and Persephone laughed as I blushed.

I tried to glare at them. I don’t think it’s working because they started to laugh louder.

“It’s okay, Delilah. I think the only person that doesn’t know you have a crush on the slut is him.” Persephone was still snickering as she hugged me.

“Don’t call him that. He doesn’t have a mate, so he is still allowed to have temporary relationships with others.” I sighed.

I dislike her shaming Alexander for not waiting for his mate. It’s a personal choice, and no one should be shamed for it. We know plenty of people that didn’t wait. Tie, Katrina, André, Zoe, and Darren didn’t wait. So why should only Alexander get shamed for it?

“As his sister, I can call him one. I know I’m one. I have no shame in my game.” Zoe smiled.

“I’m not trying to shame him. I want to remind you that he is a player, so please don’t get too attached.” Persephone sighed. “Now go get to work.”

I sighed and took my instructions, and headed inside. I greeted the workers that were already getting boxes of decorations out. Taking charge, I reviewed the instructions and sent people to different floors to get to work. I know this isn’t my pack, and I have even less authority here than I do in Incubi, but as part of André’s family, I felt I should take charge to see his vision achieved.

I was on the first floor with a few others. While I handled the details, I’d instructed some Madonie wolves to get the fifteen-foot Christmas tree in place. Specifically, I had taken on the large ballroom, which would be the centerpiece of the pack celebrations.

As I balanced on tiptoe to hanging mistletoe, I felt the stepladder shake. I’d all but prepared myself to fall on my ass. But instead of hitting the floor, I landed in familiar strong arms. I blushed as I looked up to confirm who my rescuer was.

“A…Alexander…” I gasped softly, my heart beating faster than a hummingbird at how close our faces were.

Alexander POV

I understand why my cousin is the way he is. I’m used to it, or at least I should be. He’s been like this since we were pups. If it was a party, he was all for it. He would plan parties in detail, and Goddess help those who didn’t fall into line and did things his way that included adults. It’s honestly one of the things that he gets serious about.

I remember when Gamma Ezio questioned one of his instructions when my Mama turned over planning the pack Christmas when he was fifteen. If looks could kill, Ezio would have been dead on the spot. Unless it was to defend his family, seeing André angry was unheard of. So it shocked everyone when he chewed Ezio a new asshole, for complaining that he had to listen to some pup. Ezio never questioned my cousin after that.

I sometimes want to question my cousin, but asking him while he’s holding a hammer is not a good idea. Even if I’m out of reach, he could throw it or accidentally hit someone like he almost hit Anton. And when he explained that he was going so big for Princesses Gwen and Christina, I couldn’t argue. My new cousins should get to have memorable childhoods full of love and laughter.

I don’t know why Crista’s sisters coming has me on edge. I have nothing against either of the girls. Sure, Persephone is annoying. I already have an annoying, sassy older sister. I don’t need a younger version. And Delilah… well, Delilah is another story. A story I’m not sure what to do about.

‘You’ll do nothing. That’s what you’ll do.’ Lucius so ‘helpfully’ commented as I drove back to the packhouse.

‘Helpful as always.’ I rolled my eyes.

‘What kind of help did you think I’d be? There are still two years till she awakens her wolf. And even then, you only can do something if she’s our mate. If she’s not, you lay a finger on her. I won’t put up a fight when her sisters and Alec turn you into dust.’ He scoffed.

I rolled my shoulders to suppress a shudder at the image he painted. He’s right that Zio Alec would eviscerate me. The whole D’Amore-Fayte family would, including my best friend and Alpha. There isn’t a member of that family who is protective of Delilah. I don’t blame them. I’m protective of her too. I wouldn’t want to see her hurt by anyone, me included.

I’ve been protective of that girl since we met. She has an innocence about her that reminds me of Regina, but that’s not it. My little sister is innocent, or she better be unless Valter wants to be neutered. However, her innocence is different. Regina has an obnoxiousness to her that one can only find in a sibling. And Delilah…she is NOT my sister.

Delilah’s innocence is genuine and not because she’s untouched like the Virgin Mary Italy celebrates today. She’s pure-hearted even after everything she’s suffered. I doubt many in this world could retain that warm and loving outlook on life and the people around her if they lived through all she has.

‘Delilah Fayte is a sunflower, always growing and finding the light.’ Lucius nodded as I headed into the packhouse, ready to check off more boxes on my cousin’s to-do list.

‘She’s…’ I started to comment when I stopped short when I saw her.

She was balancing on tiptoes at the top of a step ladder. A step ladder that was wobbling.

‘About to fall. Catch her, dumbass.’ Lucius scoffed.

As if I needed to tell me that. I was already three steps ahead of him. I’d covered the distance between us and easily caught her as she tumbled backward. I smiled as she gasped my name as she realized I’d caught her.

“How about I handle hanging anything high enough that you need a step ladder.” I offered, smiling as she blushed brighter.

I really shouldn’t embarrass her. She makes it so easy with how quick she is to blush.

“I… okay.” She agreed in that delicate voice of hers.

“Kiss!” Someone shouted.

Delilah’s face turned the same shade of red as her Christmas sweater. I glared to see who shouted it and saw it was Delta Alissa with a smirk. She knows who Delilah is and why what she just said is the stupidest thing on the planet.

“Mistletoe. It’s holiday law.” She teased as she pointed above us, and I drew my attention.

“Alissa…” I sighed, shaking my head.

“You can ignore her, Delilah. I plan to.” I assured Delilah.

“We… we are under the mistletoe.” Delilah stammered softly, turning redder. “You don’t have to kiss me. I mean, how weird would that be? I’m like a little sister to you.” Her words were coming out in a rush as she backpedaled.

‘It’s the holidays, and you are under the mistletoe. Her family won’t kill you…. This time.’ Lucius shrugged his approval.

He makes a valid point. And it’s not like it means something. It’s just a mistletoe kiss. So, I kissed her, I shouldn’t have, or at least I shouldn’t have kissed her on the lips, even if it felt right on some level.

“OH MY GODDESS!” Persephone yelled, making me quickly end the kiss and put Delilah down.

“I fell, and Alexander caught me. And we were under the mistletoe.” Delilah quickly explained the situation as she hurried from me to her sister.

“Uh-huh.” Persephone eyed me like she was contemplating dissecting me.

“Honest. Perfectly innocent holiday kiss.” I concurred with both hands up.

“So, are you saying you’re just handing out kisses while under the mistletoe?” Persephone arched her eyebrow.

“With some exceptions.” I shrugged.

“Oh, so you suddenly have a standard.” Persephone scoffed.

“Well, you and blood relatives would be the exceptions.” I taunted, folding my arms.

“Okay, that’s enough. Back to your corners. It’s the holidays, and we are supposed to be decorating.” Delilah sighed.

“Yeah, it looks like you were doing a lot of work.” Persephone rolled her eyes.

“Back outside, Persephone.” Delilah pointed to the door, taking a stern stance.

It’s rare when Delilah gets authoritative, and it’s generally to keep her older sister in line. Persephone pointed her fingers at her eyes and then at me in a silent ‘I’m watching you’ before she walked out.

“Please ignore her. The holidays are a touchy time of year for us.” Delilah explained.

I sighed, shoulders sinking at her reminder of the suffering they’d been through. That reminder made me feel bad for being snarky with her. I don’t think I could imagine spending holidays without my parents.

“I don’t hold any hard feelings. And I’ll try to be nicer to her.” I promised. “But you did make a good point. We are supposed to be decorating. Let’s get back to it.”

“Thank you, Alexander. I appreciate it.” Delilah rewarded me with a smile. “Yes, let’s make this ballroom look even better than André pictured it.”

“We can try, but knowing my cousin, I’m not sure we can exceed his expectations.” I chuckled.

The tension slowly faded, and I could focus on my tasks. However, the thought of the kiss was still lodged in my memory. Innocent holiday kiss… yeah, I’ll keep telling myself that.


Bet you weren't expecting to see Delilah and Alexander's povs. Innocent holiday kiss... Sure.

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Comments (18)
goodnovel comment avatar
Cyntavia E. Seney
Really! there are only five years!? I thought he and Andre were older than that.
goodnovel comment avatar
Tina Staab
I can’t wait for their story and no matter how innocent it was I’m glad they actually kissed each other with no sexual I’m innuendo I know I can’t wait for that to happen. They were so sweet together and Delilah has the sweetest personality and Alexander better not screw it up
goodnovel comment avatar
Heather Couture
It will work out though

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