
Sicilian Holiday Chapter 1 - Fabulous Holiday

Darren POV

If I have learned anything in a year of being mated to André, it is always to expect the unexpected. Not in the same way I had to be prepared for anything while in the SEALs. My mate is spontaneous and always over the top, or as he would call it, always fabulous. And even more when a holiday is involved.

So why am I surprised right now? Probably because it’s three in the morning, and our bedroom has been lit up like the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree. Because André is kneeling over me, leaning toward the headboard to hang more decorations, his erect penis bobbing in my face wearing only a mistletoe cock ring.

Welcome to my life, people.

“What are you even doing awake?” I questioned as I turned my head to confirm the time.

Yep, three am. Two hours before my alarm would go off and at minimum four before André would wake up. So, his being awake is abnormal. I don’t count when he wakes up in the night horny. I looked back up at him to find him grinning down at me.

“It’s L’Immacolata Concezione,” André answered as if that explained everything.

“What does celebrating the Virgin Mary, a being as a werewolf we don’t pay homage to, have to do with you hovering naked near my face wearing a mistletoe cock ring?” I arched my brow.

“Nothing. It just kicks off the holidays in Sicily, and you know it.” He answered, ignoring the second part of my question.

“Uh-huh. And the cock in my face, complete with mistletoe?” I reiterated, unable to stop my eyes from homing in on his cock.

“Well, we all know the meaning of mistletoe.” He smirked, cock twitching under my gaze.

“If I give you a blow job, will you turn off the lights and go back to sleep?” I asked.

If you had told me when I came to Sicily for the war that I would enjoy a sexual relationship with a man, I would have called you crazy. I still don’t think I would call myself gay or bisexual, as I’m not attracted to other men.

As he says, I am André-sexual. The term fits because I don’t find anyone else sexually attractive. I suppose that is expected of a mated couple.

“I never say no to a blow job from you. And I think I could be talked into going back to sleep in a post-orgasm glow.” André licked his lips.

If I were a betting man, I would say he planned for this. Goddess knows she paired me with a sexual deviant. Becoming fathers to Lando only modified that. Now he is even more sneaky in getting frisky. At least he keeps his antics to times and places that wouldn’t result in Lando catching us.

“If I must…” I teased him, licking the tip of his cock. “Wouldn’t want you cranky later from lack of sleep.”

“Sí…Cazzo… Darren.” André growled, his eyes half closed as he gripped my hair.

Damn him and wearing a cock ring. It’s not like he needs one to get, let alone stay hard. He did this to stay hard longer than normal. I bartered a blow job, so I knew what I was getting myself into.

So I can’t put the full blame on him that my jaw hurts. I should have just bartered sex. Then it would be my ass that was sore from him lasting longer than normal.

The blow job did the job. Sure, it left me hard, but what can you do? I can jerk off later or something. Not everything requires reciprocation. Or that’s what I told myself as I wiped a drop of cum from the corner of my mouth.

I had assumed that when André moved, it was to get back on his side of the bed. Oh, how wrong I was. He smirked at me as he slipped under the covers.

‘You didn’t believe I’d leave you like this.’ André taunted me in our link as his lips wrapped around my cock.

I growled and reached under the blanket to tug at his hair. He chuckled around my dick, obviously pleased with my reaction. He’s good at that. I shouldn’t compare him to past lovers, but André is a better lover than every woman I’ve been with combined.

I would say it’s because of the bond. But something tells me that’s not all there is to it. André, not that I like to think about how he honed such skills, is a talented fucker.

“Now I can go back to sleep,” André smirked after swallowing my orgasm.

I could’ve and should’ve had a witty comeback, but my brain was checked out. I remained silent as I rolled to my side and wrapped my arm over André as we spooned. He leaned toward his nightstand and hit something that shut off all the Christmas lights in our room, plunging us back into darkness. Cardinal purred in my head as André snuggled back against me, pressing his ass against my cock as if to entice it for another round. It wasn’t having it.

“I love you but stop trying to wake my cock up for seconds,” I grumbled against his mark.

“Can’t blame me for trying. And I love you too.” André snickered softly before his breathing evened out, and I knew he’d fallen asleep.

I fell asleep not long after, but as always woke up just before my alarm. Carefully I dislodged myself from André as I climbed out of bed and quietly dressed for my morning run. To my surprise, as I was heading for the door, Lando was hurrying down the spiral stairs dressed like he planned to run too.

“Lando?” I arched my eyebrow.

“Buongiorno, Dad. Can I go with you for your run?” He asked as he zipped his hoodie.

I cocked my head because this was the first time that he’s asked to go on my morning run. He’s nine, so I wouldn’t expect him to want to go for a run when he could be sleeping.

“Are you sure? You do know I go for a ten-kilometer run.” I asked as I folded my arms.

“Si, Dad. I know.” He nodded.

“I want to go with you. I need to work on my stamina and cardio. I’ll be starting my pre-wolf training next year. I don’t want to slack off or for people to think I’m some weakling getting a pass because of who adopted me.” He explained.

“You’re nine. You’re in the shape of a nine-year-old. And no one should treat you differently because you’re our son.” I held back a growl at the idea that anyone would treat Lando differently because we adopted him.

“Still, I want to prove myself. So, can I go with you? I’ll do my best to keep up and not slow you down.” He pleaded with those puppy eyes.

I sighed because how could I say no to those eyes? Lando grinned, knowing he’d won.

“Let’s go then.” I conceded as I opened the door and let him go first.

I shook my head as I realized he was wearing a custom ‘Always Fabulous’ hoodie André got him. I still don’t know why he wanted to come with me. Maybe it is because he wants to be better prepared for the training that starts when Madonie children turn ten. But something in my gut says that’s not the real reason.

We had ten kilometers for him to tell me the truth. The run took longer because there was no way Lando was keeping my usual pace. As we returned to our villa, it became clear why Lando came with me. He was a delay tactic for André’s plans.

André POV

I love holidays. I love any reason to celebrate. Some might say I go ‘overboard.’ These people wouldn’t know a good time if it bit them in the ass—speaking of good times. Fuck was that blow job Darren gave me good.

Did I need to decorate our bedroom so early in the morning? Probably not.

Did I need to do it naked? Again, probably not.

Did I need to be wearing the new cock ring I ordered while doing it? Maybe not.

Do I regret any of it? Who would regret a mind-blowing, oh puns, blow job? Not this man, that’s for damn sure.

I know what you are all wondering, why am I getting out of bed? I generally would sleep until Darren got home. He goes on his run then we fuck before we start the day. Today I’m breaking away from routine because I need to do things. I trust Lando to keep his dad out long enough for me to do everything I need.

I quickly dressed in my red tracksuit with a white sparkling Christmas tree on the jacket and plants. I couldn’t resist buying them, especially when I saw that the start on the tree would be perfectly placed over my crotch in the front and my asshole. I couldn’t pass that up. I’m only wearing it while I work on decorating the villa.

Have you ever seen the live-action How the Grinch Stole Christmas movie? Remember that scene where Martha May Whovier is doing an over-the-top yet elegant lighting decoration of her house? Yeah, that’s me. Plus, Alexander and some other pack members came out to help.

“Tell me again why we are doing this so early in the morning?” Alexander asked with a yawn from his perch on the roof where he was securing lights.

“Because I want to do this while Darren and Lando are out of the house,” I explained like it was perfectly logical.

“And we couldn’t do this while Darren was in his office and Lando was at school?” He countered, frowning.

“Stop questioning me, cousin.” I waved a hammer at him.

“Decorating our villa is only the beginning. Every home and business in Madonie will get the D’Amore holiday treatment. Especially the pack house. I want the pack house to shame almost every other display.” I explained, waving my arms around as I spoke, a pack member ducking to avoid getting hit.

“Almost? Let me guess the villa will be the most over-the-top in Madonie. And watch it. Don’t go knocking out helpers.” Alexander rolled his eyes but continued to secure the lights.

“Sorry!” I called out to the pack member I almost hit with a hammer.

“It’s okay, Alpha. I ducked. We all know how much you love holidays. Your exuberant joy and how wholeheartedly you take on celebrations lift the spirits of us all.” He smiled as he helped light a massive star to be hung above our door.

“Aw, thank you.” I smiled. “See… Some people appreciate my love of celebrations.” I stuck my tongue out at my cousin as I returned to work.

“As long as this is the only time I have to help decorate.” Alexander sighed.

I laughed at his assumption.

“And if I had plans?” Alexander narrowed his eyes.

“You can cancel on whomever you are fucking this week,” I scoffed.

“Rude. So, what do you have planned for me then?” Alexander sighed.

“I want you to be at the pack house when Persephone and Delilah arrive this afternoon.” I started to explain.

“Why are they coming? They are Incubi.” Alexander furrowed his brow.

“They volunteered-ish to help decorate since we will be hosting the family celebration this year. And it must be perfect. This is Gwen and Christina’s first Christmas.” I explained.

“Fine. I can’t argue with that.” He conceded.

By the time the loves of my life jogged up the driveway, everything was complete, and it was just me standing under red and white candy cane-ish arches that spanned the sidewalk to our front door. My poor baby, Lando, looked like he would drop from exhaustion. Maybe asking him to keep Darren busy on the run was too much. I’ll make it up to him.

“Welcome back, my loves.” I greeted as I tapped a button on my phone, and all the lights and animatronics used to decorate the house and front law came to life in the soft morning glow.

It was all worth it as I saw the exhaustion in Lando’s face fade as he looked in awe at all the lights. I’d done similar last year but maybe just not this much. There was still so much going on last Christmas. While it was our first as a family and leaders of Madonie, it was a quickly pulled-together event.

This year I have from today through Epiphany on January 6th planned out. I know, shocker! I have a month of events all planned and budgeted. Though I don’t think it should be a surprise.

This is a holiday! These are parties. And no one, I repeat, NO ONE throws a better party than me. I even have Katrina and her coven onboard for a midnight broomstick ride for Lady Befana.

I know witches don’t ACTUALLY ride broomsticks. But Katrina assured me the coven has the magic to make it happen, so long as I’m not offended that they will do this in all three packs. It’s only fair that all three packs get to have great parties.

“It’s amazing, papa,” Lando exclaimed as his eyes didn’t even know where to look.

“This is why Lando came on my run. He was supposed to slow me down so you could get this done.” Darren sighed, shaking his head.

“Well…” Lando shrugged.

“Don’t give our son a hard time. I asked him to distract you. By all means, give me a hard time.” I winked.

“Can you keep the innuendos to our link when our kid is around?” Darren groaned and rubbed his forehead. “And what are you wearing?” He gestured to my outfit.

‘Don’t worry. I keep all the dirtiest offers private. And I hope you give me a very hard time when we shower.’ I taunted him in our link.

“Isn’t it just great? I love this outfit. I got you a matching one. Don’t worry. You won’t have to wear it outside the house.” I gushed over my outfit as I did a spin, shaking my ass a little.

“Did I get a new outfit too, papa?” Lando asked.

“As if I’d forget you, my darling boy,” I assured as I ruffled his sweaty curls. “Now go shower and get ready for school.”

“Thanks, papa.” Lando hugged me and then hugged Darren. “Thanks for letting me come on your run, Dad.”

I smiled as I watched Lando run inside, followed by a squeal.

“You didn’t stop at decorating outside, did you.” Darren sighed as he went in to see what our son squealed about.

“Why would I stop outside? We all know being beautiful on the inside is just if not more important than the outside.” I chuckled as I followed them inside.

Yes, I decorated the fuck out of our villa. The only thing I didn’t do was trim the tree in our family room. The ten-foot tree in the parlor that greets you when you first walk in that’s another story. It was a beacon of holiday cheer.

“You already decorated the tree?” Darren arched his brow.

“Only this one. Our family tree is set up in the family room and waiting for us to decorate together tonight.” I assured him.

I know how important it is to him to decorate the tree as a family. He told me about Christmas growing up in America. How his dad would cut down their tree, and even when he and his brothers were babies, there were pictures of their parents helping them hang decorations.

And each year, they would make a new ornament to celebrate each of them. We made ornaments last year to celebrate us being mates, being leaders of Madonie, moving into the house, and of course, adopting Lando.

“I also have the materials for making this year’s ornaments. We are going to have a Delaney Christmas tree trimming party tonight.” I assured him and kissed his cheek.

‘And after Lando is in bed, we can have a naked tree trimming party.’ I teased in our link.

“I know what kind of ornament I want to make this year. Did you get enough glue and glitter, papa?” Lando asked as he rushed back to our side.

Darren cleared his throat, and I knew he was still thinking about my plans for tonight.

“Lando, if there is anything your papa has an abundance of, it is glitter.” Darren chuckled.

“Okay, that’s true. I’m going to go get ready for school.” Lando laughed as he hurried upstairs.

“Now then. Let’s go see about you giving me a hard time.” I winked as I grabbed Darren’s hand and led him to our master suite on the first floor. Oh, how I love the holidays. And this is going to be a Fabulous Holiday.


What a way to kick off a holiday special. I know this is a bit late of a release regarding timeline order since The Genius Delta takes place two years after this bonus story. But as they say, better late than never.

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Comments (7)
goodnovel comment avatar
Heather Couture
I frickn love these two!!
goodnovel comment avatar
LOL!! I didn’t know how I missed André and his fabulous way to live the life
goodnovel comment avatar
Yaaaassss!! Soo excited for this short story!

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