
Chapter 9 - Leo

I’m amazed that I got any sleep on the train. I was so on edge, and it felt like every time I closed my eyes, I could see those glowing pale yellow eyes watching me. Sometimes they watched me from the window. Others, I swore those eyes were looking through the crack between the door and the floor. It was creeping me out.

I only got through that train ride by reminding myself that River would be there waiting. That’s what I need to think about. I can’t just let my fears get the better of me when I’m so close. I need to remain strong and focused on my goal.

I’ve already come this far. I smiled as I imagined the whole slow-motion reunited romance movie scene. We’ll spot each other in the terminal. We’d call out to each other and push our way through the crowd—all culminating in me jumping into their waiting arms, hugging and kissing them.

As we got closer to Minneapolis, I used the private cabin Hale got me and took a quick shower to change into the spare set of clothes I could fit in my bag. I felt a little more alive now that I had washed and changed my clothes. And best of all, the pink in my hair looked even better after my shower. I hope River likes it.

I shouldn’t have let my guard down. It was stupid of me because as I started to head for the exit as the train reached our destination, I was yanked roughly by the collar into a room. I yelped and went into fight or flight mode and started thrashing, elbowing my attacker in the ribs.

“Hands off, mutha fucker.” I growled, trying to escape when the bastard clamped onto my hair.

“You’ll leave when I say so, little girl.” He snarled, pulling at my hair hard enough that I’m sure I’ve lost more than a few strands.

I wrinkled my nose. I don’t have my wolf yet, but they’re stirring in me, and I can smell that this guy is a rogue. Just what I didn’t need. In contrast, I’m technically a rogue or will be once I get my wolf and can properly denounce Silvermane.

I’m not like this piece of shit as I don’t plan to be a rogue for long. I know there are at least two packs near River. If the Bloodmoon or Silverclaw Alpha is willing to accept me into their pack, I’ll be set. And the fact that he called me a girl just pissed me off more.

“I’m…” My elbow connected with his solar plexus. “Am…” My boot stomped his instep. “Not…” My fist slammed back, connecting with his nose. “A GIRL!” I shouted as I kicked back into his groin. Thank you, Sandra Bullock and Miss Congeniality.

I managed to get away and was almost to the doors when the rotting garbage, I mean rogue, grabbed me again. “You want to play rough? I can play rough. And call yourself whatever you want. You got the parts of a female. Settle down, do what I say, and get returned no worse for the wear to your mate. Or don’t, and I return you battered, bruised, and with a pup in your oven.” He sneered against my ear, making my skin crawl.

My stomach churned at his threat of raping me. I’m non-binary, so I don’t identify as a girl, but I know I have all the biological parts of a female. And situations like this remind me how fucking shitty males can be. I hate feeling weak. I hate knowing that I wouldn’t stand a chance in a fight outside of catching him by surprise.

Silvermane doesn’t train their ‘females’ to fight. If they keep the she-wolves weaker, they can’t fight back when someone tries to force them to be their chosen mate. It’s all part of their fucked up mentality. Because I have a pussy and tits, I was deemed unworthy to be given basic combat skills.

Speaking of mates, this bastard just referred to my mate. What the hell is that about? I don’t have a mate. I can only assume he means Fucker Prickface. And if he’s been in communication with him, they are coming to Minneapolis to try and collect me from this trash. I growled, glaring at the rogue but didn’t say or make a move.

River is waiting for me, and I don’t want them to get hurt. Rogues are dangerous because they are unpredictable. And even if humans surround us, he might not care about the secrecy of our world. I hope that either River isn’t here yet so they can’t do something to get hurt. Or they are here and maybe have help that can bring this guy down.

“No funny business. If you get out of hand, I have a silver blade that I am not above stabbing you with.” The rogue warned as I felt something sharp press against my side. I had no choice as he forced me to exit the train at his side.

As we stepped out of the train, I could feel my wolf stirring more than before. They are antsy about something. I’m not sure what. Maybe the dangerous predicament I’m in? The silver blade held against my ribs, perhaps? I mean, if something was going to awaken a wolf early, the imminent danger of silver should do it.

‘Mate…’ A low, almost sensual voice whispered in my head.

I blinked not just because my wolf sounded like some cartoon sex vixen but because a light, warm & earthy scent of sandalwood and citrus overpowered the garbage scent of the rogue next to me. I swear to Goddess if Fucker Prickface is here and the source of that scent, I’ll force that rogue to stab me in the heart.

And while logically, I know he isn’t because I should have realized it before this, it still terrified me. But then the idea of some random stranger or maybe a werewolf passing through this train station as my mate was just as bad. I don’t want anyone else. I want River!


I blinked as I saw them in the crowd flanked by two men. One I recognized as Hale from my video chats with River and pics they’ve sent me of their new family. I don’t know who the pierced and very tatted-up guy next to River is, but all three are looking right at the rogue and me, and there is rage in their eyes.

Holy shit! River is my mate! River is human, right? Oh shit! River’s eyes are starting to glow. Wait, it’s not just their eyes. Their body seemed to be glowing. HOLY SHIT! He’s a werewolf!? But… how could I not have known? Did my parents know?

The light show that is my mate only dimmed slightly as Hale and the man on their left put their hands on their shoulders. The rogue was still forcing me forward, looking all around with narrowed eyes. He is probably looking for Fucker Prickface. Though does he even know what he looks like?

His attention turned to River and company as they made a beeline for us. “One of you Tucker?” The scumbag asked, nodding at them. “Don’t get any closer if you want this little lamb returned unharmed.” He warned them, subtly showing the knife.

“None of us are Tucker,” Hale spoke first, holding a hand up and taking a half step closer. “But we will need you to put the knife down and let them go before you get hurt.”

“Not happening. She’s my golden ticket. So unless you can offer me something better, I’ll take my cash cow with me.” He sneered, digging his claws into my shoulder as he started to sidestep, looking to get around them.

“My dad warned you. Get your fucking hands off MY BUNNO.” River snarled, their voice not only theirs. A second voice was layered in that was just as deep but more gritty than River’s.

Everything went down in a blink of an eye. The cement under my feet started to shake, like a sudden wave in the ground pulled me away from the rogue and slammed me into Hale. He didn’t say anything, just turned me into him as the lights in the station seemed to intensify. Everyone in the station freaked out a little, only settling down when the lights were back to normal.

I turned to look and find out what Hale was shielding me from. River was still glowing subtly, and their other companion had the rogue on the ground with his arms behind his back as four werewolves I don’t know surrounded us with guns trained on the rogue. Others in police uniforms were telling passersby to move along.

“What the hell just happened?” I asked.

“Leo…” The light emanating from River went out in a blink as they rushed over, taking me from their dad to crush me into a tight hug.

I have so many questions to ask River. I wanted to protest and demand to be told what was going on, but the moment our hands touched, I felt the spark of the bond, and honestly, being in their arms was all I wanted on this trip. So I let the questions fall to the wayside and snuggled tighter to them, breathing in their scent and reviling in the warm tingly feeling of the bond.


Well, that's one problem down. But I kind of doubt Leo's parents, or worse, Tucker will give up.

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Comments (6)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kim Homer Grimm Krupa
mixed emotions I am thrilled to get the low down on leo but it also means genius delta has ended I hope your next book is our precious youngest Delilah
goodnovel comment avatar
YAY!!! They're together and they're mates! *happy dance*
goodnovel comment avatar
Shana Brooks-Schmit
Happy temporary tears...

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