
Chapter 2


I wiped away the last of my tears and straightened my shoulders. I needed to find my way back to the living room. As I made my way down the long, ornate hallway, the laughter and chatter from earlier still echoed in my ears, a reminder of my harsh reality.

Turning a corner, I nearly collided with Davies. His smirk told me he had been waiting for me.

"Well, well, if it isn't the illegitimate daughter," he sneered, blocking my path. "What are you doing wandering around all alone, Ava? Trying to find your way back to the rest of us civilized folks?"

I bristled at his words but tried to remain calm. "I'm just trying to get back to the living room," I replied evenly.

Davies leaned against the wall, his eyes narrowing. "Tell me something Ava, did you marry Liam for his wealth? That's the rumor going around, you know. That you're just a gold-digger looking for a way to secure your future."

What rubbish!

I never even wanted to marry him in the first place but what choice did I have?

I shook my head, anger bubbling inside me. "I married Liam willingly. I care nothing about wealth," I said firmly. "This marriage wasn't my choice, but I accepted it because it was the only option I had."

His mocking laughter filled the hallway. "Such noble words," he taunted. "But I wonder how long you can keep up this facade."

Davies took a step closer, his gaze turning predatory. "You know, Ava, you don't have to be so uptight. We could make this arrangement a lot more... enjoyable."

I recoiled at his words. "Stay away from me," I warned, trying to move past him, but Davies grabbed my arm, pulling me close.

"Don't be like that," he whispered, his breath hot against my ear. "We could have a lot of fun together."

I struggled to free myself, but his grip tightened and he pressed his body tightly against mine. Panic surged through me as his hand began to roam. Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, a familiar voice cut through the tension.

"Leave her alone, Davies."

I turned to see Liam standing there, his expression fierce. The usual innocence in his eyes was replaced with something darker, more protective.

Davies laughed, releasing me but not stepping away. "What's this? Little Liam trying to play the hero?"

"Leave Ava alone," Liam repeated, his voice dangerously low. The threat in his tone sent a shiver down my spine.

Davies raised an eyebrow, amused. "Ava isn't one of your toys, Liam. Go play with your planes."

Liam's hand shot out, gripping Davies' wrist with surprising strength. "My toys are possession and so is Ava. She is my possession," he growled. "Don't ever bother her again."

For a moment, the hallway was deathly silent. Davies looked genuinely shocked, clearly not expecting this reaction from Liam. Finally, he wrenched his arm free, scowling.

"Fine, have it your way," he spat. "But remember, Ava, you're just another possession in this house." He scowled at me.

With that, he stormed off, leaving me trembling. Liam turned to me, his expression softening back to the familiar, innocent look.

"Are you okay, Ava? My cousin Davies can be very troublesome at times. But I am your hero" he said, his voice gentle and back to it's distinct innocence.

I nodded, still shaken. "Yes, thank you, Liam."

He smiled, taking my hand in his. "Come on, let me show you to our room. I was told by uncle John that me and you would share a room. We are roommates Ava"

As we walked, I couldn't help but glance at him, my mind racing. How could someone so childlike display such protectiveness? And why did his voice hold such authority when he defended me? For the first time, I felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, I wasn't entirely alone in this nightmare.

Liam led me down another hallway, stopping in front of a large wooden door.

"This is our room," he said, pushing the door open.

I stepped inside, taking in the spacious, elegantly decorated bedroom. The large bed in the center, with its plush pillows and silk sheets, made my stomach churn with nervousness.

Liam walked over to a chest of drawers and began rummaging through them. "I want to take a bath," he announced, pulling out a set of pajamas and rubber ducks.

I watched him, my heart heavy with a mix of emotions. He seemed so innocent again, so childlike. How could the same person who had just fiercely defended me now be excited about bath toys?

He turned to me, his eyes bright, Do you want to see my toy collection after my bath, Ava? I have lots of cool stuff!"

I forced a smile. "Maybe later, Liam."

He grinned and headed to the bathroom, leaving the door slightly ajar. As I stood there, the reality of my situation began to sink in. Was I really going to share this bedroom with him? How would that even work?

I walked over to the bed and sat down, my mind racing. The events of the day had been overwhelming, and I was exhausted. But the thought of lying beside Liam, with his childlike innocence and his sudden moments of protectiveness, filled me with a strange sense of comfort and dread.

The sound of water running in the bathroom brought me back to the present. I needed to figure out how to navigate this new life.

Oh Lord. Is this really my life from now on? Just a day in this marriage and it already feels like I made the worst decision of my life.

God please give me strength. As Liam took a shower, I decided to lay my head for a while, calming down my raging thoughts.

I knew I hadn't closed my eyes for up to three minutes when I heard a click, the sound of a door being pushed open. A bit sleepy-eyed, I assumed it was Liam walking out of the shower.

A hand grazed my hairs and my eyes tightly closed shut, my heart sinking to the deepest parts of my stomach.

What is Liam doing?

I never imagined us to actually do anything. He is mentally unstable. We can't be intimate when he still has the brains of a child.

I refused to open my eyes and tried to relax my heavy breathing as his hands gently caressed my hairs, running his fingers through it sensually.

Heavens please! Can I really do this?

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