
Chapter 5


I awoke with a start, my eyes fluttering open to a soft, early morning light filtering through the curtains. My heart pounded in my chest as I took in my surroundings.

My blurry eyes struggled to make sense of the room I found myself in.

The room was familiar, the bed sheets cool against my skin. That was when the memory struck me like lightening. I had been married yesterday, married to a man who was mentally incapable of loving me. The memories became more vivid in my thought especially Davies' harassments.

I really moved from frypan to fire. The thought of spending my entire life with this family brought me so much discomfort and made my stomach churn.

But still, something was off. I tried moving but a strong vice grip held me in place. Darting my eyes down, I noticed Liam's arm was draped possessively over my waist, his breath warm and steady against the back of my neck. When had we cuddled in our sleep?

This closeness—was new and unsettling.

Carefully, I tried to shift without waking him. His grip tightened momentarily before relaxing, and I exhaled a quiet sigh of relief.

Slowly, I turned my head to look at him. His face was peaceful in sleep, the sharp lines softened, making him appear almost boyish. I gently extricated myself from his embrace, moving inch by careful inch until I was free. Liam mumbled something incoherent but didn't wake.

I sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, grounding myself. I could still feel the ghost of his touch on my skin, an odd mixture of comfort and fear swirling within me. What had prompted him to hold me so tightly in his sleep?

After a few more moments, I pushed myself up and padded to the bathroom. The cool tiles under my feet helped clear my head. I glanced at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was a tangled mess, eyes wide with lingering confusion. I splashed water on my face, willing myself to focus on the day ahead. Whatever this morning had started with, I couldn't let it control me.

Once I felt somewhat refreshed, I slipped into a simple dress and made my way downstairs. The mansion was quiet, the type of calmness that precedes chaos.

I sauntered into the kitchen, my eyes landing on two staffs cleaning up and preparing for the days work.

"Goodmorning to the both of you" I smiled and greeted them both.

But they gave me no reply, which shocked me.

"Uhm hello? Courtesy demands that you respond to a greeting especially coming from the daughter inlaw of this family" I reprimanded them.

"Mrs Tyson please can you tell us what you want? We are quite busy as you can see" one of them rudely scowled.

My jaws dropped to the ground at her mannerism.

Is this maid really talking to me in that manner? In my house I am treated like a worthless rag under my father's roof and now even here, the maids are trying to tramp over me.

No. I won't allow myself to be reduced to nothing.

"You are so rude. Who gave you the audacity to speak to me in such manner? Huh? Do you realise my husband is the son of this family?" I asked, the words grating in my chest.

They both cackled at my words, infuriating me more.

"If I were you I'll advise that you stop flaunting your husband's name because you are not the daughter inlaw of this family. You are merely another worker like the rest of us so stop carrying yourself so high. Your husband can't even stand up for himself" Another maid spat at me, raking my look with her scorching gaze.

"Oh I see. These are the sort of maids being employed here, treacherous and bitter minded staffs. All I hear is jealousy ringing in your words. But I won't stoop so low as to exchange words with the two of you. My husband would soon be awake, prepare something for the both of us" I sternly instructed.

"I'm sorry but we can't. We are quite busy and we've been instructed not to prepare anything for you and your husband" the first maid responded leaving me in shock once more.

"On whose orders!?" I found myself exclaiming.

"Clara's" they simultaneously replied.

My fist clenched in anger and my chest heaved. Such a conniving bitch!

Why is she trying so hard to make my life a living hell?!

Clara was like a spider, spinning webs of influence and control, particularly over the house staff. She was just like her brother, Davies, two scoundrels.

I haven't even done shit to her yet she wastes no time to slander and insult I and my husband. And now this?

Oh hell no.

Angrily, I marched out of the kitchen, the intensity of my exasperation tightening my chest.

As I stepped out of the kitchen, I was met with the cold, appraising eyes of Clara.

"Oh look who is awake" I said, attempting a facade smile.

Clara didn't return it. "Ava," she acknowledged curtly. "I see you're up early."

"Yes, I thought I’d get a head start on breakfast. But you decided to pull one of your stupid stunts" I snapped, my facade exterior withering away.

Her eyes flickered with something I couldn’t quite read. "The staff have other tasks this morning. Now if you will let me pass..."

I blocked her path like a fiery comet, my eyes a fiery ball of indignation. "How dare you Clara? Who gave you the right to stop the staffs from preparing breakfast for I and my husband?!"

"You mean your child?" She mocked me. "You were just newly brought into this family yesterday and yet look at all the ruckus you are creating. Liam did something he had never done before, he violently attacked my brother and all because of your stupid influence over him"

"Your lecherous evil brother tried to harass me! Liam protected me like how every husband would. Instead of you to call your brother to order, you decide to command those rude staffs to not prepare our breakfast!" I scowled at her.

She tilted her head slightly, a predatory smile playing on her lips. "See this as a little punishment Ava. You are not a Tyson, and you will never be a Tyson. You are just an illegitimate daughter sent to babysit my cousin. On my orders, they won’t be making breakfast today for the both of you. Do your worst Ava but remember, I am Clara Tyson, do not dare me in this house else I'd crush you"

The challenge in her voice was clear. Clara loved these power plays, asserting her dominance whenever possible. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure. "Very well," I said evenly. "I'll make it myself. But I am still the daughter inlaw of this family whether you accept it or not and I'll not be bullied by you"

Clara's smile widened, but she said nothing more. I could feel her gaze burning into my back as I moved back into the kitchen.

My troubles in this home are truly far from being over.

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