
Bound To The Billionaire
Bound To The Billionaire
Author: Adaririchichi

Chapter 1


I was strapped in a car which rolled into a villa nestled in the quiet suburbs, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was supposed to be serene, but all I felt was a growing sense of dread.

I just got married today. No wedding ceremony. No vows. No rings changing and kisses. Just an official marriage document which I was forced to sign.

And a car is currently sending me to the suburb villa, together with my parents and sister. Don't get me wrong. They are not escorting me like a loving family, but to meet my husband's uncle, Mr John Tyson and other inlaws.

As for my husband? Yes he is the heir to the Tyson family fortune but he is mentally unstable, a man who acts like a child. He is a fool and stain in his wealthy family, just like me, an illegitimate daughter in my family. As my older sister says, 'a fool and a bastard, what a perfect match.'

My eyes glistened with unshed tears as the reality of my predicament dawned on me.

"Smile and wipe your face. We don't want the Tysons to think you don't accept this marriage" My father harshly spat at me.

I glared at him, "Do you have any conscience at all? You arranged my marriage without my consent to a mentally impaired man and you forced me to sign the marriage documents. Why do you hate me so much?!"

"Oh please Ava shut up and stop making a fuss out of it!" My older sister, Amelia snapped at me. "You should be grateful that you are getting married into a family as wealthy as the Tysons. Which man in their right senses would agree to marry an illegitimate daughter like you? You are really so ungrateful" she scowled.

"Oh if you really love their wealth so much why don't you get married to Liam Tyson yourself?!" I retorted back at her, exasperation tightening my chest.

"How dare you talk to me in that manner!" Amelia raised her hands to slap me but Isabella, her mother held it in mid air.

"Enough! Stop this madness the both of you! Do you want to slap her and leave her with a mark on her face? She's no longer part of this family but she's the daughter inlaw of the Tysons now. Remember that Amelia" she scolded her before narrowing her heated gaze at me.

"The sooner you accept that this is your fate Ava, the better for us all. Now put a smile on your face" Isabella sternly told me before stepping out of the car.

I deeply exhaled before following suite. Here I was, trapped in a beautiful prison with my new family.

As I stepped inside, the grandeur of the place struck me. High ceilings, marble floors, and opulent decor—all signified the wealth of the Tysons. Yet this wasn't even the main family house. It was just a little villa to them.

But no amount of luxury could mask this sinking feeling in my stomach. My father and stepmother stood beside me as I entered into the mansion, their faces stern. They had achieved what they wanted: I was married off, no longer their problem.

"Behave yourself here and do not bring shame to my family else I'll kill you myself" my father whispered threateningly to me.

"If I were Amelia then you could say this. But I am not her. I know fully well how to conduct myself" I scowled back at him, my voice low. I've had enough of his threats and vile words.

"You dare talk back at me.." he pulled me by the arm but his wife, Isabella, was quick to intervene, stopping what could have amounted to being a scene.

"Enough you two. We are in the presence of the Tysons. Can we just keep our differences aside for today?"

A wise woman. I flashed her a plastic smile and nodded, ambling over to where my in-laws were gathered.

My eyes drifted to Liam, my husband. He was undeniably handsome, with striking blue eyes and dark hair that fell perfectly over his forehead. Yet, whenever he spoke, the reality of my situation hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Hi Liam. Can I stay with you?"

"Hi, Ava! Sure yes. Do you like my toys? I have lots of them!" He grinned, holding out a model airplane. His voice was that of a child's, filled with innocent excitement.

I forced a smile. "Yes, Liam. They look very nice." My hands caressed his and a lone tear dropped down my cheeks.

"I can give you some. Would you want them if I give you?" He asked.

I nodded, "I'd sincerely love to have one of your toys if you do give me" my sincerity echoed in my voice.

"Yayyy!" He exclaimed, attracting the attention of everyone else and causing a stirr.

"Here take this. It was given to me by my uncle. But have it. We can play together afterwards right? And watch Tom and Jerry...."he passed me a toy train and kept on chattering like a child.

I accepted it and smiled at him but my heart ached. This was the man I was supposed to spend my life with? A man who could never truly be my partner? I glanced at my father, but he avoided my gaze, his attention already on Liam's uncle, Mr. John Tyson,discussing something important. I was alone in this, truly alone.

A shiver ran down my spine when I felt eyes on me from behind. I turned to see Davies, Liam's cousin, watching me intently. His gaze was unsettling, a stark contrast to Liam's innocent enthusiasm.

"Welcome to the family, Ava," Davies said smoothly, stepping closer. His eyes roamed over me in a way that made my skin crawl. "If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Anything at all."

"Thank you," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. I stepped back, trying to put some distance between us, but Davies moved closer, a predatory smile on his lips.

"You're quite the catch, you know. Shame you ended up with Liam," he murmured, his eyes lingering on my body. "But then, who knows? Maybe you'll come to appreciate having a real man around."

I felt bile rise in my throat. The thought of being in this house with him, with Liam, was unbearable. I needed to escape, to think, but there was nowhere to go. I was trapped.

"Excuse me," I said, my voice shaking as I turned and hurried down the hallway. I found a quiet corner and leaned against the wall, trying to steady my breathing.

Just as I began to calm down, I heard laughter echoing from the other end of the hallway. I followed the sound and found Davies' sister, Clara, standing with a group of friends. Their laughter ceased abruptly as they noticed me.

"Oh look, it's the new bride," Clara sneered, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Let us congratulate her, she got married to a child" she cackled.

"How does it feel to be married to a grown man who plays with toys?"

Her friends snickered, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I tried to walk past them, but Clara blocked my path.

"Is it true what they say? That you were so desperate to get out of your own house and be married to a wealthy man, you'd marry anyone?" she mocked, her voice dripping with scorn. "Even someone like Liam? Are you that desperate for money?"

"Well what do you expect from her Clara? She's an illegitimate daughter. She will do anything to get the wealth her father never gave her" one of her friends sneered.

I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms. "Clara let me pass," I said quietly, trying to keep my voice steady.

"Oh, come on, we're just having a little fun," Clara said, her smile widening. "After all, it's not every day we get to meet someone willing to throw their life away for a mentally impaired man, someone so thirsty for wealth. Quite the sacrifice, don't you think?"

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I blinked them back. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"Leave her alone, Clara," a voice called from behind. I turned to see Mr. John Tyson approaching, his expression stern. Clara rolled her eyes but stepped aside.

"Fine, we'll go. Enjoy your fairy tale life, Ava," she said with a mocking curtsy before sauntering off with her friends.

Mr. Tyson watched them leave before turning to me. "I'm sorry about that, Ava. Clara is my daughter. And she can be... difficult."

I nodded, unable to find my voice. The weight of my situation was becoming unbearable.

"Thank you Mr Tyson, I'd take my leave now" I hurriedly walked away.

Mr. Tyson's presence was a small comfort, but it didn't change the fact that I was trapped in this nightmare.

Taking a deep breath, I straightened up. I would not let them see me break. My parents nor anyone else.

This was my life now—a handsome but childlike husband, a lecherous cousin, and a family that despised me.

I would find a way to endure, to find some semblance of happiness in this twisted arrangement. One step at a time, I told myself. One step at a time.

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