
Chapter 2

"Leave her alone; she's mine." The voice echoed, causing Dave to flinch a little. I looked up to see my savior, the man who came running to save a mere waitress in a strip club from the hands of Dave Mariel.

My eyes fell on his muscular body, which beamed out from beneath the black T-shirt he was wearing. "No one can save her from my grasp." Dave wasn't willing to give up, and I was too shocked to lift a finger. With a single move of his fist, Dave came crashing to the floor with blood oozing from his noserils.

"Are you okay?" he asked. There I saw it—his brown eyes, which had a gentle spark that gave him a handsome look. His broad chest, which any lady would crave, and his muscular arms, which would definitely be comfortable to sleep in, His only flaw was the look on his face, which was so scary.

I gazed into his eyes as he offered me his hand. I wasn't going to take it; all men are the same: perverted, derailed, and lustful. He moved closer, lifting me off the ground and carrying me in his arms. "It's not safe here; you're coming with me." His cold and thick voice gave a resounding presence in my heart as I unknowingly held him tight. What am I doing?

I flinched as he moved closer to an abandoned area in the parking lot. I wasn't moved by it; I felt inner peace in his arms and some trust. With a snap of his finger, the walls moved, paving the way for us. I didn't care about anything right now; his hands were too comforting to leave just yet. Behind the walls were two black Rolls Royces, each with a specific layout that made it better than any other I've seen.

My journey of a thousand miles was just starting, and I was already losing it. Where was I to start from? Which job would be so flamboyant as to pay me three thousand dollars per month? I should have just let him have his way with me and taken the money; after all, that's what I'm after.

I stopped thinking for a while and looked up front. I could hear my heart thumping in amusement. Right before my eyes was a penthouse, one big enough to fit my entire neighborhood. The gate would undoubtedly be able to repay my debt and fend for my family without me having to work. What is a man like him doing here? Is he a tycoon? I couldn't stop thinking.

Men in black suits rolled out, lining up before the door to greet him. The door of the car opened up with a slight push, and there I was in his arms once more. "Could you drop me down? I have legs, you know." I resisted his arms, neglecting my desire to be in his arms. "I am surprised a woman like you could speak back to me." His lips curled into a smirk, glancing at me from my head to my toes before leaving for the main entrance. He was definitely appealing—more appealing than any other man I've met. He had guts too, leaving me behind to let his men do the work.

Even though I was amazed by the building, the room I settled into was far more astonishing. I felt like a queen stomping over her subjects. "Mam, can I help you with anything? " a young woman barges in, looking frightened. "I'm okay for now," I replied, taking the clothes they had prepared for me.

I couldn't believe I'd ever wear a rare Chanel gown. It was far more expensive than my normal clothes and definitely not my league of clothes. It was quite comfortable, but I had to return it. I don't want more debts on my table.

"Good morning, Mam." I could hear voices from my sleep. This was far too early for someone to be awake. I opened my eyes slowly, glancing at the bunch of people in the room staring at me with pity. What had I gotten myself into? "Good morning, everyone."

Thinking I'd wake up by 1 p.m. was a big slap in the face for me. I'd never slept that long before, and I don't think I'll ever do it again. After taking a bath, I was out of the room, taking a tour around the penthouse. I never thought it'd take 2 hours to inspect all the rooms.

"Are you done touring the house?" I heard his deep, cold, and commanding voice. I looked to see him lying right down on the sofa in trousers, leaving the rest of his body uncovered. What a perfect seduction technique!

"Yeah, I am done. I want to head back home, though." I shivered as he moved toward me. Frightened, I moved backwards until there was no place for me to run. I could feel my heart beat stop as he placed his hands on the wall, holding me in place with the others. "I didn't get your name," he says, placing his mesmerizing finger on my chin.

"The name is Sasha, Sasha Brown," I declared in haste.

He chuckled, stepping back a little to grasp the information. "What's so funny about my name?" I was fuming. No one was allowed to laugh at my name except my grandmother, since she named me herself.

"Who would be so cunning to name a white, Brown?" he retorted, not caring about the sadness in my eyes.

"If your name is so alluring, why don't you tell me?" I moved towards him, not giving a damn about his hugeness.

The workers all peeped from various doors and windows, trying to hide their presence. They were more frightened than I was. They shook their heads, waiting for the worst to happen. To them, I had bitten on something I couldn't chew.

He gazed at me with a menacing look, which gave me goosebumps all over.

"Valentino Rex. My name is Valentino Rex.".

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