
Chapter Twenty Six

Tatiana's POV

The food was delicious, and the champagne was heady. Once people finished their meals, the wait staff began clearing away the plates. Tia felt more awake and was looking forward to dancing. She knew tomorrow would bring a lot of change, so she wanted to squeeze every last bit out of tonight.

The music started, and everyone began to loosen up. Duncan and Luca grabbed their partners and spun them out to the dance floor. Sadie laughed as Duncan wiggled and squirmed in front of her. His moves weren't terrible, just unexpected for his size. However, Luca pulled Tia close and rubbed his body against hers, making her and Talia pant. It was hot enough to make other she-wolves on the dance floor hot and bothered. She looked up into his eyes and wondered what had gotten into him. Whatever it was, she did not want it to stop. She looked over his shoulder and caught Sadie's eyes. She fanned herself and mouthed OMG. The feeling of his body so close to hers brought Talia to the surface. She hungered for the feel of him. Pushing forward, Talia growled and purred just below the surface. Luca looked down, his eyes coal-black as Lux came forward just out of reach.

Duncan came over and grabbed Talia. Her eyes flashed violet and then returned to Tia's usual blue. He pulled her away, and Sadie moved in to join Luca. It happened so fast, Tia's head was left spinning, but she quickly recovered. Duncan's oblivious, inadvertent cock block made Tia laugh out loud. The thump of the music reverberated through her as she searched wildly for Luca. He reappeared as suddenly as he had disappeared and pulled her back against him. She quietly snuck away, pulling him off the dance floor. As soon as they were out of sight of the others, she pressed up against him and kissed him hungrily. Luca picked her up and led her upstairs. He kicked her bedroom door open and carried her inside. She kissed and nipped at his neck, kissing deeply where her mark would go. His breath caught in his throat as he thought she would mark him, but she eventually moved back up to his lips. She bit and sucked his bottom lip, causing him to growl. He placed her on the bed and stood there looking at her. She couldn't read his expression as he stood hidden in shadows. Tia slowly slipped out of her dress and tossed it to the floor. Her skin flushed with desire as she stepped towards him. Lux's deep voice stopped her, "Dance for me Goddess," he commanded.

She paused, unsure, but as the music filtered in her open window, she closed her eyes and began to move. Tia felt his eyes on her as she rocked her body and swayed her hips to the beat. She opened her eyes, and they flashed violet. Talia was waiting. Luca stepped from the shadows and ran his hands over her body as he buried his face in her neck. His breathing was heavy as he nipped at her neck. She could feel his canines graze her skin, sending shivers of delight down her spine. Suddenly pain wracked her body, and screams of pain and horror penetrated her mind. Luca's body stiffened. She could tell he sensed it also.

"Zoe," Tia gasped as she shifted. Talia growled and looked at Luca before darting out the door. Luca was shocked as her eyes glowed a deep violet. Lux took over, forcing the shift, and ran after her. She ran so fast Lux could barely keep up. Talia found Zara, Zoe's wolf, pinned down by two large wolves, her eyes wild as she thrashed to free herself. Talia charged the closest wolf. As their bodies slammed together, her teeth ripped open his back. Luca lept onto the second wolf while she tore open the first one's throat, and it fell still. Talia spun around to face the third wolf with her eyes blazing. It snarled and gnashed its teeth at her, but as she crouched to pounce, Dante exploded out of the trees sending the wolf tumbling like a rag doll and crashing into a tree. Before it could recover, Lux was on him, tearing him to pieces. Zara jumped to her feet. Her silver fur was matted and bloody. Intestines spilling from her abdomen, her skin hung from the left side of her face exposing her jaw beneath. Stumbling, she collapsed. Tia shifted and ran to her side.

"You are going to be ok, Zoe. Stay with me." Tia soothed as she stuffed her intestines back inside her body. Luca came over and laid his hands over her belly. Her breathing was shallow. Tia knew she didn't have much time left. Luca's body suddenly stiffened, and a garbled cry escaped his lips. All the veins bulged from his skin as he convulsed then stepping back he collapsed. Sweat dripping down his body. Zoe's eyes fluttered shut and she lost consciousness. Tia jumped up and ran to Luca, as Duncan helped him up. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I will be fine. I just need a minute," he said as he held his head. 

"The pack doctor is on her way," Duncan said, "Who is she?"

"She is a rogue from the Village. I am training her to protect herself. My guess is that is the only reason she is still alive. Having fought against three adult wolves."

"Did you recognize them?" Duncan asked.

"Yes, the one I took down was the lead warrior from Hoh Forest Pack. The other two were warriors," Luca responded

"I have never seen them before."

"Vex is recruiting. He is up to something."

Tia heard voices approaching. The pack doctor Isabel arrived with a nurse and a stretcher. She worked to stabilize Zoe, who had lost consciousness and shifted back. The doctor bandaged her face and stomach before Duncan and Luca moved her onto the stretcher. They carried her out to the road, where they loaded her into the ambulance. Tatiana climbed in with her.

The doctor motioned to the black SUV, "You will find clothes in there. Bert will drive you back to the territory."

She shut the doors of the ambulance, and the sirens flicked on as they raced back to the clinic.

Sadie's POV

Duncan finally mind-linked her to say that a rogue friend of Tia's had been attacked a few miles outside the Village. They were on the way back, and he would meet her at the house. The party was still in full swing outside, but Sadie was no longer in the mood. She sat on the edge of the bed and slipped out of her heels. Bran & Carina and most of the Elders had already retired for the night. So she changed out of her gown and put on a T-shirt and jeans. Grabbing her car keys, Sadie mind-linked Duncan to meet her at the clinic instead. She wasn't going to sit around waiting for them to return. She wanted to help.

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