
Bullied By My ex' billionare uncle
Bullied By My ex' billionare uncle
Author: Writebunny

1- one night stand with a Greek god

Ava's POV

I felt sore in the middle of my legs as I stretched and the memories of last night's betrayal came flooding in. 

But how did I get here and who is this strange man beside me? 

I sat up and noticed that the room was also strange, too different in the style and elegance when compared to mine and I was also on a Queen sized bed. 

My heart thumped loudly as I tried to ascertain what was wrong with my surroundings and why my kidnapper was being too lavish when the person under the white covers beside me shifted. 

“Caleb?” I called out softly, praying to the heavens that I didn't end up drunk and give my virginity to my cheating ex. 

But as the covers peeled off his face to reveal a masculine and more perfected cheek bone, I didn't know how to express how I felt. 

I had spent the night with a total stranger and although he looked like a Greek god even with his bed head, I knew I needed to go. 

I gently peeled the covers off my body to find my clothes and I was ready to change and run away the moment I successfully laid my eyes on them on the other side of the room. 

However, my Greek god one night stand woke up. 

“Where do you think you're going?” He asked groggily as he rubbed his eyes and stared at me. 

“That's none of your business!” I spat as I covered myself with the white covers, leaving him naked on the bed and ran to my clothes. I quickly searched my purse and took out all the cash in it and a piece of paper where I wrote down my phone number and name. 

“Here, you can call me if the money isn't enough. I don't remember much of last night, but I'm sorry for taking advantage of you,” I said as I handed it to him while trying to avoid the long bulge in his nether regions.

But he grabbed my hand and pulled me so I fell directly on top of him instead. 

“What are you trying to do?” I flushed as I tried to get away from him. 

Now that I had a better look at his face, he did seem older than me.

An older experienced escort, no wonder I felt sore. 

“What does it look like? Mason sent you, didn't he? How did you manage to convince him to send you up when I told him I wanted to rest!” His voice sounded a little hostile now and it sent a shiver down my spine. 

So scary. 

“I don't know who Mason is and I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, so please let me go. I don't remember much of what happened last…” 

“As if I would let you go just because you say so. Get dressed, you're coming home with me. But you and that schemy assistant of mine will give me an explanation when we get home!” He said and let go of my arm. 

I ran towards the door to escape from this terrifying man, but he tutted. 

“There are guards on the outside and you will be badly treated if I give them the say,” such a threat early in the morning after my boyfriend and bestfriend shoved their betrayal down my throat yesterday with the fact that she was three months pregnant with his child. 

My chest constricted and I wanted to cry as I thought about how long I had relied on those two all these years just to be double crossed in the most disloyal way. 

I opened the door slightly and the sight of the big brawny men at the door sent me back in. 

“I swear, I don't know much about this. Our meeting must have been a misunderstanding of some sort you're an adult, let's just see this as a one night stand and let this pass,” I turned back and pleaded with him. He was now wearing a robe which I was grateful for, but I could still see the outline of what they called morning wood in his V line and his chest wasn't properly covered. 

I couldn't help but gulp at how beautiful he looked now that he was dressed with the rays of the morning sun adding to his sexual allure. 

“If you have nothing to fear, then you would come with me,” he smirked and I shivered once more. 

Finding my voice, I retorted, “what if you're a bad guy, like a kidnapper?” 

“Stop pretending like you don't know me,” he took a step closer as if to have another look at me and I stepped back, my back pressed against the door. 

“Who are you? Don't come any closer, please,” my voice shook, but I tried to maintain eye contact. 

“You really don't recognize this face?” He squinted and I shook my head. 

“No, I'm sorry for calling you a kidnapper, in truth, my first thought about you is that you look like a Greek God,” I said in flattery and he smirked as if satisfied. 

“Well aren't you a lucky one then?” He suddenly asked just as I breathed out a sigh of relief. 

“Why?” I frowned, not liking where he was leading this to one bit. 

“Have you ever seen a kidnapper this good-looking? Or do you know any kidnappers that can pay for the 5 star hotel room you're staying in?” His words made me choke on my saliva. 

He was aware of his good-looks and was not one bit humble about it. 

I sighed and resigned to my fate, after all, I didn't have anywhere to go since I just graduated. I might as well explore the city with this stranger for a while before packing out of the apartment I shared with Violet. 

“I'll call the police the moment you try anything funny,” I said searingly as I picked up my clothes and headed to the closet. 

“Then I should report you to the commissioner himself for the funny thing you tried yesterday night,” he said and I banged the closet door right behind me, flushed and with no recollection of what happened at all. 

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