
2 - 30 under 30

Ava's POV

The drive to his place was awkward and I had my heart in my throat for most of the ride even though we rode in a Vintage Styled Rolls Royce. 

He definitely wasn't a low grade kidnapper or an escort and that brought me to another conclusion as I gulped and stole another glance at him. 

He had so much wealth and was this good-looking and that could only mean one thing. 

“Why are you staring so hard, do you realize who I am now or do you want to continue from where we left things last night?” He asked. 

So shameless! I squeezed my face. 

“A..are you a human trafficker?” I blurted out before I knew what was happening and the car came to an abrupt stop with me almost knocking my head on the headboard of the seat in front. 

But his hand came in rescue and my forehead palmed it instead. 

“You think I'm that?” He asked bewildered and I realized that I had made another mistake with my loose mouth. 

“I'm sorry I…” 

“President, we are here,” the driver announced as he got out of the car, but I remained frozen in my awkward seating spot. 

I felt like I was a cow going to get my organs harvested and that thought made a cold sweat pool on my forehead. 

“Come out, come see for yourself if I am actually an organ harvester or…” he said, but I shook my head in a panic 

“I'm not going anywhere,” until the driver spoke up. 

“Are you a foreigner or you're really dumb?” he grumbled under his breath as he took out a tab that contained the biography of someone. It was a page out of Forbes list thirty under thirty this year and the first person on the list with his picture and achievements written in bold was the same man in front of me. 

I gulped and looked at him again before stepping out. 

I didn't think the cameraman did justice to his good-looks as he looked a lot better in real life and upclose like this. 

I got to my feet and bowed my head as I bent my waist so I was standing at 90 degrees. 

“I deeply apologize for everything I have said so far,” I said just in time for a clumsy guy in a suit and his tie loose on his neck came forward. 

This guy whose name I read as Kyle Vance had a small smile on his face, but the moment he set his eyes on the ruffled guy, his eyes hardened. 

“You bastard, you have something to say?” 

The clumsy guy fell to his knees dramatically and held onto his feet as he kissed it. 

“Mr President, I need you to understand and forgive me. It really wasn't my fault as I'd sent all the ladies back and this young lady here wasn't lying when she told you all those things you said over the phone. 

“So what's your explanation for this?” Kyle asked as he spared me a glance. 

The clumsy guy snapped his fingers and some other uniformed men behind him rushed forward with a laptop in their hands as they opened it and pressed play to show us what had really happened. 

The video was so detailed that I would have thought someone had followed me around had it not been for the time stamp of the CCTV camera. 

“So it turns out that this is just a scheme against you?” He turned to me and I nodded my head. 

It was more than a scheme, but I was not about to allow a stranger to settle my scores for me. 

I couldn't do anything about my best friend who had drugged me and put me in a stranger's room so I could be taken advantage of, because she was pregnant. 

“Yes, but it's okay. We are settled now and I'll take it that we are both sorry about what happened yesterday. I'll take my leave,” I said and turned my back ready to leave but he repeated that familiar phrase. 

“Where do you think you're going?” And I froze. 

“Home?” I said gently as the dramatic guy got to his feet and stretched forth his hand to shake. 

“Hi, I'm Mason and I'm this big bully's personal assistant, please don't leave yet. Why don't you freshen up while we get you a change of clothes," he snapped his fingers and returned to a professional mode. 

I thought he was cute and smiled. 

“Thank you,” before letting Kyle lead me in. His identity was something I would have never expected. I was led to a lavish guest room downstairs while Kyle went up to his room. 

I was given a change of clothes for the meantime which was a new pair of shirt and shorts that belonged to Kyle who lived alone in the mansion. 

After several thank yous, I was left to myself to take my bath and think about my life. 

When I was done, I decided to look around for a while before the guy returned with my change of clothes and the moment I stepped into the living room while still admiring how expensive it looked, the door opened and my bundle of nightmare entered. 

“Your uncle is really rich, I'm so lucky I chose you,” Violet said as she clung unto Caleb. 

“Right, I'm going to introduce you to him since he's pretty much our family head and after his approval we can get married and live as a happy family,” he said as they both turned and saw me where I was rooted in my steps. 

“Happy family? Isn't that too greedy and farfetched for people like you?” I muttered before my brain could even boot and I noticed their shocked expression, but my once sweet and understanding bestfriend was the first to recover and bare her fangs at me. 

“Ava, why are you wearing my uncle's clothes?” Caleb

“I knew that you were always a slut, but I didn't think that you would have hooked up with someone new the moment your boyfriend broke up with you, it's almost as if you were anticipating it,” she folded her arms and glared at me. 

And for a moment I wondered if this was the same person I'd called my best friend for ten years. 

“I should thank you for that, shouldn't I? Drugging me to humiliate me,” I tried to smile as I remembered the schemy look on her face from the video. 

“Violet, is that true?” Caleb turned to her and she put on an innocent display which I couldn't bear to watch. 

Lucky for me, Kyle came downstairs and I was just about to disappear when he held my hand and whispered those step-freezing words of his. 

I noticed that the moment he laid his eyes on Violet, the temperature in the room froze, while she cast him a quick glance and continued to glare at me. 

“Who are you and who do you think you are to come in here? Look, this woman is a slut, and I can say it because we've been friends for ten years,” she said and I laughed in mockery at myself. 

Just how did I never realize the snake that she was?

Kyle smirked and looked between the two and I followed his gaze to see Caleb who was shivering on his feet and trying to stop Violet, but she shook him off and continued. 

“Look, we came here to get my fiance's uncle's blessing, so you should get out of our way and dispose of this slut. She is just a gold-digger and a slut,” she spat and it made me recoil. 

“A slut? Did I become one because I was drugged and slept with a stranger?” I asked and she eyed me without any remorse. 

Kyle turned to me with an amused smile. 

“Only for me. If I didn't know better, I would have thought you had experience, sweetie,” he winked at me and turned to Violet. 

“Do you know who I am?” He asked and Violet looked at Caleb then back at him. 

“As long as you are not his uncle, you are nothing and it's none of my business,” she said with a lofty tone and he threw his head back in laughter. 

“You still dare to speak!” his voice came out so chilling that I had to rub the side of my arms for warmth. Caleb on the other side collapsed in the chair behind him. 

“You bitch, you've put us in trouble, that's my uncle and he has a bad temper,” he said, having found his tongue after such a long time.

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