
A lie that kills

It is now two months into their sham marriage, Thorne had made it clear from the start that their union was purely political, a means to solidify his power and control over the pack. He had no intention of consummating their marriage, and Ember was secretly relieved. She had never wanted to be with him in the first place, and the thought of sharing a bed with him was unbearable.

Thorne’s cold demeanor had become the norm, and Ember had grown used to his aloofness. She found herself feeling more comfortable with the distance between them, free to focus on her own interests and pursuits without the burden of pretending to be a loving wife.

Augusta, Thorne’s mother, had never warmed up to Ember. She saw her as a weak and unworthy mate for her son, a mere pawn in their political game. Augusta’s disdain for Ember was palpable, her condescending gaze and sharp tongue making Ember feel like an outsider in her own home.

One day, Augusta confronted Ember in the manor’s garden, her voice low and menacing. “You’re not good enough for my son, Ember. You’re a fragile little thing, not worthy of the power and status that comes with being a pack leader’s mate.”

Ember stood her ground, her eyes flashing with anger. “I may not be what you wanted for Thorne, Augusta, but I’m his mate now. And I won’t be bullied by you.”

Augusta sneered. “You think you’re strong, but you’re just a foolish little girl playing at being a pack leader’s mate. You’ll never be able to handle the weight of responsibility that comes with being part of this pack.”

As they argued, Augusta’s eyes narrowed, her gaze lingering on Ember’s slightly rounded stomach. A calculating glint sparked in her eyes, and she took a step closer. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” she hissed, her voice dripping with malice.

Ember’s eyes widened, her hands instinctively going to her belly. “How…how did you know?”

Augusta’s smile was cruel. “I’ve been around long enough to recognize the signs, dear.”

Ember’s eyes pleaded with Augusta, her voice barely above a whisper. “Please, Augusta, don’t say anything. Don’t tell anyone about the baby. It’s…it’s a delicate situation.”

Augusta’s expression turned calculating, her mind racing with the implications. “Oh, I see,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “A delicate situation, indeed. And I’m sure Thorne is delighted about this…development.”

Ember’s face went white, her eyes darting around nervously. “Augusta, please. You have to promise me you won’t tell anyone. Not yet, at least.”

Augusta’s gaze narrowed, her eyes boring into Ember’s soul. “My son is not the father of that child, isn’t that right, Ember?”

Ember’s face fell, her eyes welling up with tears. She knew she’d been caught, and that Augusta had put the pieces together. 

“How would the rest of the pack react?”

“This could damage Thorne’s plans and blow their fake marriage cover”

“What would that mean for her, what would Thorne do to her”

All these thoughts racing in Ember’s head 

As Augusta turned to leave, Ember’s thoughts turned to chaos. Her body began to shift, her transformation into a wolf sudden and uncontrollable. She felt a surge of power course through her veins, a strength she had never known before.

Without thinking, Ember’s wolf instincts took over. She launched herself at Augusta, pinning her to the ground. A snarl ripped from her throat as she sank her teeth into Augusta’s neck, ending her life in an instant.

Ember’s wolf form trembled with adrenaline, her mind reeling in shock. What have I done? She backed away from Augusta’s lifeless body, her eyes fixed on the scene before her.

The pack's laws were clear: killing a pack member was punishable by death. Ember knew she had sealed her fate. But as she looked down at her hands, still trembling with power, she realized that she had finally found her true strength. And she would do whatever it took to protect herself and her unborn child.

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