
Burning Secrets: An Omega's story
Burning Secrets: An Omega's story
Author: Dave Pen

A path unwanted

“I do not love him!”

For what could be the thousandth time in the last hour Ember Leander exclaimed, her frustration evident in her voice.

She is being bethrothed to Lucas Ardolf who is the alpha male of their pack. While that could be any other girl's dream, it was definitely not hers. 

Her mother sensing her distress, moved closer, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and determinatioon. She sits closer to Ember on the bed, placing a gentle hand over her daughter's attempting to offer comfort, but Ember recoiled, pulling her hand away, her eyes welling up with tears

''Mom please,'' Ember's voice cracked, her words barely above a whisper. ''You can't make me do this. I can't marry him. I'll be trapped, i'll never be happy.'' her voice broke as she struggled to continue, her words tumbling out in a desperate plea. ''You know i'm not strong enough like the others, he will crush me, mom''. Ember's eyes begging her mom to see the fear that gripped her heart, a last ditch attempt to convince her mom to spare her from a fate she could not bare.

Just as Ember's words hung in the air, the door swung open, her father, Ryker, strode in. His piercing gaze and chiseled features seem like they were carved from granite. His expression unyielding.

Ryker was once a respected member of the pack, his reputation had been tarnished by a past mistake, a mistake that had caused him his position and pride. His eyes once warm and pride now a hold a strong tint of cold calculation. His broad shoulders and towering height commanding attention. His voive was deep and firm, ''Enough Ember'' he said, his tone final. ''Your mother and i have discussed this. Marrying Lucas is the only way to restore our family's honor within the pack. You will do as you are told.''

The weight of his words heavy in the air, leaving Ember trapped and helpless. Her Father's determination to reclaim their family's status overwhelmed his concern for her happiness or well being.

Ember's eyes flashed with anger, her voice rising in hopeless defiance. ''Honor and status? You call sacrificing my happiness and freedom 'honor?' You are trying to buy back your respectability with my life, after single handedly ruining our family's reputation with your own mistakes! Your precious honor was lost the moment you betrayed mom and the pack, not me!''

The words cut deep and for a moment Rykert's expression seemed to crack, revealing a glimmer of pain but it was too quickly replaced by his usual stern mask.

Ember's voice cracked as she turned to leave, ''you will nevr regain what you lost farher, and now you are loosing me too''. With that she stormed out of the room slamming the door behind her. She marched towards the yard, her feet carrying her towards the familiar comfort of moon river, the one place she could escape the suffocating expectations of her family and the pack. 


The river unfuried like a shimmering ribbon, it's gentle curves and bends a masterful brushstroke of nature's artistry. She slipped off her dress, and it fell to the ground. The moonlight shone down on her bare skin as she waded into the water. She felt free and at peace.

The gentle current of enveloped her like a soothing embrace. She closed her eyes, allowing the water to wash away her tears and calm her turbulent thoughts. 

Emer's development as a wolf has been very slow, lagging behind her peeers in the pack. While they had begun to exhibit their powers in their early teens, Ember's abilities had only started to manifest recently, and even then they were weak and unpredictable. However, a long forgotten prophecy had hinted at Ember's hidden potential. According to the pack's elderly wise woman, Ember was destined to become a powerful wolf, one who would surpass even the strongest members of the pack.

Lucas, ever the opportunist, had taken notice of the prophecy. He believed that Ember's slow development was merely a delay before her true potential was released, and he wanted to be the one to harness that power, to shape and control it. By marrying Ember, he hoped to tap into her latent strength using it to solidify his own positon and dominance in the pack.


''Well, well, well '' a male voice very low and husky suddenly startled Ember. ''looks like i've stumbled upon a mermaid, and a beautiful one at that'' he continued, his voice getting more audible as he approached the bank of the river

Ember is still backing the voice, she thinks it is Lucas and refuses to give him any attention

''Oh come on mermaid'' his voice dripping with tease. ''Don't be shy, turn around and show me what you are hiding''. Ember immediately turns around, and she does not see a dark haired Lucas with his brown eyes, her eyes met a strangers. His dark hair was messy and unkempt, framing his sharp jawline and angular cheekbones. His eyes a deep shade of blue, and his lips curved into a sly smile.

''Nice jars you got there''

Ember's freezes for a moment, a flush creeeps up her cheeks and her eyes widened as she remembers she was still completely naked but now standing straight up in the river while facing this stranger. She then crosses her hand over her chest, her gaze darting to the crystal blue water.

His smile grew even wider as he intoduced himself, his voice confident and smooth. ''I am Thorne, and you are...?''

Ember's face was still flushed, her stare intensified on the flow of water in the river almost as if she was considering drowning would be a better fate at the moment

''E-Ember...'' she manages to utter, her words trailing off into a soft tumble. Thorne takes a step closer, his smile vanishing, his eyes narrowing. His body tensed, his muscles flexing beneath his skin as he continues moving closer to her. His face was now stern, and his voice was low and commanding.

''Ember Leandre, look at me'' he said, his words firm but controlled.

The atmosphere around them seemed to shift, Ember's eyes darted up finally meeting Thorne's intense gaze. Her heart racing with a mix of fear and curiosity. 

''How does he know my name?''

''Who is he?''

''He is even hotter up close''

The series of thoughts that hurried around in Ember's head

Thorne's next words left her doubting her sanity

''Ember Leandre, we need to get married''.

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