
A proposal and a threat

Ember's eyes still widened in disbelief

''Marry you?'' she repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. ''I don't even know who you are!'' her voice getting louder as she does not even attempt to hide her irritation. The stranger chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. ''You do not need to know me, you jus need to know that i can offer you a life beyond your wildest dreams, Ember Leander''

A shiver ran down her spine with how her name rolled of his tongue. It was as if he caressed her name, she felt a flush rise to her cheek and her gaze drop.

He seemed to sense the effect all this was having on her so he took a step even closer, this time their noses were inches away from touching, with Ember's hands still crossed over her bare chest. A thrilling sensation running through her body as he continues his proposal, his eyes locking unto hers with an unnerving intensity. ''I can offer you freedom from your family's expectation, and freedom to forge your own path.

The stranger's gaze lingered on Ember's naked form, his eyes roving over her skin with unnerving intensity. She felt her face burn with embarrassment , her body tensing. He seemed to enjoy her unease, his eyes glinting with a knowing spark.

Just when she thought she could not take it anymore, he took two sudden steps back, creating a sense of space between them. Ember's breath caught in her throat as she hesitated, unsure of what to do next. He then turns around and backs her, raised his hand and gestured towards the clothes scattered on the riverbank 

Ember's face flushed with gratitude, she quicky gathered her clothes and begun to drtess, her movements hasty and awkward.

As she finished dressing, Ember felt a mix of relief and confusion.

''Why had he backed off?''

''What does he want from her?''

The questions swirled in her mind, but once again her thoughts were interrupted again as Thorne's words cut through the air, his back still turned to her. ''You have 48 hours to decide Ember Leander. I suggest you use that time wisely''. His words were abrupt, firm and commanding. Ember's flush deepened , her mind racing with questions but before she could even form a response, the stranger walked away. His long strides carrying him quicly across the riverbank and into the surrounding trees. He never once looked back.


''I can't believe he just proposed to me out of the blue, Beatrice!'' Ember exclaimed, still trying to process what had happened yesterday. 

Beatrice's eyes widened with surprise and then a mischievous grin spread across her face. ''Well, i guess that is one way to get out of the 'getting to know you phase', huh? I mean who needs dates and flowers when you can just skip straight to 'till death do us part'?

Ember let out a sigh. ''Beatrice ypu're not helping!''

Beatrice chuckled. ''Sorry, sorry, but seriously, Ember what are you going to do? Y ou cannot just marry some random stranger, no matter how handsome he is.''

Ember sighed, rubbing her temples. ''I know, i know. But there's something about him... and he seems to know more about him than he should.''

Beatrice expression turned serious. ''That's creepy. You need to be careful Ember. This whole thing feels off.''

Beatrice was a vibrant presence in Ember's life, with a personality that matches her fiery red hair. Her locks cascaded down her back in loose, curly waves, framing her heart shaped face and bright blue eyes. A cluster of cute freckles across her nose and cheeks, adding to her natural beauty.

 Beatrice had always accepted Ember for who she was. She was the only person who made Ember feel truly seen and understood.

Just as Ember nods to Beatrice's words, the door to Beatrice's family owned store burst open and Lucas stormed in, his eyes blazing with anger. He strode straight to Ember, his long strides eating up the distance, and towered over her, his voice low and menacing.

''Do not even think about giving a reply to that asshole!'' he growled, his eyes flashing with a fierce intensity.

Ember's eyes widened in suprise, a shiver running down her spine at the raw emotion of Lucas's voice. Beatrice's eyes went wide and she stood up, her hands on her hips, ready to defend her friend.

''Lucas, what is going on?'' Beatrice asked, her voice firm but calm

Lucas's gaze didn't waver from Ember's face. ''You know exactly what i am talking about Ember. Thorne is not what he seems. And you are not going to entertain his offern not even for a second''

Ember's face flushed and she felt a syrge of defiance rise up. ''And who are you to dictate what i can and can't do, Lucas?'' she asked, her voice firm. 

Lucas's expression turned even darker, and he takes a step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. ''Thorne, the alpha of the blood moon pack. You think he is just a cgarming stranger, don't you?, Ember?. He's got a reputaion for manipulating people to get what he wants''

Ember's eyes flashed with anger but Lucas did not back down. Taking a step closer, his eyes narrowed, his voice now only audible to Ember ''You belong to me, Ember. To our pack. And no one else. Certainly not to some power hungry alpha from a rival pack.''

Ember's face now red with anger. ''I don't belong to anyone Lucas, least of all you'' she spat, her voice trembling

Lucas grips Ember's hand, his fingers wrapping around hers with a gentle and firm pressure. He leaned in close, his voice still low and menacing.

''Remember, Ember, you are under my protection now, and if you even think about accepting Thorne's proposal you will be putting your family in danger. Do you understand?''

Ember's eyes flashed with anger and fear, but she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. ''Yes, I understand''.

Lucas's grip on her hand tightened for a moment, then he released it and turned to leave. ''Good'' he said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. ''I'll be watching you Ember, always.''

With that, he turned and strode out pf the bookstore, leaving Ember amd Beatrice in stunned silence.

The bell above the door jingled as he exited and the sound seemed to echo through the shop like a warning bell, signalling the start of a dangerous game of power and control. 

Beatrice's eyes were wide with concern and she immediately rushes to Ember and cups her face in her hands. ''''What's going on Ember? what did he mean by that?''

Embert's face was pale, her eyes haunted. ''I don't know, but i think i'm in trouble, Bea''.

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