

Emma's body shivered as Cole slammed the door. She was petrified and she felt like she was about to pass out at any second, her face was as white as ice and her hands were cold. Cole's face was red with anger, he looked scary. As he took a few steps towards her, she instantly started to walk backwards till her legs hit the coffee table, making her stumble.

"C-cole... what happened? Why are you looking at me like that?" she whimpered, he did not care if she was scared or not, he wanted to punish her although she did nothing wrong. Emma froze in her spot and could not move her feet as she stood beside the coffee table.

"What were you doing with that guy?" His voice was fuming with fury. He was standing just an inch away from her and it was like Emma forgot how to breathe.

"T-talking, th-that's all," she spoke truthfully.

"It looked more than that," he replied, and before Emma could say anything, she was met with a hard slap on her left cheek that left a cut

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