
Author: Chrisadams

Chapter 1


As the room began to spin before her eyes, Sophia couldn't help but feel a wave of frustration wash over her. Why did Madison have to pick on her yet again? Sophia thought to herself, her annoyance mounting with each passing moment. 

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she finally decided to reply, her voice steady despite the turmoil she felt within her. 

"Yes," she said, her words ringing out with a quiet resolve, "I have a boyfriend.”

Madison's expression changed from a spiteful glare to one of shock. She had asked the question loudly, intending to ridicule Sophia and put her in her place. But what? Did Sophia just say yes? Madison thought to herself, frustration welling up within her. She couldn't afford to believe it.

"What is his name?" another guest chimed in, their curiosity piqued as they turned their attention to Sophia.

"Why didn't you bring him along to the reunion?" someone else questioned, their tone laced with intrigue.

"Well, he probably didn't have time to be with her," Madison remarked saucily, unable to resist the opportunity to take another jab at Sophia.

Sophia felt herself backed into a corner. She wasn't skilled at telling smooth lies, as her sister had once pointed out.

 "Hi-his n-n-name starts with an A," she stuttered, her voice wavering with uncertainty. Gathering her courage, she continued, "We are yet to make it public due to his social status." With each word, Sophia felt a glimmer of confidence seep into her tone.

"Oh goodness, please let them stop here," Sophia pleaded silently to herself, her heart pounding with anxiety as she awaited their response.

"Wait just a minute, could it possibly be Alexander?" the one who asked for the name questioned again, their eyes alight with curiosity. All heads turned toward them, the room buzzing with speculation.

Sophia's heart sank. "Oh no, not Alexander," she thought to herself, panic rising within her. 

"Alexander Sterling Harrington!" the girl exclaimed, her voice piercing the silence like a dagger. The room fell into a deadening hush, the weight of the revelation hanging heavily in the air.

"I suppose I'll just have to play along," Sophia mused inwardly, her mind racing with thoughts of how to navigate the sudden attention.

"Yes, yes, but please, let's keep this among ourselves," Sophia asserted, rising gracefully to her feet. "I prefer to keep things private for now, especially with his family's status," she added, attempting to maintain a semblance of control over the situation.

The room erupted into a flurry of questions, each more probing than the last. "What's he like when you're alone together?" "Is it true he is the only heir to the Harrington’s wealth?" "Does he truly have a sweet tooth?" "I heard blue is good favorite color, is that true?”. 

"Well, that seemed to do the trick," she thought, a sense of relief washing over her.

“Unfortunately, I can't disclose the details you're asking for," Sophia stated firmly, her voice tinged with resolve. 

I must take my leave now. Goodnight to you all!”

With that, she reached for her bag, ready to make her escape from the overwhelming flood of questions, Madison stepped in front of her, blocking her path with an icy glare.

"That simply can't be true," Madison interjected, her voice dripping with skepticism.

"I overheard my father and Alex's father discussing plans to arrange a date for us. Are you suggesting you're keeping your relationship a secret from his Father as well?” Madison asked in a spiteful tone doubting the words that came out of her own mouth 

As Madison's spiteful words hung in the air, dripping with doubt and accusation, Sophia felt a surge of indignation rise within her. 

"Madison, this isn't high school anymore," she retorted, her voice laced with determination. "Life doesn't always unfold according to your desires. You can dream all you want, darling, but reality has a way of asserting itself."

Sophia's words echoed in her mind, a surprising resilience bubbling up from within her. "Did I really just say that?" she wondered, momentarily taken aback by her own audacity.

Madison's response was swift and cutting, her condescending tone slicing through the tension like a knife. "And aren't you still the poor little brat you were back in high school?" she sneered, her eyes blazing with anger. "What makes you think I won't crush you like I've always done, Sophia?"

Before Sophia could reply, Angela, their former class president, intervened, her voice ringing out with authority. "Stop it!" she commanded, her words cutting through the escalating conflict. "This reunion was meant to be a peaceful gathering for adults, not a platform for petty taunts and mockery. It's time to change your perspective on life..."

As Angela continued to address the gathering, Sophia seized the opportunity to slip away unnoticed. Stepping out into the cool night air, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. 

The gentle breeze caressed her bare legs, the hem of her red knee-length dinner dress swaying with each step. She smiled as she remembered the heels she wore, a gift from Emma, her loyal and supportive best friend. Tonight, more than ever, Sophia was grateful for Emma's unwavering friendship and the strength it provided her in moments of uncertainty.

Emma had warned her repeatedly about attending the reunion, urging her to reconsider, but Sophia had been adamant. Now, as she pondered over her decision, she couldn't help but question her motives. Why had she insisted on going? Was it truly to prove a point to her high school bullies, as Emma had suggested?

The thought of her loyal friend brought a sense of comfort, and Sophia decided to give Emma a call. As the phone rang, she braced herself for Emma's concerned voice on the other end.

"Hi, baby girl," Emma's voice greeted her, filled with warmth and affection.

"Why do you sound like that?" Sophia replied, curiosity lacing her tone.

"I don't know," Emma sighed, her concern palpable even through the phone. "I just have a feeling those rascals would have tried to break my darling's spirit yet again."

"I'm fine, my darling friend," Sophia reassured her, injecting a hint of humor into her words. "I know you love me."

"Will you be home soon?" Emma inquired, her worry still evident.

"Yes, I left the event early because of a slight issue," Sophia explained.

"Oh, I knew those rascals couldn't hold a so-called reunion without causing a ruckus," Emma muttered with a hint of disdain in her tone.

Sophia couldn't help but giggle softly, feeling lighter than she had in moments. The warmth of Emma's concern was like a balm to her soul after the scathing gathering she had just escaped.

As a cab pulled up beside her, Sophia waved it down and climbed in. "I'm about to get into a cab now, see you soon," she informed Emma.

"Bye, love," Emma replied, and the call ended.

During the ride home, Sophia found herself reflecting on the events of the reunion. Had she been foolish to attend? Perhaps she should have simply said "no" to the intrusive questions, but would that have changed anything? Would it have stopped people from looking down on her?

Sighing heavily, Sophia made eye contact with the cab driver before quickly turning her gaze to the window. The beauty of New York City at night enveloped her, offering a moment of solace amidst her swirling thoughts.

Sophia's ride home felt longer than usual, the passing minutes dragging on as she mulled over the events of the evening. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the taxi came to a stop, and Sophia stepped out onto the familiar pavement.

"Heyy, you see I'm here in one piece," Sophia remarked sarcastically as she approached Emma, who was waiting at the door. Emma enveloped her in a deep, reassuring hug, and Sophia couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort wash over her.

"Umm…okay, did you miss your one and only friend that much?" Sophia teased, gently patting Emma's back.

"I thought Jake was meant to come over," Sophia continued, sensing something amiss in Emma's demeanour.

"We shifted our date to tomorrow," Emma replied, her voice tinged with a hint of unease as she released Sophia from the embrace.

Sophia couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. "What's going on?" she asked, her curiosity piqued by Emma's behaviour.

"Darling, I thought you said it was just a slight issue," Emma replied cryptically, her expression solemn as she reached for her phone.

Confused and apprehensive, Sophia watched as Emma pulled up a webpage on her phone. The headline that greeted her sent a chill down her spine:


Sophia's heart skipped a beat as she processed the words on the screen. How could this be happening? Why her? Her head was spinning with disbelief and fear.

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