

Jeanette pushed away to give me a stern look surprising me. I was ashamed really, too ashamed of myself " I'm sorry"

" But why?" She asked " Why did you want to escape? I thought you were already getting used to this place?"

I release a sigh and then got up. I went to stand beside the window. I folded my arms " I have my reasons ".


" What are they? But I thought we were friends and we share things" She said sadly.

I was glad she consider me her friend now. Jeanette is a very good girl. She is so nice that I sometimes tend to compare her with Kate. Kate is cool but Jeanette is nicer. Jeanette gives me this sister vibe that I love.

" My mother was kidnapped" I started and her eyes were twice their size.

" How? When? Who told you?" She was shocked.

" Yes, I'm saying the truth. I needed to rescue her so that was why I ran away"

Jeanette got up from the couch " But you should have told me about it. Even if you didn't know to tell me, you should have told the Alpha. You got us all worrie
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