

Evelyn was up the next morning. She had dozed off and hadn't done much last night. She hurriedly tried to finish up the presentation, and arrange her slides well. She was done, she quickly showered.

She had no idea what to wear, at last she decided on a bright red colored body con dress. It was really pretty on her and settled well around her hips area. It showed a little cleavage, but she didn't mind. 

She needed to look very good for the presentation today. She needed to prove to her boss that she was the one for this job and be able to convince the French partners coming in today. 

She had heard that they were a tough nut to crack, well, they just had to wait and see how she'd convince them. The most important thing was that her CEO would be coming in today. 

She had never seen him before, but she knew a little about him. She knew his name was one Mr Hugo Galverra, and he was a Spanish billionaire who was very successful in the US. 

He might be some old bulging man with grown kids and grandchildren trying to squibble round his wealth. She made scrambled eggs and hot dogs with coffee. 

She finished eating and was ready to step out, she looked around her house carefully, hoping she wasn't forgetting anything important. 

She stood for some minutes before she saw a cab. She arrived at the company. It was a really big company. Galverra Corporation was a group of companies, and this was just one of them. She worked in the product design department of the company. 

She had been chosen by her boss to take on this project. It was a really important project that had kept her busy for weeks. 

The French partners had rejected the initial design her department came up with. She had worked her butt tirelessly for today and she was going to deliver well. She was very confident that they'd approve of hers.

She entered her office and greeted Jessica with a huge smile. Jessica Ferns was her colleague, but a position higher than her. She had worked longer than Evelyn in the company.

"Hi Jess"

"Hey girl, did you get enough sleep? You look like you could use some more sleep"

"I didn't honestly, I got home late, plus I did a little grocery shopping, and then I almost got hit by a psycho"

"Oh girl...were you hit?"

"No no, I only got splashed dirty ditch water all over"

"Ugh"... Jessica made a face

"But I was lucky yeah??...fate was on my side, cus I met him at the Gold-market, and guess what?? I gave him a freaking piece of my mind.."

"You didn't!" Jessica exclaimed, laughing ..."but how'd you know he was the one?"

"Cus I recognized his car Jess"

"Remind me again, what car was he driving?"

"A Lamborghini"

Jessica looked at her friend this time with her eyes and mouth wide open.."what the heck girl!', how can you be rude to such a man Eve?" 

Eve was shocked at the turn of event, so her friend was gonna support a jerk because he drove a Lambo??.

"What does it matter Jess? He almost ran into me remember??"

"But he didn't, that's the was of no use yelling at he was generous offering you cash babe"

Evelyn looked at her friend in shock, she couldn't believe her ears...

"Well I didn't yell"

"Oh, I'm very sure you did Evelyn Spells!"

"Jeez!! I'm not listening to this, conversation over!!.. Evelyn said raising her both hands up in the air...."I'm leaving you for my presentation"

"Wait for me!" Jessica said laughing 

They used the elevator to get to the top floor, where the meeting was being held. They entered the conference room, but their boss hadn't arrive yet, neither had the CEO or French partners. 

She greeted some staffs in there and sat down to go over her presentation. She had to give it her best and not flop in anyway.

About twelve minutes later, the conference room door opened and her boss walked in with some pretty important looking people.

"This must be the partners" she guessed to herself.

Jessica looked at her, and they both stood up to greet their boss.

Joe Dewey was a bulging old man in his early fifties. He was a good boss and a very disciplined one. He gave them a warm smile as he walked towards them, with the partners.

They exchanged greetings, and few introductions were made. Then they all settled down waiting for the CEO. 

Five minutes later, the door to the conference room opened. It was the CEO. She turned to look at him....."WHAT!!!!" she gasped out almost aloud.

Jessica turned to look at her friend, wondering what was wrong with her. 

Evelyn couldn't believe her eyes! So this was the Spanish billionaire? This was the Hugo Galverra? The man she had yelled at last night? She yelled at her CEO....touché!

He walked with pride and a powerful aura into the room. 

His energy was certainly very magnetic, and everyone in the room could feel it.

He quietly greeted the partners and sat down. His PA and lawyer sat by the corner of the room. He signaled for the meeting to begin.

Evelyn's boss looked at her, and wondered what was wrong with her and why she went stiff all of a sudden.

He started the meeting, then looked at Evelyn again to call her attention...."Miss Spells?"

She hadn't heard her name, until someone tapped her and she quickly looked up, to see everyone in the room staring at her. Jessica had already started the presentation for the project 

"I... I'm sorry" she stuttered. She was so scared to look in the direction of her CEO. She was next for the presentation, and she needed to be bold and articulate.

She summoned courage and did look in the CEO's direction, to see if he still recognizes her.

There he was, staring intently at her, with a cold frown on his face. He had truly recognized her.

She didn't want to flop this presentation, she had to brace herself up for this project. She would deal with her CEO later.

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