

She was furious, who the hell did he think he was? She was done with her shopping, when she recognized the car that had splashed her ditch water. 

Now he wanted to buy her off? Did he think he was going to offer her money and just buy her? Did she look cheap to him? Or he felt every woman could be bought with money? 

She wasn't gonna lie, he was a really attractive man, but without manners! That's the problem with these rich guys, they never have manners. She hated his type, such proud, egotistic man. "What a rude goat!"....she murmured. 

She was going to forget about him, he didn't matter. She hissed as she waved at a taxi. 

She got home, made pancakes, then showered. She got into bed, took her laptop and began to work. She slept off on her laptop, she had a very important presentation tomorrow.

     "Who was that little elf?" Hugo Galverra thought to himself as he drove, he had never apologized to anyone before, let alone a woman. He was the one who always received the apology. 

She had rejected his money and had called him a moron! Everyone needed his money, he'd never met a woman who didn't need his money. She was the first. As much as he felt irritated by her, she surprisingly occupied his thoughts, he hadn't met someone like her before. A blunt woman. 

His P.A. looked at him for a moment,

"Are you ok sir?" 

"Yes Pat ..I'm gonna go home, you finish up at the office ok?"

"Alright sir".

He had dropped his P.A. at the office, and drove straight home. He lived in a very luxurious penthouse. He owned the building, so he had a private elevator for himself, that would take him to his doorstep. 

He was welcomed at the door by his housekeeper. He gave her a weak smile. She was the only person he had smiled at throughout the day. 

He loved her, she was an ageing woman in her mid fifties, but still very hardworking, plus she cared for him too much and always treated him like her son. She had been with him for eight years now.

"Hello Hugo" she greeted him with a kiss to his cheeks

"Hey Mrs Ricks, how are ya?"

"I am ok, welcome home"

"Thank you".

He walked towards his living room. Everything thing in his home spelt wealth, luxury and class. He walked towards his wine cellar, he never drank beer, it irritated him. It always made his mind foggy.

 He took out a fruit wine, opened it and poured some into a glass. He downed it immediately. 

"Something smells good in here", he told his housekeeper 

"You must be very hungry, I made you pancakes with your favorite maple syrup to go with it"

He heaved a sigh of relief, he was truly hungry. He walked towards the kitchen, and saw the pancakes, sitted beautifully on the kitchen counter.

"Oh! heaven bless you Mrs Ricks"....he murmured as he bit into one of them. This was another reason he loved this woman, her home made meals were heaven to him.

 He loved home made meals. He didn't grow up having all these. His parents died when he was five, leaving him to a very cold uncle. 

He was provided for, went to the best schools in the country, but never understood what love meant. His uncle was never married, he only brought different women who never lasted with him. Hugo Galverra grew up to be really cold and always alone.

 He was broken as a little child, he did everything to make his uncle love him as a son, always seeked for his approval, but never got it. 

He did very well in school, got his master's degree from the best schools abroad. He didn't even keep friends, whatever close relationship he ever had with anyone was with his housekeeper and his lawyer. 

After a while, he was done eating, thanked Mrs Ricks, and went straight to his room. He showered, when he was done, he'd called his secretary to confirm tomorrow's meeting. He also spoke to his P A., after he was done, he layed down on his back quietly. 

He needed the rest. He closed his eyes, and then immediately her image flashed through his mind again. It was weird. 

He wasn't one to really think about women, he was rarely interested in them. He seldom noticed them. To him they were like ants around sugar. They'd always come to him because he had money. 

But not this particular one, not this one he had met this evening. She was a remarkable woman. She had turned him down, and carelessly spoke to him. No woman had ever done that! 

A lot of women would have only seen his expensive car and want to have their way with him, or even jump at the money offer. They were always ready to please him. 

She reminded him of a situation he'd encountered when he was younger. Most of his life he'd met only people who wanted to please both him and his uncle because of the wealth. He always felt irritated with all his uncle's women. 

The old man loved the attention or whatever it was they were doing, but it irritated him a lot. Then a certain time they had gone out and bumped into a lady who had spoken carelessly to his uncle. He was truly amazed and intrigued. He immediately wanted to know who this woman was. Couldn't she see his uncle had so much money? And she didn't care?

It was really a first.And that was it. She had lingered in his thoughts for years. He didn't care she was older than he was at the time it happened. He loved a challenge, and that was what made this particular woman so interesting. He always prayed he'd see her one day to tell her how good she made him feel.

Now after many years, he's met someone who's reminded him of such encounter. It was like he wanted to make love to her confidence and boldness, and hear her moan in submission.

He immediately noticed how far gone he was with his thoughts, what the hell was he doing, harbouring such insignificant woman in his thoughts? Well he was never going to see her again, she didn't matter. 

There were like a billion women in this world, and he could get any of them if he needed them. It was easy! 

For now he was going to get a good rest and sleep peacefully with no strange woman occupying his thoughts. 

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