
Chapter Thirty

Nikolas’s body burned with a strange fire, his desire-fogged brain was blind with a se*ual hunger that he'd never experienced before. He grasped the back of her head to claim her mouth better, dominating her, controlling her mouth. He wanted to imprint the feel of her mouth in his brain. It was a heady, crazy feeling that sent his heart into overdrive. 

Brooklyn couldn’t respond at first but then her fingers slowly fisted into his silky hair and she kissed him back, slowly and sensually at first as if she was experimenting with her first kiss. Nikolas groaned with pleasure. He knew that he was in deep sh*t now. Her soft, languid, and er*tic response started a war between his rational mind and traitorous body. His tongue tasted every recess of her mouth like he had been dreaming of doing for the last few days. Soon the kiss turned fierce and although Nikolas knew that he shouldn’t hav

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goodnovel comment avatar
She’s too young and innocent to understand the adult mind

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