
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Nikolas watched Brooklyn discreetly every now and then all throughout the flight. He didn’t want her to leave with Brandon. He had quickly wrapped up the formalities and returned back to Brandon’s room. Having heard most of their conversation, his restlessness started to grow. He thought of ways of holding Brooklyn back. Did she really have a crush on him? That was a question he seriously needed an answer to. Finally, they reached Napa Valley at around lunchtime. Bruce and his men had brought Nikolas’s car along with an ambulance for Brandon. After ensuring that Brandon was comfortable in the ambulance, Nikolas went to have a word with Bruce.

Brooklyn buckled the seat belt on and waited for Nikolas in his car. Brandon had slept throughout the ride but she was eager to get home, fearing that she might have stained her clothes. It was her time of the month and she sat chiding herself for no

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goodnovel comment avatar
My head is swooning too

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