
Dig up dirts

Richard's POV

“I don't want this” Reina mumbled in the still as Jackson stood demanding for an answer from her. “I don't want this,” she repeated. My heart pressed hard against my rib cage as I tried to ascertain what exactly it was that she didn't want.

“This marriage, this sham, this facade, I don't want it. I feel nothing for you, I don't Jackson, no matter how hard I tried to. I can't fall in love with you”.

Jackson's hands pulled from my clothes. His eyes swiveled around until they were locked on Reina instead. “You didn't mean that, did you? Gosh” his hands ran through his hair. “You can't do this. Why? What are you even talking about?”

“I… I… I don't want this Jackson, I don't want to end up with you “

The door yanked open, revealing a furious Mrs. Kourtney. “I should have known better when you kept refusing to go home. What exactly is he doing here?” her eyes held a contemptuous gaze, as though she were disappointed at Reina. Like she had done everything wrong and I didn't
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