

Reina's POV

I gazed absentmindedly at the mirror, my mind traveling so far. Since the day I had asked Richard to leave, I had regretted every single day, and I didn't know what to do.

I couldn't place a call to him, nor was there ever any chance that I would bump into him somehow, everything seemed to be against us and I didn't know what to do.

“ You are zoning out again,” Jackson whispered behind me. His hands trailed on my collarbones as he touched me. His touches repulsed me. I didn't want them. They disgusted me and I didn't want them.

Flicking off his hands with a false smile on my face. I turned around to look at him. “ I guess it is the fever. The bridal fever you know”

He didn't look convinced with my answer. I didn't know what I was to do anymore, so I tried to take a step away when he held me back. “ Let me admire my beautiful bride” his fingers trailed on my collarbones before stopping in-between my cleavage.

I swallowed, trying so hard not to get his hands off. It was
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