

Tessa’s POV

I huddled in the corner of the cell, arms crossed over my face to prevent the little gnats that infested the space from reaching me there.

It was my third day locked up like an animal in this filthy cage after Paige had caught me almost having sex with her husband. I was well and truly miserable, and there was no end in sight. Not that I deserve an end to this torment.

I pretty much earned it, at least from Paige.

Despite the days that have passed, I could still vividly remember the shock and anger on her face when she walked in to see us tangled together like that.

When she looked at Eric, her profound disappointment and hurt affected me more than I cared to admit. She hated my guts, but I couldn’t blame her for it. I would hate any woman who put me in such a position as well, mate bond be damned.

I tried so hard to resist the bond that day. I wasn’t the type of girl who went about destroying other people’s relationships. I didn’t look at guys with girlfriends, much less wives, and the fact that I could barely control the urge to crawl all over this one filled me with immense guilt.

The guilt ate at me even now in rabid little bites that were just as sharp as the stinging of the gnats. My cheek still smarted from where Eric had slapped me after Paige’s interruption, claiming that I’d come to his office to seduce him.

Of course, since I couldn’t explain exactly what I was doing in his office after I’d been asked to stay away from their lives, it was decided I might as well spend the rest of mine locked up.

So here I was, three days later, already running crazy in this cramped, dank space that would be my home for the foreseeable future.  

My father had yet to visit even once, and I wondered if he knew I was imprisoned in the Alpha’s basement rather than his bed.

I sighed. Of course, he knew. How could he not know?

Eric would certainly have called him to express his displeasure.

I had to come to terms with the fact that my father knew I was in a difficult situation, but he didn't care enough to reach out and hear my voice or even visit me to ensure that I was okay. This was especially frustrating because he orchestrated the entire mess that led to my predicament.

I feel completely abandoned, with my fate now in someone else's hands.

Of all the people, why did my moon goddess choose to mate me with an alpha who’s already married? Wasn’t there really anyone else who could have been a better match? I don't know how to get out of this situation or what to do next.

I hugged my body, folding into myself. The clothes I had on were still those torn by Eric, ratty and dirty, with three days' worth of prison filth on them.

An image of the faces of the people who’d seen me being led out of Eric’s office in my torn clothes flashed before my mind’s eye. They’d stared at me with disgust, the word ‘whore’ whispered amongst them, like a permanent stain upon my name. I wanted to cry all over again at the memory of it.

I heard a commotion outside, the sounds of yells and screams running wild in the distance. I started to wonder what it could be when rapid footsteps caught my attention.

Eric’s Beta, Trent, rushed into the prison room, lifted the key from its spot at the guard post, and hurriedly opened my cell.

“Did Eric change his mind about me?” I asked, confused, certain only a moment ago that I would never taste freedom again.

After opening my cell, he turned towards the prison door. “Follow me. Quickly.”

Still confused but eager to be out of that hell hole, I hurried after him, wrapping my arms around my chest to keep what parts of my exposed chest the torn shirt covered.

The halls were strangely quiet, and I could still hear the occasional scream coming from different places around the pack grounds. When I asked about them, Trent did not respond. To my surprise, he led me toward Paige’s room.

“Go in the shower and clean yourself. You have three minutes. Hurry.”

I turned and opened my mouth to ask another question, but he impatiently pushed me towards the door.

“Go!” he said with an urgency that didn’t allow me to dawdle.

I got into the bathroom, dumping my torn, dirty clothes for a quick shower. I didn’t have time to blow dry my hair, so I didn’t bother to wash it. I just washed the grime off my body and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel.

When I got out, several dresses were laid out, all of them glamorous and undoubtedly from Paige’s open closet. I stared at them and then at Trent.

“Pick one,” he instructed. That impatience was still in his tone.

I glanced at the dresses and hesitated. Next to me, he made an impatient sound, and I picked a random one.

“Put it on,” he growled and turned his back on me. I grabbed the underwear laid out, blushing the entire time, and donned the items.  

After I wore the dress, Trent led me back into the hallway and took me to the main hall. Eric and Paige were there, surrounded by some of the pack soldiers.

Everyone was facing the large doors cordoning us off from whatever was going on outside, trepidation on every expression. Eric looked ashen, and Paige looked as white as a ghost. My heart thumped wildly in my chest, an ominous feeling ragged at my senses.

“The Dark Lord attacked our pack this morning,” Eric said glumly when Trent and I reached them.

I gasped, wide-eyed.

“Our warriors are outside fighting, but we were stretched too thinly. He attacked the Ravers nearby as well, so we had to send aid, and shortly after, he showed up right at our doorstep.”

I looked as pale as them, the new set of screams and jarring sounds that shot through the air, chilling me to the bone, now that I knew the cause. Cause notwithstanding, I wasn’t sure what role I had to play here, wearing Paige’s dress, which was all the same.

“We’re trying to see if we can garner his mercy by offering some of our territory to him to stop further invasion of all the packs in this region.”

I frowned. “Okay. But I still don’t see what that has to do with me.”

Eric and Paige glanced at each other, and Paige spoke this time.

“The Dark Lord has a reputation for playing a certain game once he conquers a new pack. Either he kills the Alpha…” She said, and at her words, Eric’s ashen face turned even paler, as if he was going to be sick. “… or he takes the Luna for his own.”

Paige said, her eyes pointedly on me. I took a step back, my eyes widening with realization. The reason I was in Paige’s dress was now clear as day.

“It seems we’ve found use for Eric’s mate after all,” she said with a bitter smile that was also satisfied.

I shook my head in disbelief and refusal. “You plan on giving me to him?”

What had I ever done to either of them that they would sentence me to such a fate?

“I didn’t force myself to mate with you, Eric! I had as little choice in this as you did!” I said tremulously. His expression wavered for a moment before hardening.

“Well, you should have stayed away like you were warned. Or did you have little choice in that as well?”

I wanted to scream yes, that my father had forced me here the same way they wanted to force me somewhere else to the Dark Lord of all beings.

I scoffed. “I’m not doing it. There’s no way I’ll let you pass me off to that monster. I’ll tell him I’m not the real Luna. Now, you suddenly don’t want the title?” I shot at her, and she glared at me.

“You will behave yourself if you know what’s good for you. It is your duty to pack; you are a worthless omega! I don’t know what twist of fate chose you as my mate, but it can’t be that way. Serve our bond the way you can.”

“Which is by letting you whore me out to the Dark Lord?”

He shrugged. “You were ready to whore yourself out to me. So why not?”

I blushed furiously. Before I could respond, the doors burst open, and armed soldiers not in our uniform swarmed in.

Everyone raised their hands, Eric’s men dropping their weapons. Eric himself stepped forward, raising a document.

“I have here the legal documents of this land, ready to cede it to the Dark Lord along with a generous amount from my coffers in exchange for his mercy. Furthermore─”

He pushed me towards them, and I stumbled forward, catching myself before planting on the floor.

“I present him our Luna as further incentive. Do with her as you wish.”  

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