
Cinderella's Daddies
Cinderella's Daddies
Author: Marni Mann


Falling for Them

Don't settle for the prince.

I’m dating the son of a successful CEO. But because I work as a maid, my boyfriend treats me like a shameful secret.

When my boyfriend drops me, his father and his father's best friend are waiting.

They both want me to call them "Daddy." It’s so depraved, so filthy.

And I must be filthy, too, because I love it.

Falling for Them is the first book in Calista Jayne’s steamy MFM series, Cinderella’s Daddies! 


This vacuum is the quietest on the market. It’s quieter than my vibrator, even. Quiet cleaning appliances are important to a business like Maids in Heaven, because Maids in Heaven caters to the kinds of companies that require quiet, unobtrusive cleaning services. My boss at Maids in Heaven is always reminding us to work beneath our clients’ notice, to not draw any attention to ourselves.

Until recently, I’ve done a damned good job of keeping a low profile.

But through some fucking miracle, one of the higher-ups at Tyler Analytics, where I’ve been cleaning at night for the past few weeks, has noticed me.

That higher-up is Joel Tyler, the CEO’s son. And right now, as I’m vacuuming the hallway outside of his office, he’s watching me through the interior windows with a sexy gleam in his bright blue eyes. I can’t resist giving him a wink as I move past.

A minute later, his office door swings open and he steps out. I take in his reflection from the dark office windows opposite him. Tall, lanky, like he hasn’t quite grown into his frame. He’s nearly there, and he has the body of an athlete. But he isn’t nearly as large or impressive as his father.

“Ella, hey,” he says, giving me a slow smile.

“Hi, Joel.”

“Want me to order some Chinese?”

I grin and nod. I’ve never eaten so well as I have since I started dating Joel. “Yeah, that would be great. Heavy on the veggies, okay?”

He rolls his eyes. But it’s playful…I think. “Sure, whatever.”

He can hate on my vegetables all he wants, but fresh vegetables are expensive. Most of what I eat at home comes from cans. But when Joel orders dinner, it comes from the best restaurants that use the freshest ingredients, and I want to get all the nutrients possible.

Joel sidles closer to me and touches my arm. I shut off the vacuum and lean toward him.

Abruptly, he steps away. I follow his gaze toward movement down the hall. It’s another man who works here—I know him by sight, not by name. It’s rare for people other than Mr. Tyler or Joel to work quite this late, since we’re nearing ten p.m., but sometimes it happens.

“Well, don’t forget to empty the wastebaskets this time, miss,” Joel says in a loud voice.

Miss? Why is he calling me miss?

Then I get it—he’s trying to make up an excuse for talking to me out here. Because hell, it would be a disaster if someone suspected we were dating.

Not really a disaster, though. Maids in Heaven is a contractual firm. I don’t work for Joel’s company. There’s nothing in the rules that says we can’t date. He just doesn’t want to admit it to anyone.

“Did you hear me?” Joel asks, frowning at me. “The copy room wastebaskets.”

I glare up at him, trying not to let my hurt show on my face. If he doesn’t want to be open with his coworkers about our relationship, fine. But he doesn’t need to be a dick about it, either.

“What’s up, Grant?” Joel asks the guy walking toward us.

“Finishing some reports for a client,” Grant says, looking between Joel and me with curiosity.

As soon as Grant walks away, Joel pulls me closer and whispers, “Meet me in the supply closet in ten minutes.”

He doesn’t wait for me to say yes or no, just strides back into his office like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

Because of course he doesn’t have a care in the world. Joel has grown up in a society that appreciates him—or rather, it appreciates his money, his skin tone, and his heteronormative existence. And I—I appreciate his sexy physique, his blue eyes, and…and maybe that’s it?

It seems wrong that I don’t like him more. We’ve been dating for a month, if you can call sharing take-out and then fucking in his office late at night, after everyone else in the building has gone home, “dating.”

But, he’s the CEO’s son. And he’s just nice enough, just attentive enough, and tries just hard enough, that I have hope this could be something more.

Besides, I’ve seen Joel’s father, the CEO. If Joel has any chance of growing into half the man his dad is, I’d be smart to stick around. Because Joel’s dad, Kingston Tyler? He takes my fucking breath away.

I return to vacuuming the hallway, thinking about how I’d like to empty the copy room wastebaskets all over Joel’s desk. My path takes me past the CEO’s office.

Kingston Tyler is sitting at his desk, his eyes on his computer screen. A frown line forms between his eyebrows while he concentrates. His dark hair is graying at the temples and whenever I see him, late in the evening, his five o’clock shadow is pronounced, with salt and pepper whiskers.

He shares his blue eyes with Joel, although Mr. Tyler’s eyes are more somber, a blue-gray that reminds me of punishing ocean waves, the kind I see in news footage of hurricanes on the east coast.

While I’m staring moony-eyed at him through his office window, he looks up. Those powerful blue-gray eyes clash with mine. Shit, fuck. Face flaming, I look away quickly and focus on the immaculate carpet in front of me.

No wonder he looked over; I’ve been working on this patch of the hallway for at least five minutes. I should’ve moved on already. Quickly, I push the vacuum forward, away from Mr. Tyler’s office. Working on the top floor of Tyler Analytics building is a dream come true, and I don’t want to fuck it up because of a ridiculous obsession with the CEO.

My boyfriend’s dad.

For fuck’s sake, Ella, what the hell are you doing? It isn’t the first time I’ve asked myself this question.

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