
177 - Two different pictures [The end]

In a dimly lit brothel’s hall, Clara sat on a worn-out armchair, cradling a small, sleeping child in her arms. The room was silent, save for the soft lullaby Clara hummed, trying to comfort the infant in her care. Seraphina, Eskaal and Meagia’s child was stolen by her while she played her part of being a good friend and well wisher.

The sound of clacking heels against the wooden floor broke the stillness, causing Clara's heart to race. She carefully placed the child in a nearby crib and stood up. Standing there was a woman, her face etched with a meaningful grin and compassion.

Clara smirked and glanced at the kid, her eyes locking with the brothel’s owner. The woman handed over a small envelope filled with money, her voice soft and empathetic. "Miss Clara, here is the money we agreed upon. Thank you for bringing us a hybrid infant, she will grow up to be a fine woman for my business."

Clara accepted the envelope with a firm hand, her gaze moving from the money to the woman. "Thank yo
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