
36| Mom and Dad

“Can you explain this to us?” My mom held out the paper in her hand and showed it to me. Just as I had feared, it was my list of possible things to do to take down Dominic.

This explains their worried faces some more.

“I… Um….”

“Don’t lie to us,” my dad said sternly. His tone was slightly frightening, and he rarely uses that tone, especially with mom or me.

I opened my mouth but no words came out. My vision began to blur and I feared that I was about to pass out again, but the sudden wetness on my face told me that they were tears that had formed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“Things with Knightingdale… aren’t good. Dominic is… the devil. He’s evil, he’s a coward, and he’s certainly not the hero of the story as he so obviously thinks of himself wi

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