
Bk 2 - Chapter 30 - Chaos


Later that night, we made dinner together. After dinner we watched movies on the couch. I had Natalia snuggled in my arms. It felt good, right, just the two of us chilling out like a couple. That thought gave me some pause. What if I asked her to be my full-time girlfriend and part-time slave? I would always want to dominate her in the bedroom but this? Tonight? I didn't want to think about her being my slave or checking off any item on that BDSM list. I just wanted her right where she was. No expectations of sex, although I would definitely be fucking her if we weren't waiting for the birth control to kick in. I was just happy being with her. Happy. Now there is a loaded word. When was the last time I was happy in this way? Not since I was a kid, maybe?

I looked down at her collar. I was never letting her out of my sight without it on her neck. She was mine. Some aspects of our lives, well, I owned her and everyone needed to know it. She was my possession. I thought about leash
Libby Lizzie Loo

This series of three books is already written. I post two chapters a day. I'm working on book four as I write this. After book four I have two more books planned. Thanks for the GEMS!!! Comments are welcome.

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