
Bk 2 - Chapter 34 - Soul


The rest of the interview was nailing down my timeline. They want to know what I have been doing every moment since I arrived here. Well, minus things that were none of their damn business. Really, I've been with Daniel practically every moment except that first night. I tried to remember what day Campo was released and disappeared. I hope Daniel kept those old newspapers instead of throwing them away. I'll ask him when these two leave.

They finally stand, satisfied, I guess, for the moment. This would have been so much worse if I hadn't agreed to be Daniel's slave that first day. I wonder what my alibi would have been then? Would I even have one? Lonely nights for sure. Maybe I would have found work like I had originally planned. Right now I'm literally just a kept woman. Daniel made it clear that he wanted to take care of me. I haven't even thought about the plans I had when arriving here. I've just been living day to day with anticipation of what he will plan for us next. No
Libby Lizzie Loo

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