
Chapter 3

Impossible! Roberts was awake!

The mere idea left Emily and Jason dumbfounded.

When the latter recovered, his face turned somber, and he gripped Emily's arm tightly. "You lied to me, didn't you? What I saw last night wasn't an illusion... Roberts really regained consciousness, didn't he? Oh, now I understand... That's why you suddenly turned against me!"

Since the man had already reached a conclusion, Emily didn't bother to explain anything. 

She simply shrugged off his grip and walked away with the servant.

Jason, on the other hand, was furious. He had wanted to hit her, but he didn't dare. Standing in the middle of the garden, he watched the girl's figure until she disappeared from his sight. Frustrated, he angrily kicked a nearby pot.

The Wilson family residence was a palatial complex with several buildings surrounded by flower gardens. Roberts lived in a small mansion on its own, close to the main garden. 

The air there was pure and well-lit, surrounded by bamboo and very peaceful.

It was undoubtedly a conducive environment for the recovery of a sick person, but not even the surrounding beauty was enough to ease Emily's concerns at that moment.

She couldn't stop thinking about Roberts and what had happened the night before. Had he really woken up? Had he heard the conversation between her and Jason?

What consequences could that have for her?

Her heart began to beat heavily in her chest, her face paled, and a flood of thoughts overwhelmed her mind.

As far as she knew, Roberts was no saint; he had a reputation for being ruthless and having connections to the underworld. It was said that anyone who dared to offend him wouldn't live to tell the tale... Was that her fate?

"Well, here we are," the servant said, snapping her out of her reverie.

After taking a deep breath, she opened the door and went in. Shortly after, Miller joined them in the house's foyer, having also heard the news that his son had woken up, and had returned in haste.

With respect, Emily bowed to greet him. Miller nodded briefly, and they entered Roberts's room together.

Around the bed, there was a group of doctors examining the patient.

Roberts was lying against the headboard with a blank stare and a frozen expression.

When he heard footsteps at the door, he turned his head to see who it was. His sharp eyes scanned Emily and settled on Miller. "Who is she?"

Although it was a simple question, the girl couldn't help but feel anxious.

Hadn't he sent for her? Why was he now asking for her identity?

She knew that Roberts could end her marriage whenever he wanted.

And if that happened, her plans for revenge would be ruined.

"She is your wife," Miller intervened before Emily could think of a response.

"My wife? Why don't I remember getting married?"

"Well, I arranged the marriage for you... The wedding was held yesterday, everyone knows about it already."

Miller seemed quite calm, as if he wasn't surprised by his son's sudden recovery.

At that moment, the head of the medical team finished examining him, but neither he nor the others wanted to leave or say anything to avoid being rude.

Clearing his throat, Miller asked, "How is he?"

"Well, although he has regained consciousness, he is not entirely well... His legs are immobile, and I'm afraid he may never walk again."

"Are you saying he's now disabled?" the patriarch asked incredulously.

Emily frowned when she saw a hint of relief on Miller's face.

"I'm afraid so, Mr. Wilson." The doctor sighed. "I recommend that he undergo physiotherapy sessions; that could help a lot."

"I understand... Thank you very much, you may leave now."

With a gesture, Miller dismissed them, and when they left, he turned to his son with a friendly smile. "Thank God you're back, son... Now you need to rest... Don't dwell too much on the doctor's words, I'll make arrangements for you to see the best physiotherapist, you'll be fine."

Having said that, he gestured for Emily to come closer. "She is Emily, your wife... She is the daughter of the Parker family and will take care of you from now on. You're in good hands."

"No! I'm a single man, I can't be married if I haven't given my consent... I'll ask my lawyer to start divorce proceedings immediately!" Roberts was not at all pleased.

Miller's face tightened as if he were suppressing his anger and replied, "Don't you dare, Roberts! Divorce is not an option, of course not."

But the young man only scoffed at him. "What makes you think you have the right to make decisions for me?"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Emily realized that neither of them would back down, and she began to feel nervous.

Miller was so angry that his body trembled. "You are married, and it's time you got used to that new reality. Besides, your wife has already been inseminated with your sperm, so she will soon be the mother of your child. I won't allow your divorce!"

"What! Did you put my sperm in this woman?" For the first time, Roberts stopped to look closely at Emily. His piercing eyes examined her from head to toe, and the corners of his lips suddenly twisted.

After a moment, he laughed mockingly and, indifferently, asked directly, "Miss Parker, what do you prefer, surgical abortion or medical abortion?”

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