


As I clutched my head, the world around me seemed to blur and fade away, leaving me alone with the overwhelming rush of memories from my past. Each memory hit me like a wave, crashing against the shores of my mind, bringing with it a torreny of burden and agony. Amidst this chaotic whirlwind of thiughts and emotions, a shocking image flashed before my eyes, a man falling from a bovering building, descending towards the unforgiving earth. The realization slowly dawned upon me, confusion and disbelief filled my mind as I looked up, desperately searching for answers. And then there was a glimpse of someone, a figure in the distance. Was that me? The connection between my uncertain memoryes and the present moment became tantalizingly close and as I looked down, my heart sank, a surge of horror washed over me. There, laying lifeless on the ground was a man with blood pouring from his head. The sight was gruesome and haunting, leaving me questioning the reality if what I had
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