


It was the long line of traders and village people I saw first, tracing the queue until I saw the beefy armored soldiers at the foot of the large aluminum gates of the Cove Wolf Pack.

The blinding fluorescent lights were channeled toward the line of dark trees that surrounded the clearing. We had abandoned the horses a long time ago as we neared the sordid walls and it took every shred of control I had not to spiral into the bloodlust that was fast pumping through my veins.

“You sure we can't just charge in, kill these motherfuckers and get your girl?” Klein Markov growled and I chuckled at how the assassin had read my thoughts word for word.

“No. We don't want to risk that Alaric bastard taking a knife to her neck.” Michael hissed and I grunted, knowing the slimy bastard was just one to play dirty like that.

“Come on. Follow me.” I hissed, rising to my feet and dusting the dirt from my clothes much to the men’s astonishment.

“Anthony, have you lost your goddamned mind?!
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