
Chapter 3: The Contract Terms


I watched as Olivia signed the contract with trembling fingers and enjoyed every moment of it. She was now mine, and hopefully, with time, she would be just as excited about this arrangement as I was.

“Good job,” I said as soon as she handed me the contract with a sour expression.

“Now, the terms are very simple.” I put the contract away, sat back again on my chair, and leaned back.

"You are my pet. Which means you do as you are told and when you are told.”

She looked at me in surprise.

“So you expect me to be on a leash like a bloody dog?” Her nostrils flared.

“Tempting but no. You will dress up accompany me to dinner parties, charm my associates, and be available when I need you.”

“And what do I get in return for all of this?”

“You get to keep your old man alive and debt-free once the term period expires, and you get to be under my protection.”

I said, intentionally keeping my voice low, my eyes never leaving her lips.

I could tell from her body that she didn't agree with any of the things I had said, but she knew as well as I did that she didn't exactly have a choice in the matter.

“Are we clear?”

Olivia nodded.

With the business of the day concluded, there was no point in dragging the meeting any further.

“I'm glad.” I stood and she did the same.

“And another thing…” I wanted her full attention.

“If you ever pull a stunt like the one you did last week, there is no telling what's going to happen to Henry.”

I saw a shiver go through her, but she steeled herself, refusing to let me see her fear.

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "I will get Rosa to show you around. You smell like you could do with some hot bath."

She winced at my words.

I led her out of the office, and we walked to the kitchen. And found Rosa doing what she did best. Cooking.

"Rosa, this is Olivia, Olivia Rosa." Rosa gave Olivia a warm smile and sat her wooden spoon down to come closer.

"Nice to meet you, Olivia, if you need anything I'm here." She said in a her soft motherly voice.

Rosa had been with the family since my sister and I were babies. She has all the patience in the world, just what Olivia needed right now.

"There. I have work to do, I should be home in time for dinner." I pulled Olivia aside and whispered to her.

"No funny business, and don't give Rosa a hard time."

"Yes, sir," she said with sarcasm.

I loved that fire, but she needed to get it under control before it got her into trouble.


Rosa was kind and patient. She showed me around the estate with cheerfulness. If she noticed that I wasn't interested, she didn't show it.

After moving about looking at a house I had no interest in, Rosa showed me to my room. I closed the door behind me. Finally, I could enjoy some peace.

I would never admit it out loud, but the room in which Rosa had left me was as close to heaven as I was going to get.

The room exuded a serene calm, with its cream walls that had a golden appearance from the golden light that peeked in through the heavy orange velvet curtains.

The bed was in itself a masterpiece, and I saw myself getting lost between its covers.

The fatigue from the previous week came back with more vengeance once I set my eyes off the bed.

But like Leonardo had said, I needed a hot bath.

I moved to the only door that was in the room, assuming that it was the bathroom when a knock sounded from the door.

I opened the door, expecting to find Rosa standing on the other side of the door.

But to my surprise, the woman who met me on the other side of the door was not the humble-looking housekeeper from earlier.

The moment I opened the door, she raised a well-shaped eyebrow and took all of me in.

"When Leonardo said he had a new pet, I thought he was joking." She said, still looking at me in my famous attire that I was certain must have looked like rags compared to what she was wearing.

"I'm sorry, you must be wondering. I'm Anna, I take it Leo didn't tell you about me."

She extended a well-manicured hand and I wanted to shake it but was afraid to stain it.

She pulled her hand back. "No worry, maybe next time." She seemed to get the hint.

"I'm sorry, he said nothing," I said without introducing myself. Not that I was interested in Leonardo's life and the people who surrounded him.

"I'll leave you to relax in your new quarters." The last part was meant as a jab, but I didn't entertain her.

As soon as she left the door, I closed it and went for my much-needed bath.

The water was warm and by the time I was done, I could have sworn that god favoured the rich. The bathtub had been as big as my bed back in my flat.

When I opened the bathroom door. I stopped in my tracks. Someone had been in the room, there were clean clothes on the bed.

Still wrapped in a towel. I inspected the items of clothing. Although they were slightly bigger, they were much better than what I had on earlier.

I dressed as fast as I could and looked at my reflection in the mirror. The cotton pants were bigger, but I had pulled the waist tighter and the top was loose. I didn't need to look sexy for anyone.

A light tap came from the door and I got up to open it.

It was Rosa, holding a tray of food.

"I thought you might be hungry." She came in and put the tray down.

She stood with her hands in front of her.

"Thank you, Rosa, and thank you for the clothes."

She seemed surprised by my words

"I'm afraid I was not responsible for the clothes." She said, her cheeks gaining color.

"Then who left them, I thought it was you." I showed her the clothes.

"Mrs De Luca?" she asked, and I gasped.

"Oh," I said.

I wanted to ask more but didn't want to seem nosy.

So if the cute lady from earlier was Leonardo's wife.

Then why the heck was Leonardo after me when he already had a wife at home?

"Thank you for the food." I put on a bright smile, If I was going to survive in this jungle I would need at least one person on my team, and why not start with Rosa?

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