
Chapter 5 Black Silky Dress


The day went by so slowly after my time with Anna outside. I went inside and stayed in my room for the rest of the day.

I was looking forward to seeing the package that Leonardo had mentioned earlier. I hoped he didn't mean what I thought he meant. Gosh, I was so screwed. The longer I thought about it. The more real it got. Around seven thirty there was still no package, I left the room to go take a shower.

After I took a shower, I opened the door to my bedroom to find two black boxes wrapped in black ribbon on top of the bed.

Oh, so this was how he was going to play it. Sneak in while I took a shower.

I opened the smallest box on top first. It was light, as though it might contain very little or nothing significant.

But that was as far from the truth as it got, inside was a wristwatch, and not just any watch. It was the wristwatch we had looked at earlier. The exact same one Anna had shown me earlier.

I threw the box back into the bed.

That was the reason for all the million questions he'd been throwing at me about a watch that I said I wouldn't wear.

Now…if he thought I was that easy, he had another thing coming.

After I put the watch aside, I opened the larger box of the two.

“Let's see what Mr Leonardo has in store for us tonight. ”

A black silky dress, wrapped in a protective tissue paper.

I held it up.

The fabric felt lovely against my hands and not to mention it was also pretty on the eyes.

A knock sounded from the door, I folded the dress and put it back in its box and closed it.

“Don't tell you haven't dressed yet.” Anna said as soon as I opened the door.

“I was just looking at-” I gestured towards the boxes on the bed.

“Your packages came?” She exclaimed and walked past me, straight for the boxes on the bed.

Her dress trailing behind her. She was wearing a beige evening gown that left little to the imagination.

Nonetheless, she still looked good and well put together, “You look nice.” I said, standing awkwardly behind the door.

“Thank you,” she looked at me over her shoulder.

“You will too once you get dressed.” She picked up the small box and smiled. “He got you the watch, didn't he?” It was hard not to like her when she had on that stupid grin.

“He did, right after I told him I wouldn't wear it.” I picked up the box with the dress and opened it. It was a beautiful gown, even though he was the one who bought it.

“I'd never known Leo to take orders very well. You do know that he expects you to wear it, right?” she raised an eyebrow.

“I know what he expects, but I'm not wearing it.” I sat on the bed with a sigh. Anna threw herself next to me.

“I know how you're feeling, but trust me, it's just easier when you follow their instructions than to fight them, in the end, it's never worth it.” She said, looking like she was remembering her own struggles.

I sat up straighter. “Did he make you go through the same thing?” I asked, “I mean with the watches and all.”

There were a lot of unspoken words behind that simple sentence. .

She looked at me up from her daze and put on her smile. “Who, me? He wouldn't dare. Now come, let's get you ready, you don't want to miss the speeches.” She took the dress and I stepped inside it.

“Speeches?” I asked.

“Yes, we are attending a fundraising event, the speeches are long and boring.” She was taking out the watch and laying it on the bed, her intentions clear.

“Why would I want to listen to long, boring speeches?” I shifted my gown into the right place.

“Because it's expected of us. Don't worry, we will be bored together, come let's see the dress.”

“Sounds like a lot of expectations, do we have to go?” I pulled the stripes over my shoulders.

“Yes, all the De Luca women must show up at these events.” She said zipping me up.

I smothered out the front and sat back down on the bed, feeling my stomach turn. “How many women does the De Luca family have.” What I really wanted to ask was how many Leonardo had.

She chuckled at my question, “Oh. You'll see.”

Downstairs, Leonardo was waiting in a black Tux. And if I was being honest, he looked damn good in it.

He looked at both me and Anna as we made a descent down the stairs. “I see you found your package.” He said to me, his eyes roaming freely on my body.

As soon as we stepped onto the landing, I stood in front of him with my hands folded against my chest.

“When can I see my father?” I asked, feeling a sudden jolt of anger go through me the longer he stared at my exposed collarbone.

“I'll be in the car.” Anna said, and no one spoke a single word as we listened to the clicking of her shoes fading away.

Leonardo closed the distance between us, he touched my arm and unfolded it as though he was holding something delicate in his hands. 

His thumb rubbed gently on the watch on my wrist. “It is a beautiful watch, isn't it?” I looked at it, it was indeed beautiful. 

He unclasped the watch and held it in his hands. 

“Did you know it has your initials on it?”

He showed me the back of the watch, I had not taken the time to look at it. It indeed had my initials on the back. 

How the heck did he manage that in such a short space of time? I was both impressed and annoyed. 

Without warning, he took my wrist and squeezed hard, instantly stopping the blood flow and hurting me like hell. “But no matter how beautiful, beautiful things can be replaced, Olivia.” 

“You're hurting me.” I winced in pain. Suddenly afraid. 

He let go of my arm and I rubbed the tender flesh, stumbling backwards and hitting the stairs with the back of my heels. The bastard left a mark on my skin.

He looked at me and a cold shiver went through me. 

“Remember what I said, everything is replaceable.” His message loud and clear. 

He shoved the watch at me, “Put this on.” and turned on his heel.  

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