
Aching Heart


My world stumbled apart, and my heart shattered. I felt my feet weakened when those words were uttered; I was barely able to say a word when two hefty men arrived; without touching me, they managed to get a hold of me with the aid of chains. I was expecting my husband to say something or to do something, yet he was silent. His hands were knitted into a tight fist, adding to his creased brows. It was evident that he didn't like what he was doing, but I know he was torn between saving his pack or his Luna.

"Please wait." I urged the hefty men who were dragging me to stop dragging me, and they did.

"Before I leave, I want to tell Rhain that you are making the wrong decision." With that said, I was taken to the old pack house, meant for omegas.

Minutes went by, followed by hours, and then my uncalled and lonely days followed suit. resulting in traumatizing weeks of pain and horror. I am now cuddled in the old, cranky pack house. I curled my feet while allowing another set of tears to make their way down my cheeks.

I have been lonely in here, with no maids, water, or good food. I believe the omegas are living better than me. I just wish Rhain could at least come to see me, or at least my parents. I am now living in misery and loneliness.

Another week has collapsed; there is still no sign of a living soul, yet I can't escape because I'm too weak to do that.

I was stunned when I heard a knock on the door. I decided to check the door. I was shocked when I saw Mae; her eyes sparkled with so much happiness as she hugged me.

"I miss you so much, sister," she said happily.

"H... how could you touch me? I thought they had instructed the entire pack not to touch me, or he or she would be executed."

"Yes, my mom has to plead with the alpha to let me stay with you because mom has been in torture just from the thought of you being here; she hardly eats knowing that you are not eating well."

When my sister said that, my feet betrayed me as I gently allowed myself to fall to the ground. I was thinking about my mother, and I felt my heart beat faster at the thought of what she might be going through emotionally.

But at least, I was happy that Mae was here. While we were together, I felt safe again, and I was no longer lonely like I used to. I recalled the way I always had the thought of ending it all by committing suicide, but the thought of Rhain changing his mind made me stop whenever I was about to take my life.

Another week went by. Mae prepared a hot soup; she brought it to me. I smiled because it was well garnished, and it felt like ages since I had eaten something this delicious. I devoured the content in the bowl as Mae just watched in awe.

"Mmm, how did you manage to get the ingredients for this soup?" I inquired while licking my mouth.

She moves closer to me as she whispers, "Mum has been coming to give us some ingredients." She smiled.

I was overwhelmed knowing my mother still cared; we chatted heartily again; I felt free again; and I laughed so hard while clutching my tummy as we continued talking. A knock alerted us to the presence of someone; we went to see who it was. We opened the door, and there Rhain was. I was baffled as to why he was here.


He raised his hand, stopping me from continuing my sentence: "I am here to tell you that the omegas are coming to clean you up and give you decent clothes and a meal. You and your sister can be working for the Alphas pack house with the Omegas." He said it, his deep, husky voice etched with authority. I could see his eyes; no warmth or tenderness lingered when he saw me for the first time after weeks. While looking at him right now, I am certain that he is slowly losing the love he once had for me.

He left. I was still standing by the door. I held on to the doorframe. It hurts—it hurts. Why can't he look at me with a little bit of warmth? What is happening?

We both got ready as we left with my sister for the Omegas pack house. We worked tirelessly with the Omegas. Some of them talked with us with no ounce of respect, spatting and saying all manner of words that managed to degrade me even lower than an omega. I clenched my fist, always trying to hold back my anger whenever they uttered words without a sense of reasoning.

We were told by Martha, who was in charge of the cooking, to take the food trays and serve the food to the alphas. It was a great insult to my name as the daughter of great beta Jariel. I hate to admit it, but it hurts so much. Knowing fully well, I can no longer be seen as the once respected Luna of the pack.

We took the plates and tray with my sister to the Alphas Packhouse. I was so exhausted, yet I still managed to take the food to the pack house. On reaching there, I was told by Martha that I'd be serving Alpha Rhain in his chamber. I nodded. I wanted to see him, at least. I don't know why I care this much, even though he has managed to hurt me.

On reaching there, I adjusted my dress a little, trying to be a bit appealing. I knock gently.

"Get in."

I walked in, my heart racing and my smile sprawling, but my heart shattered when I saw his hands wrapped around a young lady. I let the tray of food fall freely to the ground, causing a shrieking noise in the chamber. Both Rhain and the lady turned to look at me. I was very hurt the very moment I set my eyes on Mynth; she was my lastborn sister. They had locked lips and were embracing each other.

"Rhain...." A gentle voice of mine echoed.

"Why did you have to do that, Lyraea? Can't you at least get the chance to serve us? Yes, I had wanted to tell you, but since you have managed to see it for yourself, I want to tell you that Mynth, from now on, will take over your position in the next few weeks after the official party is held."

I felt my world crumbling down. I ran out of the hall. My heart ached so badly that I wished to rip it out of my chest. I never knew that it'd be this painful. I tried to shed a tear to ease the burning pain, but I couldn't.

"Lyraea, Lyraea!" My sister called, but I was unbothered by her presence. I continued running, and she also followed me to the dark alleys and forest. We reached the dark and creepy forest. I had to pause to take a deep breath. "You have to let him be." She said.

"No, this can't be happening, no." I shook my head, not accepting the reality.

"Get a hold of yourse_"

My sister was about to continue her sentence, but not until she heard a loud growl, followed by a piercing howl of pain. We followed the source of the growl, and my sister insisted on going back, but my curious mind urged me to go further. On reaching the source of the loud growl, I almost ran back in horror.

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