


I couldn't move. I wanted to run back and alert the pack members, but something urged me to go further and know what was happening. I couldn't tell what creature was standing in front of me. The creature was covered in fur. 'Could it be a wolf like us?' I thought inwardly. But otherworldly, he looked more different than a wolf; who was this creature?

The creature let out a piercing cry; it was clear it was in pain, and it fell to the ground with a loud thud. I rushed to help. Something in me is urging me to do so and telling me that I just have to. "No, don't go near that beast," Mae warned me, but I still went ahead to help the creature. My heart was beating so fast that I could feel it beating rapidly as I went closer.

I looked closer; the creature that was recently covered in fur was slowly transforming into a man.

My jaw dropped when I saw a man; his eyes were closed, but his long silver hair was still evident, and his lips were as red as cherries. His nose was a compartment of two holes with pointy flesh, giving him an otherworldly appearance. His skin was beautiful; it was as clear as olive. His cheekbones were well carved, adding to his rare long eyelashes that are still yet to be opened. His well-carved eyebrows made him look even more special in a way I couldn't describe. My heart was beating so fast. He had a well-carved jaw, and with his strong muscles, he looked a bit feminine as well as more masculine. He was wearing dark pants with a top that was made of the purest silk. His simple outfit was already demanding authority, despite his eyes being closed.

I felt my body betray me as I went closer to him. When I touched his skin, it felt so soft.

"Come, Mae, let's take him to the old pack house."

"You can't be serious, Lyraea; you don't know who he is or where he came from," Mae said as she turned to leave. I have always known her to be adamant. So I tried to carry him alone, but he was very heavy. I was relentless, but I still struggled all by myself to see if I could carry him. Mae let out a deep sigh as she decided to help me. We took him to the old pack house while making sure that no one was watching us. When we reached the pack house, we laid him on the wooden bed. We were very exhausted, and I felt my heart rapidly beating as I stared at him in awe.

Time goes by so fast; it starts with hours, then days, and then weeks, but yet he hasn't woken up. Me and my sister tried to help him as much as we could by giving him herbs. Sometimes he would wake up in the night, screaming in agony and shrieking in fear as he would be sweating profusely, but yet he never opened his eyes.

I just want him to wake up so he can go back to where he came from. We both went with my sister to the kitchen to prepare a meal for the alphas. While we were cooking, I was called by Martha to clean Rhain's room. I was hesitant; I didn't want to go there, knowing the traumatizing experience I had earlier on was not something I'd want to happen again.

With hesitation, I took a bucket full of water and a piece of clothing as I went to his chamber. I took a deep breath, then I walked in. My heart was beating so fast when I knocked.

"You can come in." The husky voice of Rhain resonated at the other end. I took a deep breath while consoling myself that everything would be okay, but I knew deep within me that everything was okay.

I walked in. My heart palpitated when I saw Rhain locking lips with Mynth again. He had managed to wrap his hand around her waist while bringing her closer to himself. I clenched my fist as I watched them. I fought the urge not to shed a tear for him. Yes, right now I am pretending like I don't care, like it doesn't hurt, but it sure did.

I adjusted my voice to alert them to my presence. Some part of me wished he could still stare at me with a little bit of warmth in his eyes, but rather, his eyes were cold and unperturbed. I managed to swallow the huge lump in my throat as I started cleaning the room.

"Who called you here to clean my room?" He asked.

"It was Martha that had instructed me, Alpha," I said, indicating his title, something I have never done because we were so close to each other.

When I was eventually done, I took a deep breath before I left, but before I could leave, I felt a strong hand holding my wrist. I turned to see who it was. It was Mynth; I was beside the door when she just did that, so I believe Rhain can't hear us.

"Since you were once my elder sister, I'd like to tell you that Rhain is mine, and you have no right to be in his life again."

"Okay," was all I said as I turned to leave.

"Is that all you are going to say?"

"What else do you want me to say, Mynth? You gave me an instruction as the future Luna of this pack, which Rhain had already proclaimed. I don't want to waste my breath talking to you, Mynth; enough is enough."

I left; I didn't wait for her to continue her sentence. From the side of my eye, I could see the creased brows on her forehead and the way she had tightly clenched her fist. It felt a little good to put her in her place, knowing it was our last born who had the nerve to talk to me the way she did, which riles me up.

On reaching outside, Mae held my hand as she whispered to my ears, "Come, come, the handsome demigod. has woken up."

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