

Keith’s POV  

“What in the fucking world is going on?” I exclaimed as I grabbed Veronika’s arm and pulled her just in time to avoid a zipping arrow from hitting her.

Thundering footsteps resounded in the hall as a group of about a hundred guards armed with guns and bowstrings rushed inside. They spread out quickly and formed a tight circle around me and Veronika. 

I pulled Veronika behind me in a protective gesture and looked around; my mind reeling with ideas and strategies to get out of here. My eyebrows furrowed seeing the familiar weapons in the hands of the guards. “You don’t seem to be the guards from the Moonmist Pack… Who are you?”

They didn’t reply to my question. However, the guards in front of me stepped to their side, making a narrow path. A few moments later, three men marched into view.

My heart skipped a beat and my eyes widened in shock seeing when I r

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