
Author: Blacmisa


The soft glow of light flickered through the window, casting shadows on the walls as we lay tangled in each other's arms. The air was filled with the sweet scent of jasmine, and the sound of our gentle breathing was the only sound in the room. I gently leaned in, feeling a bit nervous but extremely excited. Reaching for his lips, I grabbed his hair pulling him closer to me, gently. Our lips locked in, the kiss started slowly and gradually deepened. His hands found their way to my tiny waist, pulling me closer. Our bodies pressed against each other. He slid his fingers into my already wet pussy and I let out a soft moan. I was trying to catch my breath as his fingers moved in deeper ***

I paused to refill our tequila glasses from the pitcher and chuckled at my best friend, Kim. Her big, brown eyes were wide open, and she was leaning so far forward that I feared she might topple over. She was normally the one with the sexy stories, so I was enjoying having one of my own, for once.

We were seated at our usual table for our Sunday night ritual, tacos and margaritas at Biggie's eatery. Biggie's was an island-themed restaurant that reminded me of the thatch-roofed eatery where my parents used to take me when we went on our annual trek to the Nairobi Keys. Even though Biggie's was located in Colleen Shores, Nairobi - about as far from the tropics as could be, it was usually teeming with patrons, both locals and tourists.

Biggie let us have the best seats in the house with a fantastic view of the lake, even though we were given "family pricing." kim had been a waitress at the restaurant for over two years, but Biggie knew never to schedule her to work on a Sunday night. Our girls' nights were sacred.

Kim grabbed the pitcher from my hand and quickly sloshed more of the frozen concoction into our glasses. "Go on," she demanded.

***"My fingers were shaking as I unbuttoned his shirt." Only Kim knew of my insecurities in the bedroom and the reasoning behind them. She nodded, encouraging me to continue with my play by play.

"I refused to give in to my fears. So, I ran my hands along his flat abs and over his chest as I removed his shirt and tossed it to the floor. I kissed his neck and nibbled on his ear, he undid the buttons on my shoulder and lowered my dress. That's when he discovered that I hadn't been able to wear a bra because of the open back style of my dress. I think he liked that." I smiled and chuckled, remembering the look of awe in his eyes as he gazed at my ample breasts***

"I bet he did!" Kim hooted with laughter. She looked terrific, as usual, with her brunette pixie haircut and huge, brown eyes. She oozed sexual confidence, but she had admitted to me on more than one occasion that she was totally jealous of my chestiness. My boobs were, in fact, one of my only body parts that I felt were above average.

***"He used just the right amount of pressure as he rubbed his thumbs over my taut nipples. Then he began kissing and licking and nibbling his way down me. My whole body quaked when he suckled on my breast. I ran my fingers through his hair and arched my back toward him as he gently tugged on my nipple with his teeth."***

"Everything okay tonight, ladies?" Biggie asked. Neither of us had seen him approach the table, and we were startled by the interruption.

"We're fine." Kim snapped the words, causing Biggie to hold up his hands in mock surrender as he made a quick retreat.

Kim let out a deep breath as if she'd been holding it. "Geez, Kylie, this story is making me horny. I'm going to have to find a hot guy to hook up with and work off some of this sexual tension."

I wondered for the hundredth time if Kim ever wanted a more serious intimate relationship than the booty calls and one-night stands that she currently enjoyed. She seemed to be content with her life, so I had never pushed the issue with her.

"So?" Kim prompted impatiently.

"Where was I?" I asked, perplexed.

"Nipples, teeth, tugging," she reminded me.

"Oh, right. In one smooth move, he slid my dress and underwear off. I stepped out of them and stood before him wearing only those ridiculous Gucci heels that you talked me into buying. He seemed to like the view, too."

"They are fabulous shoes. I'm glad to hear you finally put them to good use. Did you wear them the whole time?"

I nodded, smiling, before continuing. "I struggled to undo the snap of his jeans as he eased me back on the bed. He lifted one of my legs and rubbed my ankle as he began kissing his way up my pussy, after which he ate me good.

He positioned himself in front of me and started thrusting himself inside me. Because I was dripping wet, his dick just slid inside my p***y. First, he pushed a little and pulled out, then he thrust again, inch by inch tearing me apart.

Panting and gasping for breath, he crept his mouth towards my breasts again. He was sucking my breasts and thrusting his dick into my pussy at the same time, my body's emerging to a feeling of wanting to explode. He went in and out, in and out of my mystique spot. "Yh...yh...mmh....", were the words that came out of me. He paused for a moment to look up at me with the most gorgeous green eyes I'd ever seen. He looked directly at me and uttered the words, 'You're so beautiful.' I was panting and aching with need for him to carry on.

"Uh-huh," Kim said, urging me on when I paused.

"Then the alarm went off."

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